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Topics - Uranium - 235

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Media / Uranium's Ns Comics
« on: January 26, 2004, 07:56:13 PM »
Of course NS 3.0's electricity is balanced!

General / Ns 3.0 Thoughts
« on: January 25, 2004, 09:06:41 PM »
- Combat: I love it. I usually go Damage 1 - Shotty - HMG - Armor 1 - Armor 2 - HA - Resupply, and I almost always end with the most kills. However, jetpacks in combat are horrifyingly unbalanced, as the marines just fly past you and blow the hell out of your hive. Die, repeat. Though all the reserved slot holders being able to vote maps means every game is combat, it's beginning to piss me off.

 - NS 3.0:

1) Skulks are way too weak. I went through a game with 6 deaths and about 40 kills because they're so easy to kill. Most of em couldn't even get close.

2) Electricity is WAY overpowered. I could put a TFac in Engine Room on Tanith and it'd launch a bolt of lightning across the map and up an onos' ass in Feedwater hive.

3) Stomp was "fixed" by making it only 1 second. However, Flayra actually managed to skate around the whole fact that the reason it's overpowered is that a stomp is longer then most hallways.

4) Hand grenades are neat, but overpowered. A lot. They're like handheld siege cannons. Just whip 'em at an OC and it gets blown halfway to hell.

5) I've almost never seen an alien win. In co_ or ns_.

Off Topic / Anyone Play Planetside?
« on: January 23, 2004, 10:22:31 PM »
It's been a long time since I played... (I began playing pretty much the day it came out. Played for 1.5 months, quit)

I'm thinking of giving it another shot. But before I dump $13 into it...

I basically want to know how much it's imporoved since release. The worst part about it is:

Is the TR still sooper-dooper-overpowered-lamorific-retarded? That's mainly why I quit:

Get in a vehicle: MISSILE LOCK - DIE
Go inside a base with 12 billion teammates: ONE POUNDER! - Kills everyone, the base, the continent, and your sanctuary.

General / For Lb
« on: January 23, 2004, 07:08:50 PM »
I was going to do more but I ran out of time. Here's some temp pages. I'm sorta a frontpage newb, so you'll need to go in and fix the hyperlinks that don't work (they're going to be the ones that link to other pages, like nsrules.htm, etc)

NOTE: I missed the 'Lunixmonster RC Server'... but you get what I was trying to achieve...

I also sorta nubbed up the formatting... sorry? :D

Did this cuz the current page sucks and tells you nothing :p

General / - Guide: How To Properly Utilize Ammo -
« on: January 23, 2004, 06:07:08 PM »
== Humping the Armory - Lesson 1 - The Basics ==

- Chapter 1 - Enough is Enough -

The first obstacle confronting all marines, the absolute first thing they must decide when they spawn, is how much ammo they should grab. It's the bane of every commander, when they see two or even three marines standing around the armory filling up to full ammo.

NEWSFLASH: The average marine only expends two and a half clips per life, and perhaps two from the pistol. That's a total of 125 bullets for the LMG, and 20 for the Pistol. Now naturally a more skilled marine will need more.

A very new marine should avoid the armory if possible. At most, he should grab no more then one clip for each weapon.

An average marine should grab two clips each.

A skilled marine should grab at least two clips (A total of 50/150), and should always keep his trusty pistol full.

If you feel that you're not going to be able to fire four clip of ammo, do not take four clips of ammo.

• Take as much ammo as proportionate to your skill level

- Chapter 2 - Ammo vs. Orders -

So you're fresh out of the IP, and immediately across the screen, your commander tells your team: "PHASE NOW!!!" What do you do?

A) Grab several clips from the armory, so that you can kill aliens on the other side.
B) Phase instantly.

If you answered A, you're not as wrong as you might think you were. When your commander tells you to phase now, there's a split second analysis of the situation you must make. Making this analysis requires lots of experience in NS.

Generally, if your commander is telling you to phase, there's only one of three possible situations that will be true.

Situation 1) The base on the other side of the phase requires reinforcements.
Situation 2) The base on the other side is being sneak attacked by low life forms.
Situation 3) The base on the other side has been smashed and is being destroyed by Fades and Onos.

In case of situation 1, it is wise to grab at least two clips of ammo for your main gun only. This will mean that you don't need to run back to base or call for ammo drops when the situation is normalized.

Situation 2 is more urgent. Do not grab ammo, do not collect guns, go directly to phase. Generally you can fight off the attackers, and then come back for more ammo. If there's been other marines going through and they haven't died, I myself would treat it as situation 1, and grab a quick clip or two of ammunition.

Situation 3 is dire. Generally I ignore these requests, as it just gives the aliens free resources to phase through. If you must phase, again, do not grab ammo, phase right away.

If your commander gives you a far away waypoint, and you have no phase gate, grab as much ammo as you can, polish your knife, grin and bear it. If you're with a squad, generally you'll waste ammo firing on dead corpses, and you'll run out quickly. Alternatively, if the waypoint is fairly close, there's a good chance it's urgent, and you should head there right away.

• Only grab as much ammunition as the situation requires. The more urgent, the less ammo you should take.

== Ammo Management - Lesson 1 - The Basics ==

- Chapter 1 - When to Pull the Trigger -

Always remember that as a marine, you have a huge advantage: range. If you can put eleven rounds into that skulk before he gets within four feet of you, you've won. However, do not ever fool yourself into thinking you're able to kill everything you see. Too often am I the unfortunate observer to a squad of marines emptying their magazines, squandering precious ammo, just to try to kill a fade more then sixty feet away.

Always remember this:

LMG - Medium Range
Pistol - All Ranges
HMG - Short-Medium Range
Shotgun - Very Short Range
Grenade Launcher - Very Long Range

Unless you are suppressing fire, do not ever attempt to use these weapons beyond ranges I've listed here. Heavy Machine Guns have very large cones of fire, and thus, will miss targets at medium range or beyond. Always, and this is a rule of thumb, always let the target get as close as is safely possible, then open fire.

If you are using a shotgun, do not immediately fire upon the onos across the room. You will not hurt it. You will only annoy it, and alert it to the fact that there is a shotgun in the room. This is true for all weapons.

Furthermore, do not ever fire your weapon unless you have to. Guns are very noisy. Marines can be stealthy if they require it, and in order to do so, must learn to only fire at targets that are directly threatening them or their team. If a fade walks right past your hiding spot, it is generally not wise to point out his mistake by emptying a weapon all willy-nilly. One more thing to note: If the aliens do not know your position, or if you are setting up to destroy and occupy the hive, never attack anything in the room until everyone is ready. This will alert the aliens to your position, give away the sneak attack, and ruin the game.

• Never use weapons beyond plausible range.
• Never discharge your weapon unless the situation requires it.

- Chapter 2 - When to Let Go -

Another common faux pa I am witness to quite often is the ‘shoot it ‘till it stops moving, then shoot it some more’ mentality. It always irritates me when I see it happen, and irritates me more when I do it. This mentality I describe is when the marine kills an alien, and then continues shooting the dying corpse until it’s fairly obvious it’s not really going to go anywhere. This is a severe drain of ammo and time, as you’ll be taking more time analyzing your targets then continuing on to the next threat.

The best way to learn how to avoid this is to simply make a habit of paying some attention to the kill list in the corner. If you have the mental ability to do so, and I know some people can’t, analyze it with your peripheral vision. If you fire upon a skulk and see a kill flash up, chances are it’s yours, and you can stop firing right then. Also, it’s important to learn the death animations skulks and lerks are very hard to discern between ‘dead’ and ‘alive’. With some practice, you can learn the death animation timing, and stop firing instantly, wasting almost no bullets on the harmless corpse.

General / What's Your Playing Style
« on: January 16, 2004, 11:40:11 AM »
A spinoff of the commanding style ;) Generally, what are you best at, what are you still stupid at, how well do you play your marine game?

I tend to know what needs to be done and go do it, especially at the start of the game. I'll usually follow orders like a good little boy, but like goldfish can say: "Uranium! Stay in base!" - Uranium - 235 HMG Onos - Uranium - 235 HMG Onos - Uranium - 235 HMG Fade - "Oh... well... um, get back to base." I'm not too good with a shotgun (Sniping in games has never been my forte), though I have once gotten a lucky kill streak as skulks rushed me. I think everyone lost count, but I'm placing my kill streak with the shotgun somewhere around 20 skulks before I ran out of ammo :p. My weapon of choice is the HMG, and barring an onos, nothing can stop me.

Jetpacks, too, are too complex for me. I'm also terrible as a lerk, but the jetpacks is mainly the fault of 2.0's huge nerf of them. I'm (usually) rather quiet even though I have a headset mic, and I've had some commanders think I'm long dead until I'm calling for health in some hellhole behind the bodies of the Kharra gorges.

I also do best in a group of no larger then 3. Any more and it gets too hectic.

Oh and one more note: Never give me mines, I'm guarenteed to drop them wrong.

For aliens, I'm pretty much good to go with anything :p

Off Topic / I Need Good Car Music
« on: January 15, 2004, 03:09:47 AM »
Tell me good songs that have good beats that are great for listening to in a car :p


 - Non-English lyrics
 - cRap music (The only ONE exception was 'Lose Yourself')

Just an example:

Ironman wins because it's got the nice poundy beat. Another good one is 'OK Go - Get Over It'. If you must have one more example, say, 7 Nation Army.

I like mainly older bands (Black Sabbath, Led Zepplin) but the problem is I don't have the time to find the good songs out of all 10 billion... sooo... give me a huge-ass list of songs like that ;)

General / What In Gods Name Is Going On?
« on: January 15, 2004, 01:05:56 AM »
I tried connecting following my little link and it asked me to submit a username and password... after some trial and error I finally got it. Eh??? What is that?

Mystery solved: nubbed up by JHunz ;)

General / Just A Friendly 'heads Up'
« on: January 13, 2004, 08:27:20 PM »
If the teams are severely unbalanced, and there's no one in the readyroom, I'll give you generally two to three minutes to elect someone, or yourself, to change to the other team. I don't have TOO much of a problem with 1 player discrepencies. But when one team is one player away from auto-concention (Known as 'F4ing')...

I do not like having unbalanced teams.

I like it even less when I have to go out of my way to bring down the console and do it because you're team is too damn lazy, selfish, and concieded to tell someone to change. Especially when there's non-regulars in light armor in your spawn queue.

I'll be more flexible if, say, your whole team is occupied. I'm not going to yank your onos in the middle of a hive attack. That is lame and you may call me on it. In fact that's borderline abuse. Furthermore, that scenario only applies if the situation is temporary. But if you have 6 skulks, one onos, and one gorge, and no one even CARES that the marines are outnumbered by 3 players...


If you're a marine, there's a really really high chance I'll chose (intentionally) one of your HAs to join the other team. You do not want me to do that.

If you're an alien, and you don't want to see one of your Fades or Onos dissapear, you better get your ass to the other team.

Thus declared Uranium, and it was good. I want to have as much fun as everyone else. I don't want to ruin your fun just to ruin the game. But playing with 9 vs 6 is lame and I will NOT stand for it. You'll have PLENTY of time for someone to change, or at least let me know you're going to have someone change in the very very near future. "I'll change in a second," is fine. I don't expect you to drop everything and change right that very second. But if you don't acknowledge me, if you don't say ANYTHING at ALL, that tells me you don't care and you're ignoring an admin.

EDIT: For Crack, I yanked one of your two HAs earlier today. I'm sure it totally pissed you off. You have every right to be pissed off. But I know damn well that the rest of your team was in Light Armor, several were in the spawn queue, and I gave you plenty of warning.

Questions? Comments? Death Threats?

General / So Many Newbies...
« on: January 11, 2004, 09:06:05 PM »
Anyone else noticed the sudden influx of asshole n00bs into lunixmonster?

1) I've been acused of hacking multiple times. (I quickly rectified THAT situation)

2) People are more spammy then ever on voice comm, as well as more verbal abuse, etc.

3) General lowering of the average IQ.

4) After every game the server empties like an overflowing portapotty rolling down a hill.

WHY? When the hell did CS merge with NS?! Really starting to piss me off, thinking of quitting NS until 3.0 comes out, I can't :Ding stand these 2 vs 2 games anymore.

General / Hahaha
« on: January 07, 2004, 03:37:31 PM »
I was just driving on my way to get something to eat and this fire truck pulls up next to me at a red light. On the side, in big, silver, shiney letters it says:


All I could imagine was the picture of 'The Onion' where Bush deploys 'Very Special Forces' to Iraq. I wanted to lean out the window and yell "YOU'RE SQUAD 5!" I was cracking up for like 2 minutes.

God this city is wierd.

Off Topic / Ohnoes! Spyware!
« on: January 07, 2004, 02:00:58 AM »
What follows is the final transmissions of the U.S.S Cyborg moments before all contact was lost after a concentrated attack by Spyware Ships.

Sys. Ops: Captain we have unconfirmed reports of suspicious activity, possibly spyware!

Sensors: Unidentified objects have appeared in browser... some new toolbar it appears...

Captain: Query the system. I want all spyware accounted for.

Sensors: Captain, something's come up on scope! Twelve... fourty... eighty... over one hundred and seventy spyware ships detected!

Captain: Shields up and prepare weapons, I want all-


* BEWM! *

Captain: All hands, damage report!

Sys. Ops: System... losing... stability...

Engineering: We've lost control of the browser! Advertising inbound!

Captain: Launch countermeasures!

Weapons: Countermeasures away!

Engineering: Homepage has been changed! Links rerouting to advertising! Attempting emergency failsafe shutdown!

Sys. Ops: Sir! Something is eating the system from the inside! Icons spontaneously appearing on all decks!

Captain: Weapons! What is your status!

Weapons: We're charging the main system... sustained damage during attack... can't... control...

Sensors: Sir! Another volley inbound!

Captain: Break hard port bearing one five one! Launch countermeasures!

Weapons: Countermeasures away!

Sensors: Fourteen popups inbound sir!

Weapons: Countermeasures missed!

Captain: Prepare for impact!

Sys Ops: We have confirmed reports of 8 installed items running! Sir- we... have- can't... would you like to scan your computer for porn?

Captain: System Operations is damaged!



Sys Ops: Catastrophic failure of all systems! We're going-

About an hour ago that pretty much happened to me. In the space of 1 minute, I got attacked by every type of spyware I'd ever heard of, ending with the nuclear weapon of spyware attacks: The RPC shutdown. Up until then I'd had absolutely nothing spyware related: It started with all my IE settings getting reset. I cleaned that out and began running ad-aware, when I found all 174 pieces of spyware. The scan was just finishing when suddenly about 60 popups blew my screen away. I fought them back and found icons spontaneously appearing all over my desktop. Then I opened ctrl-alt-delete and began killing as many processes as I could, but more and more just kept popping up. Wondering if I had a trojan or something, I fired up my firewall and blocked the ports. I probably would've been better off unplugging my internet. The firewall didn't stop anything, and suddenly programs started to run. I'm sitting here going nuts fighting it back when admist a barrage of bizarre crap (Including IE launching and randomly browsing advertising pages) I get the RPC shutdown message. That was it, the CYBORG (Name of my comp) took a catastrophic hit and I reached over and cut the power.

I've spent the last hour cleaning up the chemical spill that's overtaken my computer.

General / Why I Love Lunixmonster
« on: January 05, 2004, 10:23:59 PM »
I just had what I can officially and honestly say was undoubtably the best game of NS I've ever had.

(This recap is in brief. The actual game lasted well over an hour, with the HAs coming out roughly 1/3 of the way to give you some perspective. Furthermore this is all from my PoV and anything that crack informed me of, so it's missing parts :))

Our commander was 'crack', our team was almost 50% newbies ("What's a PG?" "Where's CC?" Yeah.). I immediately get sloted into squad 5 with a couple other guys ([JFF] Kirby, Anarki, myself, and Alucard2). We started up and I run out to grab some nodes, generally it's nothing exciting in the early game. Unfortunately we hit a few roadblocks. The other team vastly outskilled us and delayed the critical early-game expansion. We locked down eclipse and sieged down Computer Core, long long after we should've (Their main hive was Maint). Crack's successes usually rely on early game strategic victories (I might add I've never lost a game he's commed)

At this point we have level 3 upgrades, but not much else. We've got a decent res flow coming in. Then the inevitable happens: Onos. He beats down eclipse and they quickly take it. However, a gorge never actually found his way to build the hive at the time. Before we know what's going on our nodes are down and we're scrabbling for scraps. We lose CC, and the hive goes up. This is the end, right? The onos was literally at our door.

In desperation crack tells me he's going to trust the whole game on me. I get a shotty and jetpack and I'm sent to maint hive. I land on top and, unfortunately, the medspam came a second too late, and a skulk eats me. Fortunately I managed to pull the entire alien team away from our base: Victory in Death!

Crack pulls us through and we miraculously beat our way to eclipse where the hive is finishing. We're almost down and... xenocides around. Crack's sweating bullets watching us try to take it down with LMGs and I'm hiding behind a bunker of upgrade chambers (nyah nyah). We all die, eventually, and we're thinking this is it.

Enter Squad 5.

We sweep in in vanilla gear with stock ammo. Quickly neutralize the MC so they can't teleport to the hive and wipe out the opposition. Then we all stand back and fill the hive with a FMJ sandwich. It falls. (This is actually the part where I got my most fantastic kill chain. I killed a lerk with my full LMG clip, emptied my pistol into a skulk, turned, and knifed an escaping skulk out of the air :))

We have pretty much full tech now and our economy is recovering. Then... surprise! Another onos! Good god! We fight back to CC (Same place we sieged from last time) and trick the onos with a diversion. This gave us roughly a minute to get a PG up and Siege. After fighting back and forth the sieges went up, and the hive goes down! Woohoo! Now we're in a rut. Eclipse will not hold long, and we don't have time to get CC secure because there's an onos coming.

Wait... onos - hive 1 - no stomp :) I dicker with crack and Squad 5 gets a suit of HA and HMGs. We march on maint hive and kill one onos. The second onos devours me, and squad 5 cuts it down, freeing me. We move into maintenance and set up a PG and get ready to siege when we get ambushed during a reload and lots of skulks wipe us out.

Little did we know we were fighting the Kharra equivilant of the US Army Corps of Engineers. These tenacious little gorges just would not quit. We find out eclipse is going back up, and we're back to swatting skulks out of the sky.

I hear briefly on voice comm something about onoses. I phase back to base and there's 2 onoses beating away at the base. I didn't score a kill for either as I ran out of ammo but they died just a second after I ran dry and another HA phased through. Squad 5 saves the base!

I move back (Gunning down even more onos along the way) and we retake eclipse... again. Then it's back to computer core... where we take it again. The aliens were literally rolling in resources: Computer Core had 8 DCs and OCs around it: Similar setups in Maint hive, at South Loop, and Horseshoe. We actually managed to lose eclipse, and Response Force 5 quickly responds and takes out the trash.

I actually managed to get devoured again and my buddies freed me.

We actively move into maint hive, and I'm chanting 'Ride of the Valkyries' over voice comm. We move in and we get cut down: It's just me, Kirby, and Alucard now. After a minute-long skirmish...

*Ping*... *Ping*...

Here's the scoreboard at the very end. The aliens were unhappily joking that it was Kharra vs. Uranium. Crack said he had almost died in the chair, and I was completely exhausted as well. He attributed the entire success to Squad 5 :)


We killed probably 6 or 7 hives (I feel like I'm missing a huge chunk of the game up there...).
My kills:
Skulks - Dozens... lots and lots of dozens.
Gorges - Probably 5 or 6.
Lerks - 5, I believe.
Fades - Surprisingly, Fades never really showed up in this game. I did see a couple but only managed the kill on one.
Onos - Christ we killed probably somewhere around 8 onos, 2 of which were my kills, and I take credit for the onos at base, so 3.8 :)

Grats to crack, you are my new hero. Also, grats to the tenacious aliens, you fought very hard and had me thinking we had completely lost the game... three times actually :)


General / What Do I Need?
« on: January 04, 2004, 01:14:14 AM »
I have the full install for 3.0... what else? The full mappacks again or is there an updated one?

Off Topic / What's Some Of The Wierdest Crap You Own?
« on: December 29, 2003, 07:03:23 PM »
See subject.

 - A few chunks of rock containing uranium (radioactive, yes, some are around 16,000 CPM and some only around 4,000)


 - Lots and lots of chemicals. Such as, Calcium Carbonate, Copper Chloride, Magnesium strips, and pure mercury. I'm also trying to get some Beryllium but it's damn expensive for the tiny piece I get. Plus, I don't know where to keep it where it won't flood my basement with lethal neutrons. You know, I don't even know what I'd DO with it. Maybe use it's incredibly toxic dust for nefarious evil?

Advertised as 'The World's Only Nuclear Powered Toy'. Makes a great conversation piece.

Hmm oh yes, I also have a camoflauged golf ball... only god knows why...

General / Lunixmonster Ns Combat?
« on: November 23, 2003, 03:34:38 PM »
Simple question: Will Lunixmonster get a dedicated Combat server?

Mapping / Our Very Own Do0blex's Map...
« on: November 16, 2003, 01:39:41 PM »
If you haven't seen it yet, check it out. Still a massive WIP, but one of the best looking maps I've seen...

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