Are these filters automatic, or are we so famous that schools see us as a threat?
i think schools see as a threat since as you can clearly see the penguin looks ready to strike :p
Your at school and you have nothing to about you know...learning?
err currently we're making dumb lil VB apps which take me like 10 minutes to do and he gives the class like a week to work on em. so i have lots of free time during that class >_>
Your at school and you have nothing to about you know...learning?
A friend of mine recently created a statement that's been proving to be true: "If you want to get an education, go to scool; If you want to learn, read a book."
"Education" meaning a school facility of some sort 'officially' marking that we've completed whatever courses we've taken; I can literally complete all of the classes I'm in (well, not the P.E. classes) by reading the books and taking notes on them.
Bleh... I've got you beat!
I'm at home instead of work and I can barely type because I fell down the stairs last night while going down to get a drink and slid riiiiiight down.
Surprisingly I was actually ok except I tore lots of skin off the side of my right hand. No blood or anything because it wasn't deep but it HURTS and moving my pinky is surmount to heavy amounts of pain so touchtyping, moving the mouse and lifting stuff are kinda high on my list of things to avoid doing as much as possible today ^^;
get well soon!
oh and nuketheplace, when a site comes up blocked, look at the php string, and then change the &warningcode=block to "warningblock" then click the 2nd link down, which is view the site now
bess sucks >:D