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Messages - mola_of_death

Pages: [1]
General / 2 sec post-spawn invul. in co?
« on: January 05, 2005, 10:14:40 PM »
One of the most frustrating things when playing combat is being spawn-killed, especially if the opposing team only has higher tech because of one or two newbs on your team. Whether it's skulks with focus or marines with sgs, it's annoying as hell. Would it be possible to have a 2 second period of invulnerability after spawning during which you could not be hurt but at the same time you couldn't attack? That would at least give a chance to get out of the way of, say, 2 lvl 2gls, which instantly fry an entire team of skulks. Anyone else have feedback on this kind of system? It wasn't an issue for aliens when they respawned as higher life forms. Another thing to consider: should marines start with no armor and have to manually upgrade it when they spawn? That would make them more equivalently weak as a player who dies as onos and comes back as skulk. All thoughts welcome.

General / wtf is with combat
« on: January 05, 2005, 10:02:38 PM »
This is so cool! My first "overly chatty penguins" post!

Which team wins CO is largely dependent upon how many newbs there are on each team. 1 newbie skulk that feeds enough exp to a few marines to get sgs early tips the game waaaay in the marines favor if the other skulks haven't been able to get m(any) kills. From there it's only 1 more level to a gl, which I think is the most noobish weapon in the game, even more so than xeno, and equalled only, and this is debatable, by web. Almost no aiming skill is required and even at lvl 1 a single grenade kills a skulk within a fairly large radius. For those who say xeno is lamer than gls I have this to say: it's a 1 use/15 -30 seconds weapon and is incredibly easy to stop(kill the low-hp skulk with a single sg blast or gl), whereas gls are 4 "attacks" every 7ish seconds and much harder to kill thanks to more hp and armor. True a gler is somewhat vulnerable between salvos, but it's still easier for a single gl to spawn kill an entire team with one go than it is for a single xeno skulk to kill an entire marine team after it spawns. Especially since marines have enough armor at lvl 1 to survive a xeno and a skulk with carapace can't survive 2 close lvl 1 gls.

Provided Marines are better at using ranged weapons than aliens are at getting close enough to bite, marines should win. If the aliens are smart and ambush or go from behind rather than waslking in a straight line up to a group of 6 marines early game, aliens should win. Most CO games I play, and granted they aren't all on reputable servers, marines win because they get shotguns early thanks to some newbie front-rush skulks and then get gls or jps. Usually by that point we only have a focus skulk or a lerk at best. I think the play is fairly well-balanced. It's just a matter of using common sense when it comes to getting those first few kills and avoiding unnecessary deaths.

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