The Ready Room > General

What to do if you think someone is cheating

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Hehehe aeroripper, be glad you asked that question here.

[00:03:37] <EvilLinkz> what's this !admin command I saw mentioned on the forums?
[00:03:41] <OttoDestruct> np
[00:03:45] <Lito> EvilLinkz: gg.
[00:03:46] <Lito> you're dead
[00:03:47] <Lito> :|
[00:03:47] <EvilLinkz> do you yell it ingame for help?
[00:03:53] <Lito> no, you already triggered it
[00:03:54] <Architeuthis> ONLY do it when you need help man
[00:03:57] <Architeuthis> Right now you're in trouble.
[00:04:02] <EvilLinkz> oh
[00:04:04] <EvilLinkz> crap.
[00:04:11] <OttoDestruct> ZOMG
[00:04:14] <EvilLinkz> Yeesh, so it's an IRC highlight?
[00:04:14] <Architeuthis> It highlights every admin who has it active
[00:04:14] <OttoDestruct> GRANDMA ERICA
[00:04:17] <Architeuthis> Yeah
[00:04:17] <OttoDestruct> ARCHITITTIES
[00:04:24] <EvilLinkz> haha, whoops
[00:04:28] <Redford> !k EvilLinkz Do not abuse the admin command, nubcake.
[00:04:28] * You were kicked by ChanServ ((Redford) Do not abuse the admin command, nubcake)

Ya, I asked that in IRC and got banned, without anyone ever explaining it. So now I won't EVER use it!

Hehehe, I bet next time I use it there shall be an auto-kick.

<EvilLinkz> !admin hacker on the server :o
* EvilLinkz was kicked by ChanServ ((Redford) I though I told you to stop using this, nub)


you're lucky you were only kicked.  Common practice is a 6 hour temp ban.

[edit] for the record this is why I never use !admin in the forums either, because although it is publicly open to use, it should only be used by those who know what it is.  Hence not passing it around in public view.

devnull's instructions are fine for the longterm, but simply don't make sense for immediate action.

If there is an aimbotter on the server, or some other major hack, he's ruining the game and we want him off the server NOW, not in a few days. Just like if there was a TKer running about killing every teammate in site, we would immediately do an admin highlight and get him dealt with. This is no different.


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