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Topics - Niteowl

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5
Off Topic / Irc Gold Babay!
« on: April 08, 2004, 01:27:09 AM »
i just thought this was pure IRC gold, it happens rarely, things truly comedic, imho. but this is one of them, and i wasn't a part of it!! :(

this happened in lm-admins, so.. i wasn't sure where i was allowed to post it.

[23:02] <Architeuthis> "IE5 and the e-commerce site I am affilited with are very secure.... you don't have to trust me on that if you wish.. But you will agree that most people will be buying 50% of everything the buy online by 2004 "
[23:02] <Architeuthis> THE FUTURE
[23:03] <Ness> apparently the future lacks spellcheck
[23:03] <Architeuthis> Oh wait we ARE in 2004!
[23:03] <Architeuthis> I GUESS THIS GUY IS FULL OF CRAP!
[23:03] <Architeuthis> That quote is from 1999
[23:03] <Architeuthis> He sure managed to predict everything
[23:04] <Ness> oh yeah, totally
[23:04] <Ness> i buy half of my food online
[23:04] <Architeuthis> I bought half of this shirt online!
[23:04] <Architeuthis> I got the other half off a dead hobo.
[23:04] <Ness> nice Arch
[23:04] <Architeuthis> But I sowed it on with needle and thread I bought online!
[23:05] <Architeuthis> Man I always my laptop when I go to the drugstore to buy a candybar
[23:06] <Architeuthis> And they're like "It'll be 1$"
[23:06] <Architeuthis> And I'm like "Hold on there, Charlie McClerk, lemme PAYPAL you this money!"
[23:06] <Ness> The McClerk was a nice touch
[23:25] *** Puddy1 is now known as Puddy1|sleep
[23:28] <Architeuthis> Ness is the strongest man alive.
[23:28] <Architeuthis> He lifts weights and eats trees.
[23:28] <Ness> If they are hotpocket trees
[23:28] <Ness> sure

Off Topic / Tsa
« on: March 26, 2004, 09:12:44 AM »
if yer in TSA, please wear the tag :) what's the point in being in a organization that promotes teamwork and sportsmanship if youcan't identify each other, say HULLO!

it also helps to serve as a reminder to be frienndly and helpful (which i've needed to do in midst of some out of control commrage).

Off Topic / Ns Haikus!
« on: March 10, 2004, 09:52:15 AM »
here's a few  i made

move it marines NOW
get to your goddamn waypoint
you bloody sissies

hold the zone longer
are you bereft of honour
wait for order, hold

keep your pet theories
i have no interest in them
just follow my lead

you are the man flex
you get my RTs quickly
crucial in my plans

do not talk back grunt
i will be forced to commrage
this you do not want

no guns for you now
you rambo insolently
you have lost honour

stealth, intelligence
you are truly blackops sir
build my PG, PHASE!

blasted fades killing!
my men, my brave men, lie strewn
should have upgraded

unbalanced teams, damn
my marines die left and right
here comes the gorge rush

stop requesting now
you have nary a scratch sir
medpacks are costly

march on, march on rines
your thunderous steps echo
a beautiful train

weapons free men
you have earned this win
the hive wilts from fire

music truly, sings
from forth canons sonic come
now silence, hive dead

resource dominance
a commmanders dream, truly
i give toys freely

divine wind cometh
we cower, we falter, fall
three hives, mark us dead

cower not good rines
now go forth into the fray
shotguns shred OCs

General / Not Sure If Anyone Cares
« on: March 09, 2004, 01:47:41 PM »
so that means you europeans/ppl who live weird hours can get a bit of owl commrage (ppl seem to be curious what it's like?). i'll try and start playing in the morning 10am PST (-8 GMT) on LM. would be nice ot see DHP and the rest of yous who i only via IRC flava :)

if you have no interest in playing with me/don't know/don't care who i am, please disregard this message :)

Off Topic / Wireless Mice
« on: February 16, 2004, 12:25:13 PM »
so i got the nifty new Logitech Cordless KB and mouse with super fast MX RF technology!! i thought that all the complaints about it laggin was noticed only by the uber leet..
sadly, i was wrong. it seems to lag a hella lot, and sometimes gets stuck..

anyone have a wireless? or any clues on how to get  working smoother?

Off Topic / A Link For You Magic Fans
« on: February 05, 2004, 09:19:53 AM »

Off Topic / Anime
« on: February 03, 2004, 12:55:03 PM »
i'm a fairly nubcaek when it comes to anime, and would like to watch some more good anime.. i guess good is kinda a broad subjective term.

i've seen a few anime films:
princess monoke
ghost in the shell
cowboy bebop, the movie

err. i think that's it. i pretty much liked it all. yeah, soo for all the nipponophiles [sic?], gimme some titles to watch! :D

Off Topic / I Know Some Of You Play Magic...
« on: January 29, 2004, 02:37:50 PM »
so i figured you might find this link interesting:

Off Topic / A True Geek Car
« on: January 23, 2004, 11:30:25 AM »

man, that makes me jealous... i esp like the blasters on the side.

Off Topic / How To Meet The Gender Of Your Choice
« on: January 22, 2004, 10:44:16 PM »
seeing as i'm currently the oldest feller here, i figured i'd pass on some info i've learned about human relations. it's not even close to the be all and end all of how to meet and get along with ppl, but it something, at least, what the owly knows :)

i know there are studs and whatnot among y'all, please help the rest of the LMers out with yer knowledge.

soo, background:
i've had a few gfs.. uh.. 6. and now i'm married. so. i think i know something. at least, my record says im' not a hermit.
i've read a few books on the subject, so if you wanna read aboot it, just ask.

Totally Random Tips
-you were born with 2 ears and one mouth. use them in proportion. in other words, be a GOOD listener. talk about what she (i'll just assume you are hetero male, if you're not, change the pronouns as you see fit ;) ) likes, what interests her.
  often it's about themselves. just go around tommorrow and notice how little ppl REALLY listen to each other. usually ppl are just waiting to get their word in edgewise. an old saying goes "Talk to a man about himself and he will listen for hours". now this isn't just a sorta empty listening. you ahve to pay attention, and actually find the person interesting. if you don't, then, well, you prolly don't wanna be with them do you :)

-watch the Tau of Steve, some of those tips are pretty good.

-smile often and cooly. that is, don't smile like a hyena 24/7, but don't be so stoic and like ice. most women like approachable fellas, and you can make that happen by not scowling.

-do things that interest YOU, and try and find someone who does it too. don't go to a  Bougainvillea convention in the  hopes of getting a hot chick, if you don't, in fact, like bougainvilleas.

-dont' pine after some chicky that has nothing in common with you, and is super duper hotter than you are. this is kinda common sense. just as you want her because she is hot, she too, will want someone who is hot. what goes around, comes around, and all that.

-be open, warm, and good natured. usually interests women more than scowling and brooding.

-laugh goodnaturedly at anything you would normally be embarassed about. acting embarassed about something is 99% of the embarassment.

-will postmore as it comes to me.

Off Topic / What Is This? Manga? Or Something
« on: January 20, 2004, 11:41:08 AM »

course, i can't tell the difference between manga to anime to what the hell ever. but some of you lunixers might like it.

General / New Version Of A Novel Mod
« on: January 20, 2004, 09:20:56 AM »

interesting sport concept in HL. i DLed it waaay back when. there were no servers up. but it looks kinda fun.  anyone play an actual game of this?

General / Lunixmonster Terms
« on: January 05, 2004, 03:01:35 PM »
olo == lol (i think this was a pullover from evo days?)

BOP == bind of pain == random force teams whoever is in the RR

meeces == multiple mouse == Owl's FOOD!!

lork on the lorf , GIVE US SOME SHIRTGUNz! == lerk on the cliff, give us some shotguns, from some incident on hera?

rewfles == rofl

bai == bye

hai == hi

bewt == boot

bant == banned

General / Geek Social Fallacies
« on: January 02, 2004, 11:51:14 AM »

General / Irc Clients
« on: December 29, 2003, 02:36:21 PM »
i used to use trillians built in one, quite nice in that it auto logs everything quite well. but it has it's limitations. now i'm using mIRC. it's ok. i used it so that it ties into my HLSW so i can tell the fogies where i'm playing when i connect.

any one use anything else and have reasons for recommending it?

General / Your Comming Style
« on: December 19, 2003, 03:45:38 AM »
a little thread to learn different styles of comming.

General style:
Very very fast. I get mad at anyone who usees the voice if they don't absolutely need to. my mainstays are the upgrades, pgs, hmgs, welders, sgs, sieges, with a few elect rts in there. I like my games short, and only one onos, and very very few fades, for my rines to take care of.  I like my rines in big groups of a3/w2 madness ideally. one good rambo makes the job much much easier.

1 Cap RTs
2 Defend and recap rts
3 Assault their rts ASAP
4 Get a PG network close to the action, see 2 and 3
5 Assault hive, see 2 and 3

Weapons go down when there is a specific objective (ie taking a hive, taking down a fade, etc). Welders go down periodically. PGs should be mined most of the time.

I'm very communicative, I like to takl about everything that is going on. where to go, what we're doing, etc. I've seen some comms use only wps, and a few things typed, and do it well.

Chain of command:
I like to direct all movement, where we are attacking how much, who's doing what.

Things to work on:
-My lack of base defense has been used against me many a time. about 1/2 the time the aliens are so busy scurrying to defend agains the main assault, they negelt to hit main base. but when they do realise... I'm getting better at taking mytime to set up some base D and having a rine guard base.
-I really focus on giving my rines the tools for them to kill stuff. I think really worrying about gettnig to a3/w2 can sometimes be a detriment to other strats such as rushing to ha asap.

ok, you LM comms, chip in here with some ideas on your com style :)

General / Steam Borked
« on: December 18, 2003, 01:45:06 AM »
the latest steam update has killed steam on my box, anyone else having this problem? i'm running win 2k sp4, i think. it's some memory reference error.

if anyone has thsi problem, and/or has a solution for it, please put the link here.

soo, for a while, there will be no bind of death or on going type kills on old owlie :)

General / Geek Rites Of Passage
« on: December 08, 2003, 11:25:19 AM »
it would seem to me i encounter more and more geeks on IRC who have not gone through some of the Geeks Rites of Passage i assume anyone who is geeky enough to BE on IRC would have experienced.

it's a set, if you will, of media consumed, acts taken, whatnot, that sorta define you as a geek. now, i've seen the geek quiz, and admittedly, some of that is pretty hardcore (like programming in Assembly). so here is my list of things geeks should have at least heard of, ideally, have done :D add what you think is missing.

actually, this is mostly just media :)

-LOTR, the books
-LOTR, the movies, thus far
-Star Wars, pre-Jar jar
-LOTR animated series
-enjoy logic puzzles/programming/puzzles
-have played D&D at LEAST once
-think the term "windows 3.11 tiled windows rox" is kinda funny
-Battlestar Galactica
-Dr. Who
-Monty Python
-HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy
-Isaac Asimov
-know who JRR Tolkien, Terry Brooks,  and  Robert Jordan
-Forgotten Realms
-The Gunslinger Series by Stephen King
-Dune, the books
-Dune, the movies
-Red Dwarf
-Rowan Atkinson and all his silliness
-has a doomed/cancelled/ended SciFi series (Firefly, Babylon5, Space Above and Beyond, FarScape)
-attributes "Revenge is a dish best served cold" to the Klingons
-knows how effective a two fisted punch is
-secretly wishes (s)he contributed/contributes to the linux kernal
-if not a coder, wishes (s)he knew how to

err, i'm sure i'm missing something here help me out :D

General / Funneh Irc Chats
« on: November 26, 2003, 10:31:01 PM »
feel free to post funneh irc chat logs, witty bantering and such, i'll delete if i dont' find it particularly humourous
*looks sternly at LM regs*

[21:13] <Goldfish> I may talk about eating babies and drowning kittens a lot, but at least I'm not disrespecting anyone.  Aside from babies.  And kittens.  And people of Russian decent.
[21:13] <[OldF]Niteowl> BADUMPAH!!
[21:14] <[OldF]Niteowl> descent even?
[21:14] <Goldfish> !!!!
[21:14] <Goldfish> Niteowl, my friend!
[21:14] <Goldfish> .....Yes, even.
[21:14] <Goldfish> Even that!
[21:14] <Goldfish> How are you since we last spoke since the game that ended all games (or almost did, because of stupid lil me *giggle.*)?
[21:15] <Fo0L|kickingsteam> CHING!!
[21:15] <Goldfish> Whoa, since is in there one too many times.
[21:15] <Goldfish> before*
[21:15] <Goldfish> CHANG!
[21:15] <[OldF]Niteowl> i'm good my good goldfish friend!
[21:15] * [OldF]Niteowl takes on russian accent
[21:15] <[OldF]Niteowl> and how is the little babushka?
[21:16] <[OldF]Niteowl> not slandering good russian people are we?
[21:16] <Goldfish> Eating his bread and goulash, ja?
[21:16] <Goldfish> Only waited four hours in the lines today!
[21:16] * BOZO is now known as BOZO|ZzZzZ
[21:16] <[OldF]Niteowl> JA!
[21:17] <Goldfish> Ja, ja, ja.
[21:17] <Lightning_Blue> lol
[21:17] <[OldF]Niteowl> ONLY FOUR HOURS?!?! what sort of capitalistic hedonistic life are you living my good friend?!?!
[21:17] <Goldfish> Never with the slanderink of good Russian people.
[21:17] <[OldF]Niteowl> NOT TO BE SLANDERINKSKI!!!
[21:17] * [OldF]Niteowl passes goldfish a shot of vodka
[21:17] <Goldfish> [That's Polish!]
[21:17] * Goldfish drinks! Then drinks more.. and more... and more.
[21:17] <Architeuthis> Pff, REAL russians inject it directly into their system
[21:18] <[OldF]Niteowl> bah! that shot is actually gasoline, but we don't have vodka at the moment, sorry for the weak subsitute!
[21:18] * Evangelion_2 has quit IRC (Quit: Connection went BAM!!!!)
[21:18] <Goldfish> VAS?????!???
[21:18] * Goldfish dies, thus bringing an end to a cold, breadless life.
[21:19] <Goldfish> I remember when I was little my father was getting a lawnmower out of his truck..and some gasoline splashed into his eyes
[21:19] <[OldF]Niteowl> why you die! you weak russian of sobrinski variety!!!
[21:19] <Goldfish> and got all over his clothing, so he stripped outside and ran in.. to be seen by all of my sister's friends.
[21:19] <Goldfish> CLASSIC.
[21:19] <[OldF]Niteowl> HAHAHAH
[21:19] <[OldF]Niteowl> that's.. GOLD BABAY!! GOOOOLD!!
[21:19] <[OldF]Niteowl> a variety of gold unrelated to you goldy
[21:19] <Goldfish> So, old da' is blind and running around naked.
[21:19] <[OldF]Niteowl> so i see this chan has become our little chatting room eh?
[21:20] <Goldfish> Screaming to turn the cold water in the shower on.
[21:20] * [OldF]Niteowl chortles, hopes this doesn't end tragically
[21:20] <Goldfish> May he rest in peace.
[21:20] * [OldF]Niteowl shakes head in sorrow of the
[21:20] <Goldfish> .....
[21:20] <Goldfish> Not joking.
[21:20] * [OldF]Niteowl removes goldy's meece rations for a week
[21:21] <[OldF]Niteowl> i'll remove them for a month
[21:21] <[OldF]Niteowl> just watch it !!
[21:21] <[OldF]Niteowl> hahaha
[21:21] <[OldF]Niteowl> local provisioner!! GOLD!
[21:21] <Goldfish> The gasoline story is real though.
[21:21] <[OldF]Niteowl> which? Helga? or Boris?
[21:21] <[OldF]Niteowl> taht is pretty funny
[21:21] <[OldF]Niteowl> did the gas damage his eye?
[21:21] <Goldfish> Neither, Helga was taken by the KGB for having 2 ply toilet paper.
[21:21] <Goldfish> No, not at all thank God.
[21:22] <[OldF]Niteowl> oh good
[21:22] * [OldF]Niteowl gets back into character
[21:22] <Architeuthis> You should've set his eye on fire for hilarious results
[21:22] <[OldF]Niteowl> well, as WELL she should! she deserves a thousand lifetimes in the gulag for having 2 ply!! our entire family lives on not more than 1/4 ply!!
[21:22] <Goldfish> Hahahaha, they used to joke like that in the motherland!
[21:22] <[OldF]Niteowl> da
[21:22] * [OldF]Niteowl nods
[21:23] <Goldfish> Meaning Siberia...
[21:23] <[OldF]Niteowl> i've been thinking of jumping in a cc and using an accent thru the entire thing
[21:23] <Goldfish> Ahh, snow farms.  Am missink home now...  ::Sniffles.::
[21:23] <[OldF]Niteowl> that'd be fun
[21:23] <[OldF]Niteowl> hahaha
[21:23] <[OldF]Niteowl> missink!
[21:23] <[OldF]Niteowl> da da my good comrade, snowfarms made the best of equal value people's snow!
[21:23] * [OldF]Niteowl hands goldy 1/6 ply kleenex
[21:23] <Goldfish> not only that, but was good for eatink!
[21:24] <[OldF]Niteowl> ONLY da BEST por my priend!
[21:24] * Goldfish blows his nose.
[21:24] * Goldfish 's nose then bleeds profusely from the sandpaper like tissue.
[21:25] <[OldF]Niteowl> dah, good russian tissue!
[21:25] <[OldF]Niteowl> none of this counterrevolutionary aloe vera CRAP!
[21:25] <Goldfish> Ja.  Is feelink a bit soft...
[21:25] <[OldF]Niteowl> hehehe
[21:25] * Goldfish eyes Niteowl suspiciously.
[21:25] <[OldF]Niteowl> HAHAH
[21:25] * [OldF]Niteowl clears through
[21:25] <[OldF]Niteowl> i was usink snow for softener, da?
[21:25] <[OldF]Niteowl> old family sekret!
[21:25] <Goldfish> Siberian snow?
[21:25] <[OldF]Niteowl> DAH! nothink but da best for goldy!
[21:26] <[OldF]Niteowl> it's disturbing this is more fun than playing ns
[21:26] * [OldF]Niteowl looks up some muds....
[21:26] <[OldF]Niteowl> IT DOES NOT!!! it must be DRY siberian snow you ignorant BOLSHEVIK!!!
[21:27] * [OldF]Niteowl foams
[21:27] * Goldfish watches just then as the KGB bursts in and cuts their hands off!
[21:27] <[OldF]Niteowl> NO! YOU! YOUare the PIG DOG HERE!!! my good comrade!!
[21:27] <[OldF]Niteowl> GAAAH!!!
[21:27] <Goldfish> ...Am beink deservink such..
[21:27] <[OldF]Niteowl> how will iw work in Factory #17 anymore?!??!
[21:28] <[OldF]Niteowl> da, da
[21:28] <[OldF]Niteowl> KGB knows best
[21:28] <Goldfish> With wooden denture.
[21:28] * Goldfish gets his teeth knocked out.
[21:28] <[OldF]Niteowl> COMRADE! dat is GOOD wood you waste with your bleedink and such!!
[21:28] <Goldfish> Tell that to them!
[21:29] * Goldfish speaks fairly clearly after the dentures are put in by KGB dentists.
[21:29] <Goldfish> I'm not even sure the Soviets had what we like to call dentistry
[21:29] <Goldfish> It was probably a fish hook and like 100 pound sea bass line.
[21:29] <[OldF]Niteowl> lmfao
[21:30] <Goldfish> Ah, sovietskis..
[21:30] <[OldF]Niteowl> man, cwag would prolly lvoe this convo
[21:30] <Goldfish> Probably.
[21:30] <[OldF]Niteowl> i'll post it in the forums for all to enjoy

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