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Messages - Malibu Stacey

Pages: 1 [2]
General / Grayduck's Rage
« on: September 30, 2004, 11:24:01 PM »
I apologise. I didn't want to switch as I'd been forced on to aliens on the last map (nancy) by the so called admin Vinnie and I was aliens on mineshaft before nancy too. I only switched because Redford asked me nicely after fatty suggested it and tbh the way things are going around here someone would've just admin_alien'd me anyway if I hadn't changed.
I enjoy playing marines when Grayduck comms but alas it was not meant to be.
Also me & Bob going Movement Chamber Fades while our 2nd hive was growing didn't help much. One tip is don't turret farm base if you're asking the aliens to end the game or at least recycle the turrents & use the resources to give out weapons or get more upgrades (grenades & catpacks ftw!).

Ness: For the last time, and trust me this will be the last warning I give you on this, if you have an issue with our "so called" staff, whether with it's policies our members, send a PM to an admin, the person you are having issues with, to LB/Jhunz, or make a thread in the PR forum (Since you aren't a RS). If your complaints have anything of sustenance backing them up they will be dealt with. Doing this little bit where you take potshots at the staff where they don't belong all the time isn't cutting it.

General / Tankefugl's Blink Mod!
« on: September 22, 2004, 08:37:02 PM »
you're right that does sound cheesy.

General / Comedy Moment
« on: September 14, 2004, 02:59:44 PM »
ok the point is this guy is in cri (a clan known for thier masses of scripts and a lamer called Forlorn) & he can't weld us because mp_blockscripts is on. Esuna clearly found it funny as did a few other marines.
I found it quite funny at the time but I guess I must have a Kafkaesque sense of humour or something. I think its the fact that for something as simple as welding, these people have to write a script to automate it when all they actually have to do is hit the 4 key & then press their +attack key.

General / Comedy Moment
« on: September 13, 2004, 10:39:29 AM »
I felt the need to share this.

General / Weld Me Icon
« on: August 27, 2004, 08:56:30 PM »
coding an "I need welding" impulse shouldn't be any more difficult than the "I need medpack" or "I need ammo" ones. Hell it should probably be a little easier since the comm doesn't need to know about it & it won't need to spawn an icon the comm console.
/me is all for it, now if only you could see armour level on the comm console as well as HP.

General / Like Marines Don't Have Enough Advantages
« on: August 27, 2004, 08:40:04 PM »
I think we should play it before we cast judgement. There was a lot of hysterics when the 1.1/2.0 changes were being announced especially stuff like electrification upgrades & look how well 2.01 turned out.
Remember nothing in a beta release is final and even then the NS team has been known to release balance patches.

General / Some chatter about Onii
« on: August 27, 2004, 08:35:36 PM »
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the viewpoint comes from the edge of the hull.  For an onos, this is smaller than his model, therefore your hitbox is smaller than your hull, hence the getting shot through doors when your model sticks through.  If you crouch, it's even more noticable, because a crouched onos' hull gets smaller in all 3 directions (exactly same size as marine/fade).

You're wrong.
AFAIK the HL engine can handle 3 hulls. First one is normal gordon (read biped IE marines and fades) size the 2nd is crouched gordon size which is used for skulks, gorges, lerks & crouched marines & fades and the 3rd is Onos however I have no idea which is used for a crouched onos however I expect it would be the first.
Again AFAIK hulls & hitboxes are unconnected to viewpoint orientation in the HL engine.

General / Some chatter about Onii
« on: August 25, 2004, 06:24:57 PM »
I agree with Bob on the idea of reducing the Onos' hitboxes a tad. At the moment, I could be around a corner, out of general site of marines, yet they'll still be able to hit anywhere just in front of my face if they see my horn since the hitbox doesn't align with the model exactly. Also, if any part of the Onos is sticking through a wall or door, like between cargo and marine start on ns_hera, the marines can hit the Onos through the wall.

This has a lot to do with where your viewpoint is in relation to the model you represent in the world. It appears that your viewpoint is the dead centre of the model on all 3 axis. This isn't so bad on normal vertical standing models like marines and fades as it will appear that your vision is coming from mid chest height which isn't too far off the head however with models like the skulk, gorge & onos it causes a lot of problems. How often have you hid somewhere as skulk & still got shot while it looks on your screen like the bullets are hitting the air infront of you? This is because the viewpoint is in the midriff of the skulk (makes the skulk viewmodel look a lot nicer than it could be, imagine trying to bite marines looking through the skulks intestines instead of its mouth!).

If anyone has the power, add this to the bugtracker (I know some of you people are NSGuides and/or Playtesters).

General / Like Marines Don't Have Enough Advantages
« on: August 25, 2004, 06:12:34 PM »
i'd say get the alien bots, its not much different from all the scripters i see today.

I find it funny how you accuse 90% of the server of scripting almost constantly. Perhaps people are actually as good as you think yourself to be?

In the same vein, blockscripts is fixed in beta 5. Although IMO thats going to affect Alien players more than Marines.

General / Hej
« on: August 25, 2004, 05:52:05 PM »
I'm sure its fun for the rest of the marine team. I know it will be for the aliens.

General / What Is With The Update Of Ns
« on: August 21, 2004, 08:10:37 PM »
Personally I think with beta 5 they're aiming to get it ship shape for a 3.0 final release as since the WON auth servers were closed down there isn't a current playable final release of NS from the dev team.

Some days the bugs in beta 4a really annoy me but the more time they put into testing beta 5 before releasing it into the wild means having to suffer less bugs when we get our hands on it plus if its true they're attempting to add some balance changes aswell then its all good (couldn't care less about unchaining chambers though).

I remember the wait between v1.1 being announced & 2.0 finally being released and I can honestly say it was well worth the wait. I've yet to see an example of a product which was rushed out to end users actually being any good.

General / Fun?
« on: August 12, 2004, 12:44:40 PM »
Diablus has a very good point.

General / Hej
« on: August 11, 2004, 06:18:29 PM »
bah I give up. use amx it makes life simpler.

General / Fun?
« on: August 10, 2004, 06:00:46 PM »
played a game last week on tanith where an NSPlayer went comm, built 2 armouries in the exits from marine start & then left. I went comm & we lasted over 1/2 an hour and managed to kill a hive and plenty of Fades & Onos (Isamil died twice as Onos  :D ). After the round ended, even though we got stormed by 3 hive Fades & Onos and got totally slaughtered I was still congratulating my marines because they did a brilliant job. Probably one of my most fun & most memorable experiences commanding in 3.0 even though we got utterly thrashed. As long as people don't give up the game is always fun and you never know what will happen.

So yeah I voted B.

Never say die.

General / Ever Have One Of Those Nights?
« on: August 10, 2004, 05:51:19 PM »
After a few games like this, I'll start hammering the "Who's fade, who's hive, who's chambers?" at game start over and over until we work it out right then. Then I'll harass everyone else to drop an RT and guard the RTs. Of course, not everyone will do it, but with enough people you might barely get enough res flow to support an 8 man team, if slowly. Then if your fade/hive/dc people manage to get their jobs done, you always have a semi decent chance of a good game. (as long as the fade's smart enough to know that he has to defend the weak building hive)

Just remember to harass the team with that next time. "Hive, fade, chambers, hive, fade, chambers." Until they go crazy and figure it out.

I do this every game on aliens as a matter of course. The balance at the moment means if you don't then you've lost unless the marine team is pretty much incompetent. I guess its like being the Alien team comm but you need to lead from the front instead of sitting in your nice snug CC.
I've also played quite a few games where we've taken Movement or Sensory chambers on first hive and then gone on to win and not just with incompetent marines (ask Bijiy the lunatic). Sensory is hardest to win with on first hive IMO but MC then DC can be fun and just as effective as DC then MC.

General / Hej
« on: August 10, 2004, 05:40:31 PM »
ok again it seems most of you missed the point.
I'm not saying don't kick people. Kicking people to allow res slot people to join is good.
I'm saying how about trying something slightly different like kicking the person who joined last instead of the person with the highest ping.

General / Hej
« on: August 09, 2004, 04:20:39 PM »
ok I probably wasn't clear enough. Its not got anything to do with coding, its changing a setting in the adminmod.cfg file.

General / Arrrggg Ff Like Honey For Tkers
« on: August 09, 2004, 04:05:59 PM »
In my rather insignificant opinion, FF on adds a lot more skill to the game in general. Hence ff switches on when mp_tournamentmode is set to 1.
Also I've seen too many clans think they're amazingly pro when they play pub servers and then play amazingly terribly when in a match situation as their random spray is no longer as effective as it was with no FF.
What I'm trying to say is it will keep you sharp & prepare you for scrims, pugs & matches further down the line.

General / Hej
« on: August 09, 2004, 03:58:24 PM »
From the admin mod documentation I'm assuming you're using reserve_type 1 as it exhibits this behaviour. Changing it to 0 or 2 would be more preferable (from my point of view I mean).

reserve_type 0
Public slots are used in preference to reserved slots. Reserved slots are freed before public slots.
reserve_type 1
One slot is always reserved (regardless of reserve_slots). If someone with reserve access joins into that slot, the highest pinger without reserve access is kicked to make room. Thus, one slot always remains free.
reserve_type 2
Reserve slots are used in preference to public slots. Public slots are freed before reserved slots. The difference between reserve_type 0 and reserve_type 2 may not be immediately apparent. Here's an example: Suppose there is a 16 player server, with 2 reserved slots. Thus, with no one on, there are 14 public slots, and 2 reserved slots

reserve_type 0:
Someone with reserved access joins. There are now 13 public slots, and 2 reserved slots (the person does not take a reserved slot, because those are used only when necessary). The server later fills up, so there are 0 public slots and 0 reserved slots. If anyone leaves, whether they have reserved access or not, it is a reserved slot that is freed, not a public one.
reserve_type 2:
Someone with reserved access joins. There are now 14 public slots, and 1 reserved slot (the person takes a reserved slot). The server later fills up, so there are 0 public slots and 0 reserved slots. If someone with reserved access leaves, it frees up a reserved slot; if someone without reserved access leaves, it frees up a public slot.

would need to set reserve_slots to 1 (or 2 see below).

Also you may want to look into fixing missing entities caused by adminmod. There are cases where you cannot get to certain places where you should normally be able to due to missing func_ladders or func_walls.

If its possible to increase the server by 1 slot it would help alleviate the so called PSHB bug or at least cause it to happen less often (I mean keep the number of players at 16 but have an 18 slot server)

General / Hej
« on: August 08, 2004, 10:57:58 PM »
any chance switching admin mod to kick the person with the lowest connection time to the server instead of highest ping please? Getting a bit tedious playing for most of the map & then being booted not to mention a basic inability to go comm since I never know how long I get to stay on the server (although I took over as comm on Sunday morning on eclipse and we won vs 3 hive onos & fades).

Lots of fun playing on the server, some ace games in the last week just the constant kicking getting a bit tedious.

GL & HF, see ya'll in game.

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