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Messages - Mr.Ben

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General / The problem, Part II
« on: April 26, 2005, 08:11:59 AM »
As much as I hate the MC first crutch that we are becomeing so dependent on in LM, I REALLY can't support turning FF off. Belive it or not, highly skilled compeditive players regularly play with FF on, and for some reason they don't see it is a major balance problem.

It's not a big issue for us because it's far easier for us to co-ordinate our attacks on a hive. In a clan match you have a lone shotgun marine head to the other hive, shotgun down their chambers, or just attack the hive to prevent aliens MCing to the building one. You place mines on the floor, you have a HMG cover, you shoot the hive, the aliens MC in, you kill the aliens, you kill the hive. None of this is going to happen unless by accident on a public server because you won't have the sort of co-ordination needed to pull it off.

Personally I'd turn it off, it's very evident marines are getting bummed on this server and need all the help they can get.

General / the problem
« on: April 25, 2005, 02:32:08 PM »
A 150 res boost might work on LM, but it couldn't be applied everywhere. A JP rush would be SO easy without that much starting res within a competitive enviroment. You'd really not have to even try.

General / the problem
« on: April 25, 2005, 03:53:00 AM »
If you want to command and win there are a few ways of doing it:

1 - B5 style, generally best for a map like eclipse of marine where there is still some marine bias. Early a1, early PG, maybe throw some HMGs in and shotgun down/deny second hive with a PG in the middle.

2 - A JP rush, best suited for a map like tanith or hera where there are a lot of 'safe' RTs to cap regardless of hive. Do the AA first, arms lab, a1, w1. Spend the whole match holding your RTs though of course if you're dominating feel free to pressure theirs but at  all costs keep yours up. As soon as JPs are done (5 minutes) drop 4, 3 jp shotguns, 1 jp HMG and take down the building hive. Use the HMG to cover vs the lifeforms.

3 - Do either of those strategies and have things go horribly wrong. Aliens get two hives but you place a PG in the hive they don't have. Use your JPs to hold your RTs and maybe JP shotgun down any of theirs. Keep holding RTs till you can afford a HA train and move out to a siege and get the hive down.

Proto tech is still superior to most, even two hive aliens. It's just a matter of getting it into the field. Provided you can keep the aliens on one hive then any proto tech marines can easily dominate. My clan reguraly uses the JP strategy on ns_tanith. Within a minute aliens can go from having the game in the bag to have 1 hive, 1 RT and 0 chambers, that is how effective jetpacks are and that is no exageration. This demo from our commanders point of view displays it in action quite nicely though olol he sucked on the meds during that base rush :S

General / the problem
« on: April 25, 2005, 03:29:53 AM »
EDIT: Yes marines aren't dominating, but is the ratio as bad as it is here? No. It's very map specific but there are ways of winning provided your commander is quick on the meds and your marines are able to hit a barn door with a GL. It's not easy, but you NEED a commander making the right decisions, a commander not getting A1 till 5 minutes is a guarenteed way to lose and that is happening 8/10 on LM.

From my experience on LM a few things are guarenteed to happen with aliens:

You're going to do MC, you're going to have an early lerk (hi 2 of 8). You don't counter this by doing PGs first or farting around with some other weird tangent of teching. You counter this by early a1, welders and a shotgun in the hands of the best marine on the team. It's not difficult on this server to go alien and win and it's not just because of the inbalance. Marines NEED a good commander. Marines NEED at least 1 good marine. All the aliens need to do is have anything resembling a competant public player and you win.

I play on LM because i like the challenge, sometimes it's not particulary good fun but what the hey. My team is in CAL now and we want to do well (hi CAL delta playoffs), i have to get used to having half my bullets not register and learn to adjust my playstyle for that ping.

General / the problem
« on: April 23, 2005, 09:38:23 AM »
The issue is very prominent on this server because commanders are making very, very, very big mistakes and the average skill level of a marine is lacking. When a commander is getting armour 1 by the time they have fades then you're never ever going to win regardless of what other tech you have achieved in this time.

Now personally i don't like playing marine on this server, not because of the inbalance, but a) because i don't trust any of the commanders and b) registry is absolutely shocking at 130 ping, 40 choke vs celerity, non-crouch holding, crack hopping skulks with 0 medpacks and a0. It's even funner when the early lerk turns up with celerity and spores you to death whilst you sit there desperately spamming your med bind. In b5 being a marine was exceptionally easy on this server and it was easy to rack up an impressive ratio, but celerity FUBARS the hitboxes and the commanders are just shocking these days.  If i get a medpack i don't request in a fire fight I die of shock. If you put a good commander in the chair and have 1 or 2 competant marines then you'll win, me and a friend of mine did it the other day 3 rounds in a row before we got bored.

The issue is present in other places other than LM, obviously, but here it's just exceptionally bad because of the above reasons. The thing is, you cannot balance for incompetance, if commanders were able to make huge mistakes like they are now and still win, then in a competitive enviroment marines will absolutely dominate.

General / Rates
« on: April 21, 2005, 03:09:14 AM »
So basically, if you set your interp to 0 and all the aliens are choppy they have rubbish CMDrates.

General / Rates
« on: April 20, 2005, 01:58:49 PM »
I believe it's that:

CMDrate is what you send to the server
updaterate is what you recieve

A low cmdrate is what'll make you appear choppy on the server, provided that everyone else is running correct rates and ex_interp. I believe.

General / <3 on Tanith
« on: April 18, 2005, 03:51:50 PM »

General / Typical Day on LM
« on: April 15, 2005, 01:16:35 AM »
Man that is bad, 4 minutes in and you dont even have a built chamber.

General / Current MvA Win/Loss stats
« on: April 09, 2005, 03:39:32 AM »
Being able to tech to weapons 3 doesn't make you a good commander.

General / Current MvA Win/Loss stats
« on: April 07, 2005, 02:41:54 PM »
Meds pay for themselves. You med, people kill, you get rfk, you get map control, you pressure alien rts, you relieve pressure from your own rts, you put aliens on the back foot, you win. Yesterday the rfk i generated alone was enough for a AA and proto lab, there is no reason to never med (k thats a lie, there are plenty of scenarios to not med in, comms just don't med in ANY scenarios without a request though and that = GG).

General / Current MvA Win/Loss stats
« on: April 07, 2005, 01:38:26 PM »
I don't think i've seen marines win once whilst i've been on LM and that's simply down to the lack of good commanders. I don't think i've ever got an unrequested medpack.

Media / The Offical Image testing thread
« on: April 06, 2005, 09:25:27 AM »
Check out my new way leet sig

General / Killing eggs
« on: April 03, 2005, 05:14:14 PM »
Knifing an egg, especially in 3.0 isn't the best idea, it could be a gestating skulk and in that case you'll never drop it before it gets it's upgrade and eats your face. Generally the best bet is to just shoot it with all your bullets. If it's an unimportant egg (skulk upgrading, gorge devolving etc) and a skulk turns up then kill the skulk instead, if it's an important egg (gorge evolving, rt, lerk etc etc) then killing it is far more important than dropping that skulk.

You'll have to use your situational awareness and knowledge of how the game is progressing to make the call, but if theres an egg in a hive at 3:40 and you're there, don't get cocky.

General / Holy Devil Wins
« on: April 02, 2005, 04:57:52 AM »
Dammit, I got all excited over nothing.

General / oh Drama!
« on: March 31, 2005, 07:49:16 AM »
ebnar is probably right, I never specced HD but i've never considered him a good player either. Infact nothing about him as ever made me think he cheats, he simply wasn't good enough. That being said, i stick by my first post.

General / oh Drama!
« on: March 31, 2005, 01:58:51 AM »
burn baby, burn.

General / advice time.
« on: March 27, 2005, 06:12:39 AM »
Aliens: Every time i played 3.0 on LM i've been fading before their are chambers. Aliens are overpowered if you drop chambers straight away. Don't wait till 4 minutes to get your chambers. Go gorge straight away and drop the chambers straight away so from 1 minute onwards you should have level 3 upgrades. Then you'll see that aliens are overpowered.

- 2 chambers
- 2 rts
- 1 hive
- 2 fades
- 1 early lerk/another rt

GG. 8v8 is so easy to annihlate with aliens that it's not even funny. Only major skill stack should result in an alien lose.

Marines: You still have to do A1 first, i'd not recommend rushing MT because if they do SC and get chambers straight away you'll be destroyed without A1. The advanced armoury and early hmgs are extremely important but don't forget PGs. It's important that you get a PG up early so you have some map control by the time fades turn up. Early game find out what chamber they have, if they're SC try and go after them and obviously try and go for their RTS.

Your best bet is early hive pressure, which is unfortunately bannable here. If you send 2 marines to the hive straight away, 1 with a shotgun after getting base then you can really keep the aliens occupied provided your comm is willing to med you. Then use a few guys to cap rts on the far side and have another shotgun team speed shoot down the RTs. A PG in the second hive location before it goes up is more important than ever.

If they rush SC then go for middle hive and turret farm the **** out of it and just hold as many RTs as you can till you can afford JP hmgs. If they do MCs try and get MT asap but don't prioritise it over HMGs or PGs because without either of those you'll get nowhere. HMGs are an absolute requirement to drop good celerity fades, they're out of the range of the shotguns too fast.

General / Newborns elec RT Strat.
« on: March 22, 2005, 12:21:12 PM »
How does 5 minute a1 work againist 30 second SC aliens?! Did they forget to get fades, chambers and a second hive?

General / NS Revival?
« on: March 22, 2005, 07:09:24 AM »
Yes, damn us all to hell.

*edited for politeness.

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