Overly Chatty Penguins

The Ready Room => General => Topic started by: Asal on September 01, 2004, 11:42:05 AM

Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Asal on September 01, 2004, 11:42:05 AM
Alright.  I don't know why....what for....or why you think it's alright....but every single game I gorge, I get parasited/bit/slashed/spit.  Do you realize that this is against the rules of LM?  Do you think that because I'm a gorge, and because I probably won't see combat soon, it is alright?  No, it's not alright.  I was even SLAIN by an admin while gorge "Because I wouldn't die".  You know what?  I did die.  And it made a difference to the game.  Frankly, I have had enough.  From now on, anyone I catch parasiting/biting/slashing/shooting teammates will have their STEAMid's nabbed, reported, and names posted for all to see.  I don't care how long I've known you.  I don't care what reason you THOUGHT gave you the right to do that.  A regen onos being parasited may not mean much, but it's the ACTION which pisses me off, drives me over the edge.  I don't want to see it again.  Ever.

Sidenote: Even if the admins do nothing about this thread or any occurances held within, I will continue to keep track.  Until this topic is deleted.  It's better than getting myself banned.  And who knows? Maybe someone will pay attention to my PISSED OFF RAMBLING.
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: BobTheJanitor on September 01, 2004, 12:19:40 PM
Agreed. For those wondering what the allowable 'level' of team attacking is on LM, it's quite simple. It's not allowed. At all. Ever. I see too much of this and let too many people off with a warning, mostly because it's sometimes hard to track down which skulk just parasited someone or bit an RT or whatever. Parasiting a hapless gorge is not funny. It's not 'cute'. And it's not going to keep happening.

The ONLY time you're allowed to attack teammates or team structures is 1 - after the game is OVER (this means the music is playing and the 'X won' message is on screen -- NOT, I repeat NOT when the ping of death is playing.) or 2 - when you need to hit a hive so that teammates can use movement chambers to get there.

Any questions, anything need clarifying, anyone want to tell me that it's 'ok because it doesn't really hurt them and they regenerate it anyway'? Please, fire away. I'll be happy to rip you to shreds, and/or explain things to you in a friendly and calm manner.  ;)
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Tooky on September 01, 2004, 01:17:20 PM
I was even SLAIN by an admin while gorge "Because I wouldn't die". You know what? I did die.

You asked DHP to slay you that time because you didn't want to get massed by rines. Unless it's another time.
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Dark on September 01, 2004, 01:52:16 PM
I was even SLAIN by an admin while gorge "Because I wouldn't die". You know what? I did die.

You asked DHP to slay you that time because you didn't want to get massed by rines. Unless it's another time.

no he's referring to last night when vinnie slayed cause he wouldn't die and he had enough to drop something.

edit: i also apologize for anything i did to you asal  <3
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Mr.Ben on September 01, 2004, 02:29:01 PM
I apologise if i ever hurt you, asal. I love you!
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Satiagraha on September 01, 2004, 02:42:39 PM
I've found that a lot of pubbers do that. I assume that it's because they're used to no FF, which is the lousiest excuse I've ever heard. Instakick to the rescue! :p
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Necrosis on September 01, 2004, 03:47:03 PM
Ah, the thankless life of a gorge.

90% of the world's nubtards will bite you to let you know you should heal them. No heal noise, no chuckle, no teamsay bind. And I detest players who parasite other players... how many times have you chased a moving para blip only to find its some poor gorge, or onos, and not some ninja rine?

when you need to hit a hive so that teammates can use movement chambers to get there.

This is getting very popular atm.
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Mr.Bill on September 01, 2004, 04:30:25 PM
yeah I was going to nin ja a pg into a building hive then some bastard gorge spits at it and a thousand skulks spawn in secons and swarm me to mad.

attacking other people on your team is WRONG by all means.
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Vinegar Ninja on September 01, 2004, 04:30:58 PM
well I said it that game, and ill say it again, sorry man, I was just messing around, and I had no idea you were constantly being attacked.
if this crap happens, come get me, and ill lay the kickstick and banhammer down so hard they will be in 1.04 :p
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Avs on September 01, 2004, 06:04:39 PM
Note to self: Sit on Asal as a skulk and claim your trying to gestate into a gorulk.
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Doobie Dan on September 02, 2004, 10:20:20 AM
I used to give gorge RT eggs at the very beginning of the game a quick bite if they were gestating miles away from marine start, just because they get it all of the health back upon hatching.  Bothers some people though, so I haven't done it in months.  Sorry if I pissed you off back in the day  :)
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Necrosis on September 02, 2004, 11:29:18 AM
Make sure you have evidence if you go to an admin.

I've seen one person complain about getting tk'd, allegedly because he "wouldn't heal"... but he wouldn't heal because the skulk had just para'd him first.

Needless to say the tk'er and the gorge in question suffered no further action - an admin came on to break heads but couldn't really prove the argument either way.

So make sure you've got witnesses or screenies.
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: X-S-Z on September 02, 2004, 11:45:59 AM


I've been having this happen to me too as of late. It's usually later in the afternoon, where there aren't many regulars on the server. Everyone seems to get a kick out of parasiting me and other players, and like Asal, I get damn sick of it in a hurry. So thank you, Asal, for bringing this into the light.  :)
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Kodiac on September 02, 2004, 01:29:15 PM
teh angry asal > me.

But this happens to other people too.  WE hate it just as much.   Thanks for bringing this up.
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Dark on September 02, 2004, 02:12:22 PM
i hate it too but well it has been that way on lm since i joined and i was never one to get to pissed off over it.  i just live with it though i will now start taking names and ids.
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Malevolent on September 02, 2004, 11:09:53 PM
Lately, I've been getting parasited a lot by people I have never seen before on the server (and they don't play usually after). It gets really annoying, but there's not much you can do since they usually never play again.
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Doobie Dan on September 03, 2004, 06:03:27 AM
And really, have a thick skin.  There really isn't much reason to let it ruin the game for you.
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Dark on September 03, 2004, 07:10:24 AM
And really, have a thick skin.  There really isn't much reason to let it ruin the game for you.

i think asal is really talking about regulars who should by now know that ff is on and shouldn't parasite a teammate or bite them
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Cartman2b on September 03, 2004, 08:48:49 AM
Well i can see how its annoying.. but it doesnt affect you by anything else right?

I even recall you biting me once :x

I'm not saying its a good idea but i can see its real annoying.. but well it happens ;)

Fricken VET ^_^
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: That Annoying Kid on September 03, 2004, 11:54:11 AM
asal makes sense, and capturing steamid's and reporting it to admins is a good idea as well
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Dark on September 03, 2004, 12:38:33 PM
yes it is but you must also factor in how sometimes they are accidents
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: -Lancer- on September 03, 2004, 02:58:13 PM
yes it is but you must also factor in how sometimes they are accidents

agreed. but most accidents are reported right away. I know i do at least, so that shouldnt cause much of a problem.
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: SwiftSpear on September 03, 2004, 07:49:04 PM
yes it is but you must also factor in how sometimes they are accidents

agreed. but most accidents are reported right away. I know i do at least, so that shouldnt cause much of a problem.
Report accidents? I just apologize, I apologize whenever I hit people or structures.

BTW, is it against the rules to bite a gestating hive so people can MC to it? Because I was under the impression that was the only legitimate reason to TA anything on LM...
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Malevolent on September 03, 2004, 08:10:13 PM
Dammit, got parasited again (multiple times today actually). Then I got bit once. All on purpose. I did get one ID though. :D
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Dark on September 04, 2004, 12:49:44 PM
yes it is but you must also factor in how sometimes they are accidents

agreed. but most accidents are reported right away. I know i do at least, so that shouldnt cause much of a problem.
Report accidents? I just apologize, I apologize whenever I hit people or structures.

BTW, is it against the rules to bite a gestating hive so people can MC to it? Because I was under the impression that was the only legitimate reason to TA anything on LM...

i think it is ok to do if the team asks someone to do it
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: -Lancer- on September 07, 2004, 09:11:15 AM
I apologize whenever I hit people or structures.

Thats what I meant :p
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Avs on September 07, 2004, 06:14:05 PM
Yeah but when a wave of newbies come on the server. ^^ happens?
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Dark on September 07, 2004, 07:14:15 PM
and then bob bants them <3
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: EmperorPenguin on September 07, 2004, 11:46:44 PM
I have to admit that I am one of the bad ones.  Not parasiting or bites mind you, but I do have a habit of spit/heal combos on eggs as a gorge.  I know its rather harmless since I do 0 net damage, but I suppose it does perpetrate the idea that TD is OK.  I suppose I'll stop.
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: johnjacobjingle on September 09, 2004, 09:46:17 AM

i have a confession...

i spit and heal eggs too.

i can't help it if i prefer my eggs scrambled to poached or fried.

will god ever forgive me?
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Magmatron on September 09, 2004, 10:55:54 AM
Probably not, John. On the "Bite hive once so people can MC there", yes, we do allow it. Naturally, go over what's needed and there will be trouble.
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Sancho on September 09, 2004, 03:42:22 PM
I used to give gorge RT eggs at the very beginning of the game a quick bite if they were gestating miles away from marine start, just because they get it all of the health back upon hatching.  Bothers some people though, so I haven't done it in months.  Sorry if I pissed you off back in the day  :)

Just so everyone is aware (I'm sure most of you are), aliens now retain damage they had taken while egging.

Also, as far as I know, having duels with teammates under mutual agreement is still NOT ALLOWED.  I see it too many times...two pubbers join, find out that FF is on, and decide to have a knife dual.  Then they're like, "hes my bud, he dont care when i hurt him!" and I'm forced to tempban/ban them.  It doesn't work towards the team's goals and is annoying as hell.  Don't do it!

Oh, and PLEASE take it easy on people for accidental team damage.  I have heard from another OldF member that he refuses to play on LM because he was once yelled at, and threatened to be banned for accidentally parasiting a teammate.  Guys, this is unacceptable.

And on that note, the other day I accidentally shot Athena in the face with a pistol because my mouse hit the keyboard :(  Stuff like that happens.
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Mr.Bill on September 09, 2004, 05:14:20 PM
I shot shot 3 times as a gorge egg yesterday with para, I told the guy it was a bannable offence, and as if on cue, the marine walks it. rule number one: YOUR ALWAYS IN DANGER OF BEING NINJA OWNED! I dont care how far away you are, if loch is marines Id gestate ontop of the hive. unless its feedwater, then your screwed.
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Necrosis on September 10, 2004, 11:04:17 AM
"I accidentally shot Athena in the face"

Or, more accurately -

Mr Bill: I'm tellin' LB today I'm through.
Sancho: While you're at it, be sure to tell 'im why.
Mr Bill: Don't worry, I will.
Sancho: I'll bet ya ten thousand SWG credits, he laughs his ass off.
Mr Bill: I don't give a damn if he does.
Sancho: Hey Athena what do you make of all this?
Athena: I don't even have an opinion.
Sancho: Well you gotta have an opinion, I mean, do you think Redford just came off afk and stopped the eject com..

Sancho killed Athena with pistol

Sancho: Oh man, I just shot Athena in the face.
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: BobTheJanitor on September 10, 2004, 12:46:31 PM
"I accidentally shot Athena in the face"

Or, more accurately -

Mr Bill: I'm tellin' LB today I'm through.
Sancho: While you're at it, be sure to tell 'im why.
Mr Bill: Don't worry, I will.
Sancho: I'll bet ya ten thousand SWG credits, he laughs his ass off.
Mr Bill: I don't give a damn if he does.
Sancho: Hey Athena what do you make of all this?
Athena: I don't even have an opinion.
Sancho: Well you gotta have an opinion, I mean, do you think Redford just came off afk and stopped the eject com..

Sancho killed Athena with pistol

Sancho: Oh man, I just shot Athena in the face.
You're squad five! (http://bob.thezazi.net/s5.wav)
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Mr.Bill on September 10, 2004, 01:01:27 PM
/me is teh confused.
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Necrosis on September 10, 2004, 06:18:52 PM
There there Bill, its just a bit of pulp fiction.

Mm, I love the pun.
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Mr.Bill on September 11, 2004, 11:55:36 AM
ooh, k I get it now... hahahah, Didnt get the reference silly me. nice.
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Malevolent on September 11, 2004, 07:41:53 PM
That's good Bill, because if you didn't, your new job would be to go watch the movie (since you'd be missing out on a great movie).
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Fewlio on September 13, 2004, 11:14:27 PM
Yeah, this pisses me off too, AND THERE IS NO REASON TO PARASITE YOUR TEAMMATES. Also, it is in the rules too! You know, don't be a llama? Yeah, that one.

Hell, Asal, if you can comprise a list I will either talk with these people or ban and force them to talk with me through a PR thread since it's annoying as hell to run around with redemption and have a few less HP, and with redemption you have to have full health otherwise you will get served.

There is no legitimate reason to parasite your teammates, but there are accidents. Accidents happening quite often will no longer be considered accidents though, so remember this!

Also, I would have wrote down a lot of things quite some time ago if my notebook which had all my LM related notes didn't disappear..... Which had admin related issues written in it too for quick reference :(. Another reason to know why I get angry easily, my stuff disappears!
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: Steeeeve=FUR= on September 18, 2004, 08:31:06 AM
http://www.natural-selection.org/forums/in...?showuser=16519 (http://www.natural-selection.org/forums/index.php?showuser=16519)

Member Title: Banned

Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: lolfighter on September 18, 2004, 08:57:41 AM
I find this deliciously ironic coming from somebody who has been banned on our server and is unrepentant of his actions. And posts his comments in a completely unrelated thread.
*nods thoughtfully*

Edit: I just thought I'd put a quote here:

Just had to add something in to this even though it was locked.

I made this ban because of NUMEROUS complaints from various users. I also have a few logs of you being not so friendly!

Another thing that I find entertaining is the fact that you single out Scooter-Blue as the sole reason for your ban. To be totally honest, I basically ignored his topic because I did not know of his credibility. Other users posted to confirm such a thing, and other users contacted admins of offenses at a different time as they were happening. There is too much evidence against you to unban you because "Everyone else was doing it" even though in the few logs I have readily available in hand that is clearly NOT the case.
That's the final post from your ban thread. The smart thing to do here would've been to wait a few weeks, then come back, say you're sorry about your actions, and ask for a second chance. That might've worked. Instead, you give us this. That he's banned on the ns.org forums has nothing to with lunixmonster.org. We have people here who have been banned there, and they have people there who have been banned here. Whether he's trustworthy or not doesn't even matter, because he is NOT THE REASON StUpId_Fo0L BANNED YOU.
LM, while being a nice place, is not the only way to happiness. May you find happiness elsewhere. Goodbye.
Title: Don't Piss Me Off.
Post by: SwiftSpear on September 18, 2004, 07:39:19 PM
Sorry that you are banned steave, but seriously, why are you running around wrecking other people's threads now?  If you were ever hoping of coming back and playing the apologetic role, you have pretty much screwed yourself now.  Scooter was banned from the NS forums for being a pain in the admins butts along time ago, hes a good guy with the best intentions, he just made it his mission to screw around with the autority structure at NS.org.  I don't really know if he can ever expect to be unbanned at NS.org, but he is a pleasure to play with, and for the most part, the upper side of an honest guy.

[edit] just wanted to clarify that BTW, lolfighter is absolutly right that scoot had nothing to do with your banning, but your assumption that he was untrustworthy just because he was banned at NS.org is false.