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Messages - Quaunaut

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5
Off Topic / Final Hope Faith
« on: July 27, 2004, 01:01:48 PM »
See this is why I don't get involved in internet religious debates. They turn into massive threads, each post comprising pages of quotes, counter-points, arguments, witty sub-commentary, and all around pontificating. Every once in a while they're punctuated by a two line response from someone who didn't read ANYTHING that was posted before, but only came in to say 'Jesus is sux, i worshap saten forevar!' just to get a rise out of people.

Eventually it becomes impossible to follow the discussion as it becomes something more like five discussions all crossed together in each post. Give me a friendly chat in a comfy chair, preferably with a irish coffee and all night to discuss away the meaning of life with a friendly compatriot ANYTIME.  :D

But Bob: We really need to get a LM ventrilo server.

Off Topic / Final Hope Faith
« on: July 27, 2004, 12:59:20 PM »
Teehee. I'll go read your 'Davinci Code' if you'll go read 'The Case for Christ' by one Lee Strobel. It's a study touching on merely the high points of the evidence that Christ really existed as an individual who believed that he was God incarnate, who went around doing miracles, and who was really executed and yet who was also really seen up and prancing around three days later. I'd be surprised if the Davinci Code had anything to offer in the way of tangible evidence for someone being able to mass invent a religion and tell people, "Oh, by the way, you've all believed this for YEARS before now, isn't that nice? Now everyone go forth and no one ever question where this belief suddenly came from. Definitely not out of thin air."

General / Can't Comm
« on: July 26, 2004, 07:27:40 PM »
as many of you have noticed, i can't comm because my mic keeps on freaking breaking up! the weird thing is that it's fine in Teamspeak..

any ideas from the LMers? and it doesn't matter my ping, i go on servers with less than 50 ping, still get a mic that's breaking up...
Whats your FPS? If its below about 45, it begins breaking up.

Off Topic / Final Hope Faith
« on: July 26, 2004, 08:42:53 AM »
We need a philosopher's section.  B)
Soon to be added to my boards!

...and now it seems I'm gonna have to pick up the Divinci Code.

Off Topic / Final Hope Faith
« on: July 24, 2004, 11:32:25 PM »
Don't make me punch you, Quad.
Non-Spam: ?

Off Topic / Final Hope Faith
« on: July 24, 2004, 01:22:59 PM »
Sounds like a swell deal. If I was serious about religion, I might join. :)

[...]I'll consider signing up someday so I can make confessions about my naughty habits involving japanese lesbian schoolgirls and tentacles  :p[...]

You'll want to be a catholic then. We protestants don't do confessions and letters of indulgence anymore. We prefer to swallow our sin and choke on it. ^_^
Look in the forum.

Off Topic / Final Hope Faith
« on: July 24, 2004, 12:09:01 AM »
the new testament message than the right. that is have utmost compassion (not just tolerate, or not hate, or ignore your enemy, but love. hot damn, if that ain't some bleeding heart liberal slogan, i dont' know what) service to everyone, but especially the poor

of course, the moral majority came around and preached to the Old Testament loving christians, spreading the gospel of hate, bigotry, narrowmindedness galore (have a gander through Leviticus to see what sort of atrocious things are allowed).
Old testament Christians... New testament Christians... Wow I'm lost, care to enlighten a non-believer, nite?
Old Testament Christians = Jews.

New Testament Christians = Christians.

Off Topic / Final Hope Faith
« on: July 23, 2004, 01:44:34 PM »
oh i'm full of religious little factoids, it's how i choose to waste my braincells. didja know buddhism is the only religion for which no one has gone to war?

have you every read The Apocrypha? which is teh texts deemed not bible worthy circa.. what? 100? 200 AD by some council or whatnot. THOSE are some bloody interesting reads. texts on jesus life as an adolescent, gospels from other disciples, good times!

didja know the most holy day of SUNday was formerly/originally the jewish Sabbath? the SEVENTH day on which god apparently rested? but around.. 123AD? IIRC, could be 321 AD.. this guy some ruler dude, who (constantine, iirc) worshipped Sol Invictus (the SUN god), realized how powerful a state religion/solidarity was, so bastardized the early christianity to conform to Sol INvictus. hence holy day is SUNday now, and we celebrate Christmas on the WINTER FREAKING SOLSTICE, which is Sol Invictus's birth (since that's teh longest night, every day afterwards the days get longer).

er, what else? ah, that's all i can blather on about for the time being.
Actually, the original Sabbath was on Saturday.

So I figure the guy just wanted the first thing you thought of that week or to wrangle up and extra thoughts to go to the Sun God.

Off Topic / Final Hope Faith
« on: July 23, 2004, 11:12:32 AM »
odd, i was jus tthinking the Christian gamers out there should have a haven to have .. what's the word.. *wracks brains*.. fellowship in.

seeing as christians are more or less treated as the red headed stepchildren of gaming. being a recovering christian myself and having a softspot for the underdog, brought this to mind.

by the by, there are many diff types of christians, the ones that usually turn most ppl's stomachs are the tele-evangelists or fundamentalists, and truth be told, that is only a portion.

neato little bit o history. in the past, the lefto pinko bleeding heart liberals used to be.. THAT"S RIGHT, christians. until that whole Moral Majority thing occured in the 80's. think about it, it fits far more to  the new testament message than the right. that is have utmost compassion (not just tolerate, or not hate, or ignore your enemy, but love. hot damn, if that ain't some bleeding heart liberal slogan, i dont' know what) service to everyone, but especially the poor (gov't programs anyone?), and a few other pretty hippie ideas.

of course, the moral majority came around and preached to the Old Testament loving christians, spreading the gospel of hate, bigotry, narrowmindedness galore (have a gander through Leviticus to see what sort of atrocious things are allowed).

but that's just me ranting. ignore the aging owl hooting like a madman. carry on.
Never knew that stuff, but wow. Didn't know.

Off Topic / Final Hope Faith
« on: July 23, 2004, 09:00:00 AM »
No disrespect intended, but... Christian Gamers? This is slightly ironic when considering how other christian groups (which I understand that this group is not in any way affiliated with) frequently rail at games (*cough* GTA *cough*). But sure, why not? I just have trouble understanding what christianity has to do with gaming. It's like Burger King suddenly started selling lawnmowers.
Most gamers are repelled by the Church for their practices because the Church doesn't understand the games or why we play them.

This is a place that follows the Bible in its ways- not that of some pastor that says games are evil because he thinks so.

Off Topic / Final Hope Faith
« on: July 22, 2004, 11:12:08 PM »
I already cleared this with JHunz, and I know a lot of you saw it on the NS forums. I just wanted to make sure that those that don't frequent those see this.

Final Hope Faith

This board is a place where Christians of any kind can come to talk about their religion, beliefs, and interests with other Christians on a level that is a bit more in tune with the religion. It welcomes all kinds of Christians, but especially, gamers.

The point of this Board is not so much to acquire new Christians as it is to give Christian gamers a place to congregate.  It is also to reach out to those Christians who have fallen out of it because of their local religion's ways of doing things, which I've personally noticed to be quite hypocritical, and NOT according to how the Bible says it should be handled. Its okay if you go to these Churches if you like them, but frankly, many of us feel too confined, and almost as if we are constantly beat up while we are there for living a life different from theirs, yet not the sinning life (such as playing Violent video games, obviously- its not a sin, people!).

I also invite people of any other religion to come and say what they want here, as long as they don't bash us or anything, flame, or anything of the type. Just act intelligent, and everyone is welcome.

I hope you all find something here you'll like- I'm sure this will become something people will like one day with its purpose. Also, DO in fact invite your Christianity-curious friends to the forums, because we do have a section for them and even though its not the purpose of this board, it can and WILL be done (the telling about the religion and the such).

Once again, I invite all of you, and either way wish luck to you in life(man thats OOC isn't it?)

General / Half-life 2 Delayed Until Apocalypse?
« on: July 22, 2004, 07:56:22 AM »
ANeM is correct.

And I'm willing to bet RC1 WILL BE the thing the big CS playtest will get. Its only gonna be 1 map, so its obvious its just for engine testing, so were still quite a bit away.

General / What Server Would You Like?
« on: July 19, 2004, 05:32:18 PM »
considering you are wearing armor, legs arms and helmat optional.

and toting a rifle pistol and grenades a fall from 2 feet would break your legs.

there is no such thing going into a 3 point stance while falling carrying that much equipment, of course you can always toss your rifle on the ground then jump down to it but good luck having it work properly afterwords.

you just bad mouth FA because its not an easy mod, no one is a instant god, and its obvious that you suck at it.

as leaderzor pointed out we played about 5-6 hours yesterday was a hella time, we both managed to have a 30-10 score most of the times.
he was a medic some times and was fixing my broken legs, cuts and scrapes.

so what i'm saying is dont knock a game you never bothered to put any real time into, FA takes practice, there is a steep learning curve with the weapons but once you get the hang of it you shouldnt have much trouble killing people.

like i said before if it takes you a whole clip to kill someone then you cant aim for peanuts, leaderzor can vouch for this i've killed 4 or 5 guys infront of him with M4 and no markmenship skills by just using semiauto and taking heads off.

Learn the game, dont just critize it because your too stupid to put time into it.
you dont hear me bad mouthing the ship or whatever other crapy mod you are into.
Man how wrong you are.

First off, weighed down with Armor, Rifle, Pistol, 3 Grenades and several clips of ammo, as well as supplies to last in the wilderness for 6 days(aka the standard equipment for combat usage), the AVERAGE(i.e., person not through boot) can survive a fall from 5 feet without broken legs. In fact, it can do 10 feet, if it knows how to hit the ground right. WITH Boot, you can do MUCH higher just by knowing what your doing.

2nd off, I was actually pretty good at Firearms. I'd get top killcount pretty fast thanks to the fact that the maps are designed so terribly its hard not to when your on a certain side. On one of the few maps that isn't designed terribly(and I don't mean they don't look good- they do. Its play that isn't good), I was doing VERY well.

Its just that it doesn't have the polish that things like NS and TS have. And thus, is like eating from In-N-Out, then going to McDonalds- you'd rather not do McDonalds, but when your hungry, it gets the job done.

General / What Server Would You Like?
« on: July 19, 2004, 10:26:17 AM »
I'm actually leaning towards HLDM for a while.

Simple to set up and run, and everyone likes some mindless fragging every once in a while right? ;)
...thats actually a really good idea.

General / What Server Would You Like?
« on: July 19, 2004, 07:36:08 AM »
I'm sorry, but Firearms has to be one of the worst mods out there.

See, there are mods that don't FEEL like a mod- like NS, TS. Then there are mods that even though they do, their fun, like S&I.

THen there is Firearms. Not fun, not unique, and bad at the "Realism" their trying to achieve. More than anything, they go for "Ultra" realism(at least when I played), which isn't realism. Realism is someone taking 6 bullets in the generally same place in armor and dying. Someone taking 20 bullets in a spread out pattern and living(with armor of course). Realism is being able to jump over whatever the hell you need to. Realism is not getting hurt falling from 5 feet.

And I say again- Firearms isn't fun. I'd even go farther for FLF(Front Line Force) than Firearms.

General / I Just Got Accued Of Hacking
« on: July 19, 2004, 07:28:57 AM »
<3  I remember my first hackusation.  Oh Johnny, I was so proud!
Amen to that.

See, the best thing is when they tell you they think your hacking through the Ban message.

Stop hacking you f***ing wh0r3.

General / What Server Would You Like?
« on: July 18, 2004, 04:05:44 PM »
LB knows Sven Co-Op well. He's a PT. He knows.

...only other mod I'd say is TFC- awesomeness. Especially with you cool folks. It'd be about as different as you could get, but still be cool.

General / [mrel] Papagorge
« on: July 18, 2004, 04:03:57 PM »
Quaunaut, you just gained +10 sexy points for females. I'M STILL RIGHT UP THERE WITH YOU BUDDY.
+10? Wow thats a lot.

...does it make me more sexy that I don't want sex?(morals)

General / Reducing Rambo Effectivness
« on: July 18, 2004, 04:02:42 PM »
Many a time, Flayra has said he does NOT want stuff like that. It would work, sure- but it makes it harder to instantly apply to the game. Anything that makes NS harder to get used to is out.

General / [mrel] Papagorge
« on: July 18, 2004, 01:38:52 PM »
Very nice.

...I'm Christian.

and for esuna: I AM A VIRGIN.

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