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Messages - Cheez

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Off Topic / Warzone 2100
« on: December 14, 2004, 12:02:49 PM »
hah the graphics in that game remind me of ground control 1, ahh..memories.

Off Topic / This ones for you Mr. Bill
« on: December 13, 2004, 09:24:02 PM »
Mr. Bill has claimed he can explode into 1000.5 bats, this is 0.5 of a bat.

Off Topic / This ones for you Mr. Bill
« on: December 13, 2004, 09:18:01 PM »
I give you...the half bat.

click me.

General / New maps?
« on: December 06, 2004, 06:28:31 AM »
If you can't tell the difference between the two teams by now i don't think you ever will...

back on topic, anyone find any more hl1dm remakes? mmm...snark pit....

General / New maps?
« on: December 05, 2004, 06:17:33 PM »
most of them are, but that's to be expected since the sdk is only about a week old. Some of them are half decent, like barney_gultch, a remake of blood gultch from halo MP. It even has a warthog :p

General / Magnum.
« on: December 05, 2004, 01:43:59 PM »
omg nerf quaunaut, he's overpowered.

General / New maps?
« on: December 05, 2004, 01:41:30 PM »
There's a lot of hl2dm maps out there from the weird to the good. I saw we had a round of crossfire or two after the first time i saw it on the server, good map. Any chance of having some more put into the rotation?

There's actually a map pack out thats got quite a few good ones if you sort out the buggy funmaps :p


Off Topic / Anyone Besides Shanai Got The Hopwire To Work?
« on: December 05, 2004, 10:47:50 AM »
they shoud've left the sniper rifle in :D

General / Magnum.
« on: December 05, 2004, 10:42:52 AM »
Why is it one shot kill weapons makes everyone so angry all the time....

Man valve was asking for it on that one.

One thing that did surprise me once, i got killed by a single madnum shot with 100 hp 100 armor :o

that's some magnum.

General / HalfLife 2: Bullet Time Mod
« on: December 05, 2004, 10:38:59 AM »
yeah i tried it a long time ago, i love how it makes the physics more "pushy" during the bullet time so when you let go of the button the guys you've shot go FLYING.  :D

Off Topic / Hl2 Dissapointments
« on: November 25, 2004, 07:42:20 AM »
That's nothin', a guy on the steam forums thought people were eating headcrabs for food because father gregory says he needs to "tend to his flock"....

good lord.... :rolleyes:

Off Topic / Hl2 Dissapointments
« on: November 23, 2004, 11:11:01 PM »
how is that more diverse in any way? It was always the samne damn alien slaves and alien grunts over and over mixed in with the marines, same as any other fps would have it. I found the enemy encounters just as interesting if not more exiting now due to the AI and the fact that the combine actually try to take cover and work together. Whats really evil is how some of them can even deploy manhacks to screw you up :p

Off Topic / Hl2 Dissapointments
« on: November 23, 2004, 11:30:48 AM »
There was a miniboss actually, the helicopter in the boat part...while not much of one, it was still a miniboss.

Also, the puzzles could've been much worse, they could've been jumping puzzles instead of physics puzzles.

The traps in ravenholm were not very interesting beyond the whole car crusher thing, it made it feel like ravenholm was hased together quickly just to get it in the game. Still, they did give you a sense of how much time father gregory has put into "tending to his flock"

As for the enemy variation...well there usually arent many enemy types in fps games, hl2 has 4 types of combine soldiers, 3 types of headcrabs, 3 types of zombies, 4 vehicular enemies of quite large size, plus the barnacles. Sounds like enough for a basic FPS to me. I suppose they did have those 2 models they left unused in hl2, the ichylsaur and the bullsquid (yes theyre in the models, just not in the game). Houndeyes are useless and do 2 damage...who needs em. In fact, HL1 has more fighting soldiers than HL2 does so i don't know what the big deal is.

I will admit the game as a whole can feel gimmicky but think about it, it really is just a giant source engine demo, and valve did a good job of that. The fact that it's also a nice fps is just becuase the engine is so good.

Also, wtf? Ut2k4 having good physics that add to the game?? Their physics are crap!! The vehicles have no real physics at all, they fly like 20 miles from a single gun shot, the ragdoll is sub-par and they never used ther karma physics for anything remotely close to what it COULD do! comparing the physics of hl2 with ut2k4 is like comparing the lighting of doom3 to HL1...

In any event, some people will hate it, some people will love it. I think considering all that stood in the way of this game and the source engine Valve did a damn good job.

Off Topic / Anyone Besides Shanai Got The Hopwire To Work?
« on: November 23, 2004, 11:14:23 AM »
whats a hopwire? o_O

Off Topic / Hl2 Dissapointments
« on: November 22, 2004, 02:07:59 PM »
People are too hung up on those videos. Barring the Hydra, pretty much everything was in the games.

What about the scene where the strider bursts through the wall of dr. kliener's lab? That movie was awesome, i was waiting for that but it never happened :/

Off Topic / Omg Screenshots
« on: November 21, 2004, 10:53:00 PM »
Hmm...apparently Dr. Kliener has a secret recipe for indescribable salad in his lab.

Off Topic / Hl2 Dissapointments
« on: November 21, 2004, 10:37:21 PM »
I only missed not seeing any bull squids :p

Off Topic / The Story
« on: November 21, 2004, 10:33:43 PM »
The speculations going around seem to be a good explanation of who the combine are and why they are here on earth.

Basically the general concensus (though it may be completely wrong) is that the combine are a conquering race that controls a vast number of planets. Xen, being one of them. The nihilanth was a puppet leader placed on Xen by the combine in order to control the Vortigants (alien-slaves in hl1) so that they could be put to work for the combine.

When gordon kills nihilanth at the end of HL1, the combine see this as an act of aggression towards them, so they in turn strike at the earth. The earth, not knowing what had happened in black mesa, is quickly overrun, this is now known as the 7 hour war, which was ended by Dr Breen when he negotiated the surrender of the earth, and was rewarded with the title of administrator of C17.

This leads me to believe that the G-Man is an agent for hire, and has many agents like gordon that carry out his plans (remember the black ops in Op forces?). Perhaps in HL1 he was hired by breen, because after all the G-Man was the one who forces the science team to carry out the expiriment despite the risk, and was the one who armed the nuke that destroyed Black Mesa at the end of Op forces. Perhaps Breen found out about xen and the combine, and saw it as an opertunity to seek out these races and gain their technology. He's always going on about how he wants to see manking evolve beyond what they are now so that they may survive, so why not? And when they turn hostile, he welcomes them with a surrender in order to gain their trust, makes sense doesn't it?

In any case, in HL2 someone obviously knows what breen is up to and wants him out of the picture, enter the G-Man, who just happens to have the right man for the job, one Gordon Freeman! And thus the cycle begins anew....

This is all just my opinion on what the story may be...there could be an entierly different reasoning, who knows.

Off Topic / Greatest Moments Of Hl2
« on: November 21, 2004, 10:23:47 PM »
Personally from what Dr. Breen is always going on about, evolution and such, i think those white creatures were humans. They've been altered somehow in some sick twisted way to become "trans-humans". They may very well be the same thing that is inside those combine uniforms. After all, breen calls them the "trans-human forces" in nova prospekt.

Also, in some parts of the game you can see a painting on walls that depicts a monkey evolving into a human, and a human evolving into a combine soldier. This means that Breen's and whoever that big white blob thing he was talking to in that screen before he attempts to make his getaway are intent on converting humans into those...things...whatever they were. The process may very well be why they are sucking the planet dry of resources. I guess we'll find out how this myserious force Breen answers to reacts in hl3. Personally i'd like to see valve fit our good buddy Corpral Shepard into all this too, that'd be awesome.

DAMN i love this game, it makes you think so much every time you uncover some little detail!!

Off Topic / Hl2 Dissapointments
« on: November 21, 2004, 10:19:28 PM »
don't yell at valve...yell at the whining SOBs in the steam forums...

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