Overly Chatty Penguins
The Ready Room => Off Topic => Topic started by: Diablus on November 07, 2004, 01:47:38 PM
Im sure most of you have heard, or tried this game.
Its still in Beta 1 but suprisingly the graphics, models, and animations are pretty slick.
Though after the first hour of playing you get bored because it gets a bit repetative. Bolt action rifles, and nades going off everywhere and bayonetting silly enemies as well as beating them with a club (thats right, if your the bomber class you get the pwnage stick)
Linkeh (http://www.thetrenches.net)
and yes, synchronized Bayonet rushes can easily own enemy defense positions
Since it's beta 1 stationary MG's and gas havent been implimented. So right now its bayo's, grenades, Bolt Action Rifles, and Pwnage Clubs :lol:
but im looking foward to be playing with the LM community!
Bayonet owns everything, i just ran around killing everything with my BAYONET OF DOOM.
Insert statement about how the Treanches sucks and how you would need at least 100 people to play a good game of it here.
I tried playing that game. It was boring and lagy. I didn't really like it.
Games not laggy <_< but it all depends on peoples computers. NS and DOD run like **** on my comp but for some reason this mod runs very smoothly.
All you really need is a 10v10 on certain maps which make things seem like its a 30v30 because of the masses upon masses rushing to cap positions.
I will admit that the game gets boring after awhile, but games where you have teamwork and, people with mics. Games get very intense and fun :lol:
except for that map tt_trapped <_< all it becomes is a helmet camming snipe fest with the rifles v_v but then again its ONLY beta 1
man, ppl are still making NEW mods for HL? craaazaaay! :o