Author Topic: Explain Your Name  (Read 40636 times)

May 27, 2005, 04:37:26 PM
Reply #120

Spectre X

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i think i remember it from biology last year....

May 27, 2005, 05:38:34 PM
Reply #121


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TyrNem...blah blah blah

May 27, 2005, 05:39:20 PM
Reply #122


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Mine is rather odd...

No, it is NOT based on kodak cameras, but rather due to an argument I had with my seventh grade science teacher.  Being a rather awesome spelling (but not typing) whiz, i had to say something when he miss-spelled the word Kodiak  on the board.  he spelled it Kodiac, and so it was great......we ended up consulting a dictionary and i won!  but yeah, i actually used it a few months (maybe a year later)  when jjhs (aka mary) and asal hosted their first LAN game at our house.  we were playing DOD, and i took over for asal so he could go get some food, and then changed my name to kodiac.  and everyone was like omgwthh4xbbq! who is this guy!? and i sat in my corner and grinned.  next to the freezing cold basement walk-out door.  (midwinter LANS arent cool)  

Cheers to PB, Venmoch, and UKchaos, for I too am a WH40K nerd/geek/whateveryouwishtocallme.  I play Dark Eldar, and have been in a constant losing streak since I started playing six years ago.  But damn, when i win, it truly is spectacular.  I also play empire in fantasy...both my armies are betwen 1500 and 2000 points   ( :: FOUR EYED SMILIES SMILIES EVOLVED :: )
Kodiac teh Pirate Bear
One part comm, one part cheerleader, 3 parts cuddly bear

May 27, 2005, 06:08:59 PM
Reply #123


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Mine is rather odd...

  Being a rather awesome spelling (but not typing) whiz, i had to say something when he miss-spelled the word Kodiak \\

its misspelled, fool

and i got my name from when i used to play BlackHawk Down. I was very good as a medic, who was the class that ran rather quickly and couldnt take much as damage. Anyhow i got the name because of my tendency to get more than 80% of my kills from the knife. In BHD the knife is a one-hit-kill weapon... I was (in)famous with the people i played with for crawling prone completely accross the map to knife a sniper... good times.

Thus, LowCrawler was born.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2005, 06:09:35 PM by LowCrawler »

May 27, 2005, 06:41:00 PM
Reply #124


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I wanted a new name for NS and I was eating some Goldfish crackers at the time...

Btw, replying to the beginning of this thread: The Watchmen is awesome! It's becoming a movie too, which can't be good.

Oh, and believe it or not, my freshman Literature teacher at Georgia Tech had us read The Watchmen. Also a Philip K. Dick book, and another graphic novel. Cool teacher. :D
« Last Edit: May 27, 2005, 06:42:40 PM by Goldy »
Best thread ever
"You steal a thousand Post-It notes at 12p, and you've made... a profit."

May 27, 2005, 07:32:32 PM
Reply #125

SuicidaL MonkeY

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i've always been a monkey, climbed every tree in the neighborhood over 10 times easy, used to take my dog out for a walk in my rollerblades, hehe, dodging traffic's fun. Which brings me to the first part of the name, i've always been the guy who does the thing no one thinks can be done, usually i suffer the consequences, but thankfully im older and dont do that shinto anymore lol.

Sitting in class i had those kinda thoughts running through and came up with a nickname which carried me through high school  :D

May 27, 2005, 09:09:40 PM
Reply #126


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I stole my name from one of my favorite bands, The Ziggens.

The fans of said band are known as Ziggots. If you are a sublime fan just listen to the thank yous at the end of 40oz to Freedom. They say thanks to Bert Susanka and all the Ziggots around the world.

Oh, and if you havent heard of them, they are the greatest Cowpunksurfabilly band ever.

May 27, 2005, 10:16:46 PM
Reply #127


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I got my name from HOLY MOTHER OF GOD LOOK AT THE NECROMANCY!!!11oneoneeleven
<------OOOooooOOOoo, Hyperlink!
Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL

May 27, 2005, 10:51:27 PM
Reply #128

A Boojum Snark

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May 27, 2005, 11:31:14 PM
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but it's legitimate raising of the dead D:
I saw it man, but seriously, sometimes death is a good thing...
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Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL

May 27, 2005, 11:36:07 PM
Reply #130

Black Mage

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and sometimes being necromanced is a good thing, primarity to avoid clones and keep the thread-sticky list small

May 28, 2005, 07:44:25 AM
Reply #131


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My name's origin?
Everyone thinks my name is an AOL plural... it's not damnit >_<
I originally played TFC, monikoring myself as an MSN account I made when I was about 10 (I started TFC when I was 12): Linkin Rings... it was a play on my favourite band of the time (Linkin Park) and the Linking Rings used by magicians (the masked magician was on while I was thinking a name).
2 years ago I had (obviously) grown up a bit, and had started to dislike the name of a band I didn't even really listen to anymore, and then I started NS (on PCZone Magazine Official Server) which is, interestingly where I met "twoflow" or "Confidence" as he was then named (Geminosity/NS Forumites know him). People there could not be arsed to call me "Linkin Rings" especially if they typed... so they called me Link. Like the Zelda character I had not heard of by this point. I accepted this alias at first but decided it was too plain, people might just assume I was calling myself an URL. So I looked around to find something to combine it with... my sisters German book was open on colours... I saw "Schwarz" and thought, hmmm how can I combine that and "Link"... you know the rest. So my name is not plural, it's bastardised Germo-English.
Now the Evil part? During my time playing TS I played around on many servers until I found Nashcorp a great place to stay, mainly because after talking to Nashwan himself I learned the server is not 3 miles from where I'm typing now (16ms ping ftw!). I played here for 6 months until I finally met [EA]EvilSoup, who, impressed with my playing, invited me to play with other [EA] members. After a while they invited me in, and I ditched Linkz to be [EA]EvilLinkz.
To prove it used to be Linkz... whois me on IRC... "IamLinkz" :D

And that's my long-winded history of my name.

May 28, 2005, 05:40:56 PM
Reply #132


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I use to have "aeroballistic" years and years ago but i had to get e-mail and shorten it to just "aeroripper" because the first one was too long.

Aeroripper is combination of:

1) Aeroballistic: Cheat code in army men i played way back when.
2) Ripper: Name of the machinegun in duke3d, a game i played constantly when 14?  i think it was

Combine them what do you get? aeroripper ... pure sex


I have a numbered list and pictures... now BOW DOWN BEFORE ME
« Last Edit: May 28, 2005, 05:47:29 PM by aeroripper »

May 28, 2005, 07:43:04 PM
Reply #133

Spectre X

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Spectre X is a joke from the days when i played halo 2...  I killed 10 people with a spectre, hence the X. so... from this day i am known as spectre x, or just a bad driver. BTW, aero... duke nukem 3d was sweet.


May 28, 2005, 10:19:13 PM
Reply #134


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Intensity Rising was a hard-trance cd I really liked but never got till this past year.

May 28, 2005, 10:49:53 PM
Reply #135


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TheAdj is actually a shortened form of Adjudicator, which is pretty much a fancy synonym of judge.  I picked it up from StarSiege, one of the cybrid hercs was the adjudicator.

May 29, 2005, 02:03:55 AM
Reply #136


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SwiftSpear is a random sequence of two words I figured would not have likely been combined by anyone else as an alias.  It's also fairly distinctive and easy to remember even when it isn't full of L33T speak, which was something that was important to me when I developed the name, as I felt as if an easy to forget nick name would be counter productive to devoloping a reputation in new servers I joined and regged.  Now like everyone knows me and I just figure it would be dumb to try to mess with something already so established, even though the definition of the nick name has nothing what soever to do with my personalitly or play style.
<------OOOooooOOOoo, Hyperlink!
Final Hope Faith, COME ONE COME ALL

May 29, 2005, 09:13:12 PM
Reply #137


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Boredom for the post!

Well, my story is kinda-sorta strangish.  For a while i used a different name, or just a random letter, while playing hl or tfc, (those were the days).  And then, CS didnt suck, so i played it for a while.  Well, you know those changeyourname things, someone actually made a clan  called =DS=, where everyone had there name be =DS=Ranger *letter*  Well, me being ten, and being obviously leet and needing a clan, joined.  The leader happen to be bravo, so i took alpha, cuz i was teh alpha ranger with the scout. or something.  Heck, 10-ness ftw.  Then, i decided waiting for the two awp campers to blink and actually discover "hey, im all alone" was annoying, i played DoD and was a regular on the 4th Ranger server, so no one could call me "ranger" cuz then half the server would answer.  (at this time, i was an honorary member of DeLo, which stuck for a while because everyone in DoD called me "delo" and i couldnt change it.)  However, all good things died, and you can only shovel allies for so long on avalance before you get bored [first place with shovel only (everyone else used guns) ]
Then, i played ns. i liked the one server, so my name became [On|E]Ranger alpha[DeLo]  And then people started calling me Ranger instead of delo, so i was allowed to change it.  It was about this time that i decided xenocide was the best upgrade ever, and created a fad clan (10 people put the tag on) of [XenOOO!] (and its original incarnation of [XeNo!!!] or [XeNoO!!], which didnt look cool enough) I left it there, cuz anyone who knew what it meant laughed and it was good.  And hence, [On|E]Ranger alpha[XenOOO!] was born.  And i couldn't add anything else, because that is the hl character limit for names. grr.  So yes, my name is a single tag followed by a bunch of fad names.  And i still like NSPlayaRanger :)

And no, you dont get line breaks. Ha.

May 31, 2005, 12:02:00 AM
Reply #138


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*begins the arcane ritual of topic necromancy*

My name comes from my head.  It was a character name that I have used upwards of 300 times in the course of my RPing career, so it's well used.  But Asal Tetharion isn't intimidating enough, and Asal Skulltaker sounds cheesy when you're in a FPS, so I used  a little freedom to make it longer (a four letter named bored me at the time)  Now, I use the end to show what mood I'm in/how I'm doing/to taunt my opponents.
Asal 'The Unforgiving'
Fedaykin, Warrior of the Desert Mouse

"I will live to be immortal...or die trying!"

June 04, 2005, 01:01:42 PM
Reply #139


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When I fist started playing Starcraft online, I used the name Buzzsaw. A violent power tool, and nobody else had the name yet.

When I graduated to Broodwar and other games, I was already bored of it. The name generation came about like this:

My buddies and I were playing Monopoly while halfway watching some movie. Now, my personal favorite Monopoly move is to set up the reds and oranges. They always seem to work well, but I always end up losing anyway. Right as my friend landed on my hotel'd space, one of the characters onscreen yelled "You damned scuzball!" The name stuck. Used it ever since, across Broodwars, Duke3d, TFC, Warcraft 3, World of Warcraft, and of course NS.

That is, until I started playing on LM and came up with Hesitation. I asked myself, what kills me most of the time? What's my weak spot in NS play? Bingo. I kinda like seeing "Hesitation killed NSplayer(1)" the same way I like seeing "Curiosity killed Cat." Get it!?

Now I'm back to Scuzball, mostley because I havn't been able to play NS in sooooo long now. C'mon guys, remember last time you saw Hesi-nub on LM? That was the last time I played NS. I'm too far away from a good computer/internet combo to bother trying again. There've been like 2 or 3 balance patches since then... I wanna play so bad...

*cry cry*

By the way, Monopoly is a terrible game.
Gothic dance!