Overly Chatty Penguins
The Ready Room => Media => Mapping => Topic started by: A Boojum Snark on July 19, 2004, 12:51:14 AM
After working on this for a half hour I just had to post it :p
I know the Marathon engine would choke, sputter and die if you did something like that. Tell me, will this completely kill off your r-speeds or something, or will it look good and not cause much of a performance hit?
It shouldn't be much of a problem. It has it's own curved hallway so the r_speeds should be fine since its not in the middle of another room with details and such.
whoa thats pretty spiffy, wish i have those 1337 m4pp1ng sk1llz
Hahaha, rainbow stairway to heaven!
Vertex manipulation for teh win. :D
very nice creation there ABS
That is dead sexy, do I smell plans for putting it in TLMM?
great job. now turn it into a prefab and create a room with hundres of those to show off how '1337' you are.
I could probably do that... well... not with hammer editor, it's too hard for me. I'm just learning to make maps for UT2k4 for my level design class. If the hammer editor was as easy to use as the Unreal Editor I'd be pumping out NS maps faster than you could name all digits in pi backwards while balancing a narcaleptic midget on your head and speaking in latin.
I'd be pumping out NS maps faster than you could name all digits in pi backwards while balancing a narcaleptic midget on your head and speaking in latin.
thorax wins.
Thanky :D
tak: no, its going in my own map I've been slowly working on for a few months.
incase you haven't noticed it looks very hawt
very nice.. looks awsome, and dooable with vertex, must take forever though...
very nice.. looks awsome, and dooable with vertex, must take forever though...
forever means nothing or resident chocolate chip cookie... oh wait forever would be too long for a chocolate chip cookie :ph34r:
keep up the good work there abs
I did the basic structure in about 15 minutes, texturing is taking abit longer because of Hammer's God-awful texture alignment system.
It's really not too hard to make. Just make a big arch, say, 1024x1024, 16 units tall, With 8 segments, 256 units thick, 90 degree sweep angle, and 16 unit add height.
Change grid resolution to 2, and split all the created brushes into two triangular sections. Then vertex manip them together into a ramp.
Texture alignment is a LOT harder, working on that now, I'll let you lot know when I find out how to make it pretty looking.
EDIT: OK, Got the texturing figured out.
Turn your 3D view on wireframe, and go to the center of the circle of the arch. Fly STRAIGHT up until you have a good view of the object.
Align the Cursor with each edge that runs towards the center, and "ALIGN TO VIEW" the textures on both sides of it. Do this for all sides.
Go back to a 3D Textured view. Look for the sets of textures that have the same alignment, select them both, click "treat as one" and then FIT. Repeat for all the couples of faces, until the whole staircase is aligned.
Screenshot of finished product:
Ooo, Legion has skills too. :D
Very nice. Now these need to be implemented into some maps.
EDIT: Damn my spelling.
Too bad HL sucks at textures like so, hope HL2 hammer editor works out MUCH better :/.
Pah, I align my difficult textures with math :p I figure out how many degrees each segment is between each other and such, use trig when making the wall follow the angle of a ramp, etc. The result is much better this way (*scrambles off to get a picture*)
edit: here si pictar
very nice pictar there ABS keep up the good work and finish your ns map or at least get us a beta to play test <3
i really want to pt your map soon ^_^
Yeeeeaaaa.... >_> I've kinda slacked off on it for various reason. :(
if your map isn't going to be completed, could you donate hawt ramp to TLM map? <3
Would it be possible to build or drop items on that terrain?
Looks very nice. Too bad you can't stretch one side only, as in:
| |
turns into
\ /
So you have better aligned textures. But oh well! Great anyway.
2of8: yes you can drop things on it.
tak: I don't think I have the ramp anymore... and even if I do the map has been "zazied" (point at which progress has become so slow it is impossible to determine if progress has stopped or not.) :p
I know what being zazied is, I've played since 1.xx :D
and since progress really hasn't stopped, it's just slowed to the point where it can't be distinquished, and since no more file I guess thats a negator :o :)
Oh the map is still there, I just don't remember whether or not I deleted the ramp... *opens hammer....* I guess it is still there, but I've always been very greedy about my work :p
I am also tempted to say the LM map is close to being zazied too, so there ain't really a point in donating my ramp :p I suppose if the map actually moves along and gets into playable betas I would toss in my ramp if there is somewhere it would fit.
(and other people may not know what zazied means even if you do ;))
good point on others not knowing the term >_<
and since the possibility of the ramp being donated exists if the map get to playable beta I ordain myself with the task of making sure it reaches that point[and has a suitable spot for the ramp]
it would be awesome if it could get to a playable beta stage cause then I can run around the map and get ideas and the like for the backstory :D