Overly Chatty Penguins

The Ready Room => General => Topic started by: Manta on June 03, 2005, 05:55:54 PM

Title: Dead_Meat is officially awesome
Post by: Manta on June 03, 2005, 05:55:54 PM
Game on ns_origin: Marines are pretty much going down, so we're pushing for Furnace, hoping that we can take at least one hive down. We're in a five-man train with shotguns.  Two fades start harrassing us from either side, but we eventually push into the Smelting Room, which has two lava pits with complementary lava falls.

We push into the main doorway, chasing down a fade - DM. He starts hitting us, but we fire in his back around two or three times. Half a shotgun blast clips him on the side as he blinks through the doorway, back into Smelting Room, so we chase him down. I get a shot on him, but he still doesn't go down.

Then, he jumps INTO a lava pit. He doesn't jump through the lava flow, he just up and jumps into the pit, like you'd dive into a pool. A second later, he pops right up, like something you'd see in a movie. I get one more shot on him, but he still doesn't die. He proceeds to blink away into the sunset.

I think DM is either awesome or lucky.
Title: Dead_Meat is officially awesome
Post by: aeroripper on June 03, 2005, 06:05:28 PM
lol... its like in cartoons where the guy runs off a cliff, looks down then runs back onto the cliff.

That's happened to me before where i fall into pit as fade and i point back up and manage to get back on normal ground before i fall in (only works with adren though)
Title: Dead_Meat is officially awesome
Post by: Manta on June 04, 2005, 07:06:25 AM
No, no... he fell into the actual lava. He was in there for almost a full second, and even if he hadn't touched the lava pit on the bottom (which doesn't instagib anymore for some reason), he would have been fried a bit by the lava flow.
Title: Dead_Meat is officially awesome
Post by: Dead_Meat on June 04, 2005, 07:55:17 AM
i fell in and had to wait for my adren to build up a lil the got the heck outa there

when i started to run i wasnt really hurt i was just gonna ring a round the rosy around the lava falls trying to get the rines to seperate a lil and pick one off
but i fell into the lava and by the time i got outta that i was hurtin so i had to go heal up.
Title: Dead_Meat is officially awesome
Post by: lolfighter on June 04, 2005, 08:05:05 AM
Dead_Meat is a pretty good Fade...

I'd say that I wish I was as good, but I don't. I prefer being an average Fade. This way I can go Fade and be useful to my team, but nobody goes "omg lolfighter is Fade, we win!" No moaning when I die, either. "omg lolfighter is dead! Fade down! WE LOSE!"
Title: Dead_Meat is officially awesome
Post by: Manta on June 04, 2005, 08:27:54 AM
That wasn't even his fading ability... he fell into the lava and escaped.
Title: Dead_Meat is officially awesome
Post by: UKchaos on June 04, 2005, 09:15:37 AM
Sometimes the lava damage doesnt function :o
Title: Dead_Meat is officially awesome
Post by: Anarki3x6 on June 04, 2005, 10:49:50 AM
yeah i like it when that happens .. you can go swimming around for a while in the lava.. it takes a bit to kill higher lifeforms though... but i see what you mean.. damn hax0r fades >_>
Title: Dead_Meat is officially awesome
Post by: LochNess on June 04, 2005, 12:12:33 PM
can you get a comm chair in that lava when its borked?  i sense a great comm spot  :cool:
Title: Dead_Meat is officially awesome
Post by: A Boojum Snark on June 04, 2005, 12:49:43 PM
I think that would still be stopped by the no-building-in-liquid rescrition :p
Title: Dead_Meat is officially awesome
Post by: 2_of_8 on June 04, 2005, 12:59:19 PM
I think that would still be stopped by the no-building-in-liquid rescrition :p
Unless... that entity too is killed by AdminMod!
Title: Dead_Meat is officially awesome
Post by: A Boojum Snark on June 04, 2005, 01:30:51 PM
Except it's not an entity, it is worldwater generated by the engine due to the name of the texture :p Only time you ever see entitywater in NS is when there is a weldable that drains said water, such as on agora at sewer hive.
Title: Dead_Meat is officially awesome
Post by: Necrosis on June 04, 2005, 02:34:21 PM
Dead Meat > Anakin Skywalker
Title: Dead_Meat is officially awesome
Post by: SwiftSpear on June 05, 2005, 02:34:56 AM
Dead Meat > Anakin Skywalker
Indeed.  ROFLed this one.