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Topics - degamer106

Pages: [1]
General / wtf is with combat
« on: January 05, 2005, 12:30:59 PM »
hi i'd like to bring up an obvious point on combat servers -- Aliens are winning most of the games.  It's UNBALANCED!!  ONce the sky starts raining with xenocide and the fades/onos, with focus, charge the rines, its GG.  I've seen even the most skilled players on co maps get pwned by nubicide, random fade/onos beatdown, and noobweb.  IT's just sooooo...retarded.

You see, once a signle skulk on the alien team gets xeno, you can kiss your armor good bye and with lerks constantly gassing you, you're guaranteed to get killed by a single focus bite or another xeno shower.  Fades and onos, with their huge hp, are impossible to kill because there's going to be more than one of them by the time you get your hmg.  it takes at least half a clip, if not more from a lvl 1 hmg to kill a cara fade and the entire clip to kill a cara onos.  Once your weapon is empty your screwed!  Also, team attacking is pointless because of xenocide!  OMGwtfhax!!  And I don't know any marine who is going to waste one point on getting a welder when he could spend it on getting weapons upgrades, which are more critical for eliminating the invading aliens.

O and the other thing is the retarded plugins that let you get above lvl 10. WTf?!!  why don't those servers remove those!?!  That gives the aliens a chance to get every possible upgrade there is, rendering them virtually impossible to kill.

General / Does athena goto UCI?
« on: November 24, 2004, 03:00:01 PM »
Yea i heard from a fellow ex clanmate of mine that athena goes to uci.  I have no clue if she is admin here or not but I was just curious is she really went there, since she is one of the few many people i know who play ns and goto the same college as me.  If she is can she PM me or something? thx.

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