Overly Chatty Penguins

The Ready Room => General => Topic started by: @gentOrange on January 15, 2004, 11:36:31 PM

Title: Impulses
Post by: @gentOrange on January 15, 2004, 11:36:31 PM
Anyone care to post a list of all the impulse commands? I want to bind all my marine impulses to the numpad but I uh...need the list you know.

Thanks in advance!
Title: Impulses
Post by: a civilian on January 15, 2004, 11:40:51 PM
impulse 1 - Changes to your next weapon (same as "invnext")
impulse 2 - not used
impulse 3 - Drop your current weapon (same as "drop")
impulse 4 - not used
impulse 5 - Go to the ready room (same as "readyroom")
impulse 6 - Vote to eject commander
impulse 7 - Voice command: Follow me
impulse 8 - Voice command: Covering
impulse 9 - Voice command: Taunt
impulse 10 - Voice command: Need medpack
impulse 11 - Voice command: Need ammo
impulse 12 - Voice command: In position
impulse 13 - Voice command: Enemy here
impulse 14 - Voice command: Move out
impulse 15 - Voice command: All clear
impulse 80 - Voice command: Need order
impulse 81 - Voice command: Roger that
impulse 100 - Toggle Flashlight
impulse 105 - Select all marines (commander)
impulse 201 - Spray logo

impulse 1 - not used
impulse 2 - not used
impulse 3 - not used
impulse 4 - not used
impulse 5 - Go to the ready room (same as "readyroom")
impulse 6 - not used
impulse 7 - Communications: Chuckle
impulse 8 - Communications: Need healing
impulse 9 - Communications: Need backup
impulse 10 - Communications: Incoming
impulse 11 - Communications: Attack
impulse 12 - Communications: I'm building here
impulse 90 - Build: Resource tower
impulse 91 - Build: Offense chamber
impulse 92 - Build: Defense chamber
impulse 93 - Build: Sensory chamber
impulse 94 - Build: Movement chamber
impulse 95 - Build: Hive
impulse 100 - Toggle Advanced Hive Sight
impulse 101 - Upgrades: Defense: Carapace
impulse 102 - Upgrades: Defense: Regeneration
impulse 103 - Upgrades: Defense: Redemption
impulse 107 - Upgrades: Movement: Celerity
impulse 108 - Upgrades: Movement: Adrenaline
impulse 109 - Upgrades: Movement: Silence
impulse 110 - Upgrades: Sensory: Cloaking
impulse 111 - Upgrades: Sensory: Pheromones
impulse 112 - Upgrades: Sensory: Scent of Fear
impulse 113 - Evolve: Skulk
impulse 114 - Evolve: Gorge
impulse 115 - Evolve: Lerk
impulse 116 - Evolve: Fade
impulse 117 - Evolve: Onos
impulse 201 - Spray logo
From here (http://www.natural-selection.org/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=17&t=27019).
Title: Impulses
Post by: @gentOrange on January 16, 2004, 12:06:52 AM
I love YOU best!
Title: Impulses
Post by: Grimm on January 17, 2004, 09:55:55 AM
I'm kind of tempted to set some keys to impulses for faster upgrading/evolving/structure building/etc as a Kharaa, but there have been too many situations where I've heard someone else say "****! I hit my Lerk button when I wanted to go Fade!", or people dropping a random upgrade chamber on a res node. In the end, it still just seems easier to use the popup menu (although even then I've managed to have a few slipups with getting an upgrade or the like).
Title: Impulses
Post by: BobTheJanitor on January 17, 2004, 10:47:26 AM
I've got UIOP bound to DC, SC, OC, and MC respectively. I've only dropped the wrong upgrade once, and I'll usually still use the pop up menu if I'm dropping the first chamber of a hive to make sure I don't screw it up. There's no need for a quick RT key, and not having one avoids OMG I DROPT AN SC AS FIRST CHAMBER ON A NODE BANT BANT. Definitely no need for a quick key for the hive. I mean really, if you drop so many hives that you need a quick key for it, there's a problem. Evolutions, much the same; it takes time to gestate anyway, no reason to hotkey it so you can hurry up and wait.
Title: Impulses
Post by: Satiagraha on January 18, 2004, 02:38:33 PM
I use F1-F5 (technically when I go readyroom, i'm F6ing :D )
F1 - SC
F2 - Say /stuck
F3 - RT
F4 - OC
F5 - DC
F6 - Readyroom
F9 - Snapshot
V - +voicerecord
G - Drops the Weapon (drop, I think)

I dont have anything bound to MC b/c it is categorically the least dropped chamber, you only need at least three of them or one in each hive. SCs you drop to make a sensory network, and DCs heal crap, so yeah, I drop a lot of those ^^

Other than those, i pretty much use all the default keys