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Messages - SwiftSpear

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Media / Army Men Ns!
« on: August 12, 2005, 02:10:34 AM »

Off Topic / rad4birthday
« on: August 11, 2005, 01:38:27 PM »
Happy birthday babyeater!

Off Topic / NS Forums hacked
« on: August 11, 2005, 01:37:12 PM »
I don't know any names, but someone who knew who had hacked the NS servers and reported them told me about what happened.  Apparently someone hacked the main NS server (with icons and what not) as well as the forums and was playing around with pretty much everything.  Postcounts were changed, and icons were given to people.  One player was apparently smurfing as flayra with a dev icon.

I have no clue what needs to be done on the security end of things, but it was a pretty major hack in terms of how much access the hacker got.  Best of luck cagey

Off Topic / Awesome Multiplayer Games
« on: August 06, 2005, 07:43:43 AM »
I really only play NS and Sourceforts multiplayer... although I've tryed 5-6 dozen mods.  Acctually, I don't own the games, but both smash bros melee and mario golf are a blast to play with a buddy or 4.

[edit] I also play a bit of guild wars, but I never really got into the multiplayer aspect of it.

Mapping / Lm Community Made Map
« on: July 31, 2005, 01:37:50 AM »
*stabs eyes out with really sharp objects*

[edit] never thought I would go blind before LC did...

Off Topic / Terrorism
« on: July 19, 2005, 12:47:09 AM »
All sins are equil in the eyes of God... I don't understand the nature of sin, I see through human prespective.  I see shades of gray because I can't see the moral axioms that God can.  I want to play it safe, and from history, I see men like hitler or stalin end up getting alot of people killed doing what they belive is the right thing, just because they hardline to one side or another.  I think the truth lies somewhere down the middle, so I perfer to not try to build my own hard moral agenda and judge others based on it, but to try to hit the real one as close as possible, understanding that I, nor anyone else, is dead on the mark.

Off Topic / Terrorism
« on: July 17, 2005, 06:35:42 PM »
There is nothing fundamental about wrongness.  The 'reasonable standards' that you speak of are societal and human.  Just leave nature out of this.  Nature does not feel and, to be honest, nature doesn't give a damn whether or not you shoot a man just to watch him die.  Nature is ice cool.  Nature is calm as a Hindu cow.

Osama Bin Laden is not evil.  Maybe you don't like him, but to his own people he is a hero in all senses of the word.  And I can guarantee that neither of you are ultimately correct in your assertion.  Osama Bin Laden, like everything and everyone else in the world, just exists.  The mind shades that existence (black, white, gray, etc.).

Now, obviously I have pretty strong opinions of my own.  I think that George is a crook and that most political men aren't any better; the Iraq War does not agree with me; I think Salman Rushdie is the greatest author in the world.  I just try my best not to believe that such opinions accurately represent the way that things really are.
Damn, I missed this before...

I personally belive there is an ultimate moral standard...  Yes I am still forced to agree with dubb, because I really don't belive humans know/understand the moral standard.  To me that is the nature of sin, the loss of the knowledge of what is good, we know both good and evil, not definitively one or the other.  People have all constructed moral axioms around themselfs however, and I think most of those contain some hint of the original goodness of the first one, but obviously there is so much difference between them all that they all can't be right.  I think the safest bet is to keep it relitively simple, and then see anything outside of the simplest of moral conundrums as a shade of gray.  For instance, murder is wrong because it is essentially one human being evoking his will against another's will to live, in so essensially claiming that he/she is greater then all other humans, which we can see as a logical phalacy, because every human belives themself as the greatest.  Rape falls along the same lines, but rather then the ending of a human entity, it is the damanging of a human entity.  Personally I also add selfishness too my list, because it seems to be the root of all pain in the world.  Anything else either falls partially into one of those catagoires or does not, and thus is a shade of gray based on how close or far it falls.

Off Topic / Happiness
« on: July 17, 2005, 02:43:17 PM »
congrats indeed.

Off Topic / Terrorism
« on: July 17, 2005, 02:41:49 PM »
Ziggot, my belief is that the American armed forces should not be in Iraq, facing these difficult moral dilemmas.

Do you think animals marry each other?  For animals, reproduction happens like this: Female unconsciously exudes pheremones saying 'Take me oh take me, big boy!,' male wanders by, makes a kid, and gets the hell out of there.  There are exceptions to this rule, in which the animals mate for life (the barn owl, some wolves, etc. etc.) but, in general, that's the way it goes.  Do you call that love?

Islam dictates that these hypothetical children, killed for that one soldier, go to paradise for sacrificing themselves in the name of Allah.  What I'd like for you to admit is that [fundamentalist] Muslims have their own beliefs, and they just might be a little different from what you would consider morally correct.  But that doesn't make them wrong.  It just makes them different from you, OK?

Anyways, would you like to know what I stand for?  I know I flip-flop a lot, right?  Just like a liberal, right?  I stand for America not being a foreign invader.  I think that if you'd like to support the troops, you should work to bring them home.
I belive that Americans probably never should have gone into iraq in the first place, but I belive an even larger crime would be to go in, install a power vaccume, and then leave as if it's none of thier buisness.  Like it or not you guys have a responsibility to overseeing the creation of the new democracy, and the construction of an iraqie military to defend such an organization.  After that it's up to the iraqies what they want to do with thier government.

Off Topic / Terrorism
« on: July 16, 2005, 03:22:03 PM »
Hundreds of thousands of people who are infinitely more innocent die every day in Africa, alone.  Such situations help one get some perspective on matters; they tend to put 9/11 in its place.

Truth is, I do not value the lives of those three thousand people who died on 9/11 any more than the life of any other human being.  Far as I'm concerned (and I am very concerned), If you're going to mourn the loss of life perpetrated by evil men, look to Africa, look to the Ivory Coast, or look to Iraq.  America knows nothing about losses the way that such people do.  I never understood how folks can lose their grasp on essential humanity in the name of some animal cause.  Well **** that - that's just not something I stand for.

So answer me this: why do you, personally, value the lives of those those three thousand American people more highly than any three thousand innocent people killed in Afghanistan?  Why is Osama Bin Laden any more evil than the American army?  Because he made us bleed first?

Christ it's all so senseless.
because those 3k are my countrymen, my brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts... you get the picture. One American is far more important to me than a hundred foreigners.
Why?  Family maby, but people of the same nationality as you deserve no respect over people of any other nationality.  The American sense of patriotism is so twisted and skewed.

Mapping / My Map
« on: July 15, 2005, 01:58:58 AM »
alright, as a test of my leet mapping skill, I decided to make a map of my own house.  I've gotten most of the basement done, but I'm having some trouble.  about half of the prop_static things I put in dont appear.  They arent just invisible(which has happened, and I know ow to fix), they just plain arent there. 

I have tried the valve-sponsored fix for this, which is to set startfadedist to -1 and endfadedist to 0, thereby telling the engine not to fade at all. 

What should I do? HELP
It's a really stupid feature hammer 4 inclues that basicly sets the vis range for static objects so they are exorbidantly small radiuses.  I can't remember what the variable is called but it's one of the entities properties, it needs to be set from whatever it is to something more reasonable that makes the vis sphere engulf the whole room, rather then just a 2 foot sphere around the object.

[edit] seems like you already tryed that... try large numbers rather then infinate numbers and see if it makes a difference.

General / the latest from holy
« on: July 07, 2005, 08:26:15 PM »
You can combo that jump almost infinately, the hard part is the instant 1/4 turn.

Off Topic / #1 reason why you shouldn't hotlink
« on: July 05, 2005, 07:32:31 PM »
People are too desensitized to goatse now. We need something more horrific, like some bunnies being butchered or something :p
Idle #whois on gamesurge.  I must have seen 2 dozen pictures that easily compete with goatse by now...

Off Topic / OLL for you hardware geeks
« on: June 23, 2005, 11:37:48 PM »
thier's something heartwarming about seeing an ether port that hooks up to an electrical socket on the other end.

General / How i LOATHE large pub servers
« on: June 23, 2005, 06:19:02 PM »
Large servers have no swear penalties or filters for a reason...  May the rage be with you.

General / Whats going on?
« on: June 22, 2005, 11:48:55 PM »
Well NS is becoming boring. The Devs don't update the community anymore, they go off "beta testing" builds and I bet the PT's dont even bother to play anymore after a build has been in testing for awhile so im sure the testing server is constantly empty too. Sometimes I just wonder if the NS devs are idle, unless there working on NS:Source or another game for unknownworlds which in that case should let the community know so people dont disembark the community because they feel the devs are dead.

Besides im sure half the regs in the community play guild wars and the BF2 Demo now. I've come to the point of boredom with NS that I even play CS:S regularly now and even reinstalled C&C Generals.
ROFL, NS devs updating the comunity XD

General / Whats going on?
« on: June 22, 2005, 12:00:39 AM »
Server is dead nonregular hours every night...  I guess we know our regs aren't vampires...

General / New server mods! yay!
« on: June 21, 2005, 10:35:57 AM »
So LM is running AMX now?  How is the reg, for those who were complaining before?

General / So What's up with everyone
« on: June 17, 2005, 12:16:15 AM »
I think most of the old regs have either moved on, are addicted to WoW or some other MMO, or have time consuming summer jobs that don't let us play the hours we would like too.  Based on the LMO we still have alot of dudes around, just not too many of them have the time to play LM much any more.  Maby now that the cal season is generally over some of our compeditive regs will be more active...

We don't have the average of coming up regs like we used too... Our slotters are getting slotted faster then before because there just isn't as many new canditates around to compete with.

Off Topic / Assorted Online Games
« on: June 14, 2005, 04:20:58 PM »

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