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Messages - CryForMe

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Off Topic / Car collision
« on: March 12, 2005, 05:29:05 PM »
anytime man.

Off Topic / Car collision
« on: March 12, 2005, 03:58:59 PM »
ok, 2 things now. since you have insurance information, call your insurance company and give them the info you were given. if it turns out to be fake info, then the person you called and got it from is in deep kim-chee for giving false information about an accident. by the way, you have 24 hours to call the police about the incident, which i recommend doing anyway, as the police will officially document the damages, whereas if you have no documentation, the bitch that hit you can always say "i didnt hit him, that car was already jacked up".  either way, call your insurance company with the info asap.

Off Topic / Car collision
« on: March 12, 2005, 12:14:06 PM »
as bad as it sounds, the number was probably a fake. in that kind of situation, ESPECIALLY when youre not at fault, call the police. This way, the police can make sure the proper exchange of information takes place. If she gave you a fake number, you're never getting anything for the damages to your car, and if you had called the police and she was too busy to stay, she gets charged with a hit and run and then gets to pay for your car.
So feel free to check the name and number and see if theyre legit. My money is on fake, but you never know.  make sure you call your insurance company and report the accident asap. thats about all you can do right now.

Off Topic / Navy Field
« on: March 10, 2005, 06:04:41 PM »
wow...mad addictive. played it for an hour and got up to level 6 on most of my guys, bought me a destroyer. i can pretty much take out 3 comp ships in under 2 mins with no assist using only the fwd guns. its all about running up quick and throttling back at the right time to nail the other ship with a broadside barrage. cant wait until i get a battleship and i can really start pounding people.

Off Topic / Occupation
« on: March 10, 2005, 11:06:34 AM »
complexity never makes it unboring, just adds to the tedium and annoyance.
I'm a student of the culinary arts as well as education. Sounds odd, but my two life goals are to be a teacher and open a restaurant. Gonna happen sooner or later. Plus i love to cook, so it works out well. For a job, i work as a digital comms dispatcher for the Hillsborough County Emergency Operations Center in Tampa, which means i sit in a cubicle and watch cartoons all day because theres no emergencies here. We only get the stuff that 911 cant handle, which only happens during hurricanes. It's boring as hell, but for 35k a year and a flexible schedule it makes me happy.

General / Marine vs Alien wins
« on: March 08, 2005, 10:48:01 AM »
out of all the games ive seen so far, when the aliens have a coherent strategy, its a walk in the park for them. the big kicker is that if a rine is in SC range, he appears on SOF. a major strat shift that i've seen is for aliens to a.) drop sc first and b.) place sc's strategically instead of just dropping 3 in the first hive (i.e. drop a SC near common ninja spots in all 3 hives right off the bat so you can see if rines are trying to get the drop on a hive). i think all its gonna take is a higher degree of teamwork and maybe a little adaptive strategy on the part of comms to get the wins back up.

General / New Comming strategies?
« on: March 07, 2005, 10:26:06 AM »
One of the best strats ive seen since 3.0 came out, and has worked EVERY time is fairly basic. Res intensive, but basic. To begin with, have two people go cap RTs, no more. Armory, obs, IP, TF and arms in base. Use the TF to start electrifying nodes as soon as available res comes in, hold off on immediate upgrades. Besides the two people capping nodes (one builds, other covers), everyone else should immediately start scouting hives. When you come on an empty one, build the RT first, then the comm should IMMEDIATELY fortify it - TF electrified, PG and turrets. If done correctly, you can have one hive locked down within the first two minutes and the second within the first 5 if you have a decent shooting marine team. The key to this strategy is that once the hive is fortified, skulks and gorges and lerks for the most part are completely useless in getting into a hive. The aliens must then wait for fades and onos. In all the games ive played, aliens seem to be more intent on dropping at least one chamber or one rt then saving for fade, so you'll generally have a few mins before you start seeing the big nasties. After the hives are locked up, everyone moves as one group and starts capping nodes and taking down alien RTs. Large groups always stand better chances obviously, since its hard for the lone roaming skulk or lerk to escape the hail of fire coming from 5-6 people. Once this is done, a steady res flow should be coming in to allow for quick upgrades. The kicker to the aliens now is that unless they have a team full of onoses and fades, once you have HA/HMG or JP/SG combos, marines are virtually unstoppable. Take down the only hive they have and youre golden.

General / Natural-Selection 3.0 Final Release
« on: March 05, 2005, 03:10:13 PM »
hesitation hit it right on the mark...friggin got 3.0 and not a single server has an open slot...i was on LM for about 30 secs before i got res slot kicked...making me angry.

General / Natural-Selection 3.0 Final Release
« on: March 05, 2005, 01:06:31 PM »
bandwidth available is 0 lol...cant get a file transfer going on either yet.

General / Natural-Selection 3.0 Final Release
« on: March 05, 2005, 01:00:54 PM »
omfg where is it, i cant find it! its not on jarhedz or or surftown! gah!!!!!

General / Natural Selection Beta 3.6 Changelog
« on: March 01, 2005, 04:00:43 PM »
Gah, the flashlight thing! there goes LM hide and seek.

not really since that is what adnubs with rules are for :)

Impossible, Dark. There is NO feedback for other players when I turn on the alien flashlight. And how will you prove that I used the flashlight? It is very possible to see a marine in a dark corner without the flashlight.

We already disallow use of the minimap in hide and seek for that exact reason, and disallowing the alien flashlight would work exactly the same way.  Yes, you could get away with cheating using the minimap or alien flashlight, but that hasn't been a problem because there's little desire to cheat in hide and go seek[/b].
and besides, the flashlight isnt gonna work like wallhax, youre gonna have to be in the same general region of the rine (glowing or not) with no walls in between you to see him, and even if you do, you still gotta get around the mines hes undoubtedly placed.

General / Why I love LunixMonster
« on: February 26, 2005, 08:03:52 PM »
So i finally get around to registering on the forums after ive been playing at LM for ages. Granted its not always under the cryforme alias, but still. I'd have to agree that playing anywhere else is pointless. The only other servers anyone will ever see me on is the NSA Combat servers, practicing my skills at dodging bullets, which i need a lot of work at, and the only reason i go there is because late late at night LM is usually empty and i get lonely. But even playing there is getting bad. As most of you know (because ive played with most of you), I suck. Really, no bones about it. But take last night for example. co_faceoff on NSA co#2. I was aliens and my WHOLE team (not kidding) rushed out and fed a waiting marine team. I was camped and parasiting away, managed to eek 2 para kills. :)
So my team respawns, and what do they do? FEED THE RINES AGAIN! So i'm at 2-0, my whole team is at 0-2. So i get cloaking, sneak around behind the rine team and eat 3 or 4 without much trouble. Focus comes next, followed by celerity. So uberskulking it up, i bring my score to 25-4. Completely unheard of for me, but i rolled with it. I went fade after  gathering enough points for redemp and carapace and resumed whacking the marine team. Then the rines got smart and rushed the hive. Needless to say, we lost. 49-11 was my final. Next highest on my team was 11-26. Its a sad state of affairs when i can rout like that.
But as for LM, everyone that plays there is a friendly bunch for the most part. I enjoy watching HD hax everyone, helping MrBill relocate to the strangest places (i once saw an attempt to relocate to the water tunnel under feedwater...boy was that bad), and watching DHP regulate on people, as he did last night (thats another story altogether).  I'm not forgetting the rest of you, but this is already a rant and my carpal tunnel is kicking in. I'll see you all in game. :)

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