Overly Chatty Penguins

The Ready Room => Off Topic => Topic started by: BobTheJanitor on January 18, 2004, 01:08:10 AM

Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: BobTheJanitor on January 18, 2004, 01:08:10 AM
Post your desktop. There's not much I can add to that. If it wasn't 2 AM and I was feeling more witty, I'm sure I could make this more interesting. But, such is life.

Here it is, linked instead of just posted because the image is quite huge and I didn't want to totally mess up the thread for everyone else reading it. I could have shrunk it, but I didn't want to lose the intricate details. ; )

Behold, mortals (http://chubshuffle.com/bobthejanitor/desktop.jpg)

Yes, everything on there does what it looks like it does. If anyone can beat that for ultimate coolness of desktop, I will be quite surprised. But I am ready for the challenge!
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Dirty Harry Potter on January 18, 2004, 01:15:01 AM
nice, is that a samurize Desktop or did you use a more crispy program ?

EDIT: just looked at the toolbar, its not samurize, unless he found a way to hide the icon XD
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 18, 2004, 01:32:18 AM
I can beat ultimate coolness by NOT having that rediculous eyesore 'link' crap on my desktop :p
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: BobTheJanitor on January 18, 2004, 02:24:58 AM
All done in active desktop with hand coded HTML. OMG L33T!!!!1! Actually not that elite, as I got the basic code from somewhere else and just custmized it for my stuff. And u235, it's okay. You can just admit you're burning with jealousy, I don't mind. <3
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: esuna on January 18, 2004, 04:24:53 AM
(http://www.btinternet.com/~diesirae/pictures/chiidesk_s.jpg) (http://www.btinternet.com/~diesirae/pictures/chiidesk.jpg)
[size=8]Click to be making ENLARGING![/size]
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Dubbilex on January 18, 2004, 06:48:52 AM
Cute, Esuna :lol:

Here's mine:
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Legionnaired on January 18, 2004, 09:10:31 AM
All done in active desktop with hand coded HTML. OMG L33T!!!!1! Actually not that elite, as I got the basic code from somewhere else and just custmized it for my stuff. And u235, it's okay. You can just admit you're burning with jealousy, I don't mind. <3
Nice idea. Any chance I could get a copy of that HTML?

My desktop is here : http://www.shadowness.com/wallpapers/concr...n_1280x1024.jpg (http://www.shadowness.com/wallpapers/concretedimension_1280x1024.jpg)
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 18, 2004, 11:42:51 AM
Google Deskbar > Ugly white things

And you lose 1,000 points for getting ripped off by paying for SA forums... :p
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: BobTheJanitor on January 18, 2004, 01:09:37 PM
Esuna: It takes a real man to have a pink desktop. I salute you. Also OMG HAWT KAWAII WALLPAPER OMG!

Legionnaired: http://www.nerdusa.com/index.php?cat=13 (http://www.nerdusa.com/index.php?cat=13)  That's the template I used, which is pretty obvious looking at it. I keep meaning to take all the little ..:: stuff out, as it's awfully trend-whoreish, but I'm too lazy.
It's called tsdesk, and was invented by people on the something awful forums. Which leads to...

Uranium: NUBCOOKIE! 10 bux for teh bestz0r forums on teh intarweb! Also, I don't like having anything more on my start bar than is necessary. I can minimize all and search that way just fine. I figure the start bar is for links that I want to have at hand immediately. Like the last program in the quick bar is a shortcut to resetgamma.exe -- a steam NS player's best friend!
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: JHunz on January 18, 2004, 06:37:32 PM
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Lightning Blue on January 18, 2004, 06:57:57 PM
A month old or so but still roughly current:

Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: BobTheJanitor on January 18, 2004, 07:05:21 PM
Also, since we're posting desktops, we might at well share cool places to get wallpapers, as these threads usually degerated into requests for wallpapers. (so, LB, where'd you get that wallpaper?)

Mine usually come from:

http://www.pixelgirlpresents.com (http://www.pixelgirlpresents.com)

http://www.themexp.org (http://www.themexp.org)

And I used to get a ton from deskmod.com but they ran out of hosting bandwitdh a while back and have been running a 'lite' sight without any wallpapers for download.  :(

Edit: Also, art.softshape.com has some wicked awesome wallpapers. Most of them in 1600x1200 which is good, since that's the only size I can use without futzing around with the code.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: .NmF. Screen on January 18, 2004, 08:12:51 PM
Heh, my desktop is not quite as clean as you guys desktops.  I like to have all my stuff readily accessable.

Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Satiagraha on January 18, 2004, 08:29:12 PM
Umm.. yeah, mines kinda like nmf screen's in the way that i have it kinda crowded, i like things to be readily accessable. But at least there's no picture that its covering up :p

Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: @gentOrange on January 18, 2004, 08:31:27 PM
Here's me. I don't like to keep much stuff on the desktop. All my games are in start menu.

RTCW is only there because it's new.

Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: JHunz on January 18, 2004, 11:06:20 PM
I nominate www.digitalblasphemy.com for the title of a cool wallpaper site.  Some of his stuff is for members only, but even the stuff in the free galleries is pretty awesome.  Most of my wallpapers come from that guy.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Lightning Blue on January 19, 2004, 12:20:14 AM
Um, some wincustomize site, I'll dig it up tomorrow.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: @gentOrange on January 19, 2004, 01:37:57 AM
http://www.wincustomize.com/ (http://www.wincustomize.com/) ?
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 19, 2004, 01:56:07 AM
I nominate www.digitalblasphemy.com for the title of a cool wallpaper site.  Some of his stuff is for members only, but even the stuff in the free galleries is pretty awesome.  Most of my wallpapers come from that guy.
I nominate @gentOrange as having the worst wallpaper ever. Pedophiles are less creepy then that... thing.

I also order the Janitor to clean all that old ###### off of Satiagrapha's desktop :p C'mon, Descent? Starcraft? MYST?
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: lolfighter on January 19, 2004, 06:20:18 AM
[...]I also order the Janitor to clean all that old ###### off of Satiagrapha's desktop :p C'mon, Descent? Starcraft? MYST?
Starcraft? Like, do you have a replacement for it? HUH? Starcraft 2 maybe? EH? EH?? *poke with sharp stick* Do ya? Huh? Starcraft is the only rts game I was ever on the verge of liking. And that means a lot. Don't belittle it. Besides, where would we be today without Starcraft? Huh? "kekeke zerg rush ^__________________^" anyone?
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Architeuthis on January 19, 2004, 09:24:18 AM
Korea's economy would revolve around Pac-Man instead.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Niteowl on January 19, 2004, 09:58:56 AM
[...]I also order the Janitor to clean all that old ###### off of Satiagrapha's desktop :p C'mon, Descent? Starcraft? MYST?
Starcraft? Like, do you have a replacement for it? HUH? Starcraft 2 maybe? EH? EH?? *poke with sharp stick* Do ya? Huh? Starcraft is the only rts game I was ever on the verge of liking. And that means a lot. Don't belittle it. Besides, where would we be today without Starcraft? Huh? "kekeke zerg rush ^__________________^" anyone?
hahahha :)

yes, SC is what made this commraging owl you see today.

what else?

oh yeah, my desktops are exceedingly boring or just boring to you guys :) one is my work desktop, very vanilla. the other is my personal pc desktop which is just a blue background with a  pic of the wife and me having a cup o joe.

Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: maus on January 19, 2004, 11:21:45 AM
Legionnaired: http://www.nerdusa.com/index.php?cat=13 (http://www.nerdusa.com/index.php?cat=13)  That's the template I used, which is pretty obvious looking at it. I keep meaning to take all the little ..:: stuff out, as it's awfully trend-whoreish, but I'm too lazy.
It's called tsdesk, and was invented by people on the something awful forums. Which leads to...
Hey, neat, more people using my desktop tutorial thing. I mean, true credit goes to SA Forums Goon ThirtyseveN for putting the tsdesk thing together in the first place, but it's nice to see more and more people using tsdesk.

And yeah, the . . : : stuff + the all-lowercase thing is pretty trend-whorish. Also too lazy over here. I was trying to come up with some other little 'decorations' that looked nice. Plain text was just a little boring.

(and SA Forums = best :10bux: I've ever spent online)
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 19, 2004, 01:00:40 PM
[...]I also order the Janitor to clean all that old ###### off of Satiagrapha's desktop :p C'mon, Descent? Starcraft? MYST?
Starcraft? Like, do you have a replacement for it? HUH? Starcraft 2 maybe? EH? EH?? *poke with sharp stick* Do ya? Huh? Starcraft is the only rts game I was ever on the verge of liking. And that means a lot. Don't belittle it. Besides, where would we be today without Starcraft? Huh? "kekeke zerg rush ^__________________^" anyone?
I'm probably the only one who can think of several long-term BENEFITS to starcraft never existing... one of which is fewer blizzard fanboys screaming praise about anything, no matter how shallow, mindless, and ^^ty it is, with a blizzard logo on it. And a good reason for hating blizzard is "starcraft: ghost" and "starcraft 2" for very obvious reasons.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Jefe on January 19, 2004, 01:11:39 PM
I see no obvious reason for hating Starcraft 2 except for it's absence.  Ghost is indeed quite obvious.

And the wallpaper, fear the FLCL Uranium.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: BobTheJanitor on January 19, 2004, 02:32:52 PM
Hey, neat, more people using my desktop tutorial thing. I mean, true credit goes to SA Forums Goon ThirtyseveN for putting the tsdesk thing together in the first place, but it's nice to see more and more people using tsdesk.
Hey, someone's been checking their referrer logs I see. ; )

Yeah, thanks for the tutorial. With that to work with (and reading every page of that ten mile long thread) I managed to get the desktop pretty much the way I wanted it.

While you're here, jump on the server and play some natural selection with us. It's the game of champions.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Lightning Blue on January 19, 2004, 04:47:23 PM
http://www.wincustomize.com/ (http://www.wincustomize.com/) ?
You got it!  :lol:
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: lolfighter on January 19, 2004, 06:24:52 PM
I'm probably the only one who can think of several long-term BENEFITS to starcraft never existing... one of which is fewer blizzard fanboys screaming praise about anything, no matter how shallow, mindless, and ^^ty it is, with a blizzard logo on it. And a good reason for hating blizzard is "starcraft: ghost" and "starcraft 2" for very obvious reasons.
While I fully agree with your sentiments about Blizzard fanboyism (just because WoW is made by Blizzard doesn't mean that it will automatically own, you know? To err is human, ok? Heck, it's a MMORPG. You should know better than having faith), I haven't heard anything about SC: Ghost that sounds really bad. So? So I'll check the reviews when it's done, and base my decision of purchase on that.
Can't speak about SC 2. It's been announced? Didn't know.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: devicenull on January 19, 2004, 06:36:59 PM

And yes, I use almost all of that stuff.. and no thats not the resolution I run at
And all the blurred icocns some of you may recognize and realize why :)
Bob, where can I get the basic html for that?
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Venmoch on January 20, 2004, 02:43:18 AM
I suppose I'll have to now.....

Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Isamil on January 20, 2004, 04:19:21 AM
Heh, your adaware icon is a virus.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Venmoch on January 20, 2004, 04:24:48 AM
Yeah that was the remnants of the previous desktop.

I just can't be bothered to change it!
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Jefe on January 20, 2004, 07:23:01 AM
There is a conspicous absence of tentacles, Venmoch.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 20, 2004, 11:59:54 AM
Start using this as your wallpaper ;)


And yes hmm about that,

Reasons for hating WoW without having played it: Diablo sucked and was in no shape or form an RPG. ###### it was just a point-click action game, hardly more then what someone could program into a flash game easilly. D2 even moreso. If D1 and D2 is anything to go by, I'm not reserving any faith in them.

Reasons for hating SC:G without having played it: 3 words: X-Box Exclusive Title. Also after Renegade, I dont' really trust another company famous for its RTS game to make an FPS.

Reasons for hating SC:2 without having played it: FFS it's been how many damn years? This is just insulting now...
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: lolfighter on January 20, 2004, 12:30:40 PM
[...]Reasons for hating SC:G without having played it: 3 words: X-Box Exclusive Title. Also after Renegade, I dont' really trust another company famous for its RTS game to make an FPS.[...]
Ghost is being developed for all three major consoles. Unless they've cancelled it for the GameCube and the PS2 without me hearing about it (or GameSpy for that matter).
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Architeuthis on January 20, 2004, 01:14:11 PM
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Black Mage on January 20, 2004, 01:49:09 PM
desktop shamelessly ripped from
8-bit theater (http://www.nuklearpower.com)

edit: uploadit haets!
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: BobTheJanitor on January 20, 2004, 04:01:14 PM
Start using this as your wallpaper ;)

(image snipped)
Actually that'd be nice if you've got it in 1600x1200. I like blankish wallpapers, as busy ones tend to make the text hard to read.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Anarki3x6 on January 20, 2004, 06:00:21 PM
hmm , my current desktop is dumb and bleak but . . . i have a old ss of what i had before . . from a while ago tho . . i still think its pretty . . .

http://www.geocities.com/websiteofthefour/anarkidesktop.JPG (http://www.geocities.com/websiteofthefour/anarkidesktop.JPG)
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 20, 2004, 06:00:23 PM
[...]Reasons for hating SC:G without having played it: 3 words: X-Box Exclusive Title. Also after Renegade, I dont' really trust another company famous for its RTS game to make an FPS.[...]
Ghost is being developed for all three major consoles. Unless they've cancelled it for the GameCube and the PS2 without me hearing about it (or GameSpy for that matter).
I thought I read a few months ago it was only x-box.

But Console Exclusive is as good a reason to hate it as x-box x-clusive (badum-tiss?)

Consoles: Stupid machines for stupid people. Blizzard hit negative numbers on my respect meter when I heard it was for consoles. God there's sometimes I wish I could afford a rifle and have a nice perch into a board meeting room...
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: lolfighter on January 20, 2004, 06:07:03 PM
[...]Console Exclusive is as good a reason to hate it as x-box x-clusive[...]
Well yeah, in that neither is a good one at all. If you hate it for being exclusive, you've got your disaffections messed up: Actually, you love the game, you just hate the developer.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 20, 2004, 06:39:26 PM
[...]Console Exclusive is as good a reason to hate it as x-box x-clusive[...]
Well yeah, in that neither is a good one at all. If you hate it for being exclusive, you've got your disaffections messed up: Actually, you love the game, you just hate the developer.
Okay well:

1) Like Grand Theft Auto, Starcraft was concieved on, built on, and born for the PC. Console only (Like GTA, or at least making PC gamers wait one extra year on it) is downright insulting. These little 14 year old wannabees who think they're a 'h4rdc0r3 h4xx0r g4m0r' because they play their XBOX LIVE 14 hours a day deserve nothing more then a kick in the face. Consoles are knockoff "PC-Lite" systems for people too stupid, lazy, or poor to run a computer themselves, I don't see why a publisher feels they're 'worth more' then PC gamers who are repsonsible for starcraft even surviving in the FIRST PLACE.

Summed up: Blizzard has basically squatted on the entire PC gaming community and dropped a Cleveland Steamer.

2) The game looks corney as well. Look at the screenshots, the protoss are about 5 and a half feet tall (in game and cinematic they're about 8), and horribly disproportioned. The game looks like a really bad joke. The zerg are pathetic, they look like plush toys, for the love of god. Look at half-life 2 and Doom 3... yeah, now which looks better? A flattextured zerg with generic 'brown' coloring, or the antlion's carapace reflecting sunlight off its bumpmapped... bumps.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Geminosity on January 20, 2004, 06:41:13 PM
I don't dislike WoW, I just think it's massively over-hyped and on railway tracks off a large cliff of disappointment.  Everyone's going 'omg! blizzard made it! it must be good!'.  Like U235 I immediately thought of D and DII and dismissed the silly fanpersonism immediately.

Then I saw the video... oh... my... god... could they have made combat look any more amazingly dull?  It makes 2 cavemen taking turns to hit each other over the head look complicated -.-
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Venmoch on January 21, 2004, 04:10:10 AM
Woo! Starcraft Ghost!

I <3 my X-Box.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: BobTheJanitor on January 21, 2004, 08:14:06 AM
Take it to the console discussion thread, you bickering faboys (and fan of indeterminate gender) this thread is for desktoppage! I notice quite a few of you haven't posted anything... When I start handing out cookies, you'll be sorry that you don't get one!
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Lito on January 21, 2004, 10:47:20 AM
OMGOMGOMG (http://www.geocities.com/lito1337/desktop.jpg)

This is my laptop's desktop.
I mainly use my laptop for programming, and watching anime.
I bring it to school for work sometimes,

Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: devicenull on January 21, 2004, 04:47:33 PM
I give you version 2 (http://pages.cthome.net/useless/version2.png) (56k warning, about 1mb) of my desktop :)
Now I just have a few icons to remove :)
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Anarki3x6 on January 21, 2004, 07:59:45 PM
hmm , this is my current desktop . . . i decided to go with bleak and bland o_O

http://www.geocities.com/websiteofthefour/DesktopWOOT.JPG (http://www.geocities.com/websiteofthefour/DesktopWOOT.JPG)
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: BobTheJanitor on January 21, 2004, 10:39:35 PM
I give you version 2 (http://pages.cthome.net/useless/version2.png) (56k warning, about 1mb) of my desktop :)
Now I just have a few icons to remove :)
Sweetness. You can put the recyc bin on the address bar and empty it from there. Let me know if you find the executable command for empty recycle bin, I'd love to make that a link and get the thing out of the taskbar. The other icons, meh, who needs 'em. You can put links to the exact same stuff on the desktop.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: ANeM on January 22, 2004, 03:55:19 PM
Yeah.. I'm a nub and decided to try that active desktop crap..
So far it has only proved to annoy the hell out of me. I mean, its great.. but I can't seem to set paramaters on my programs.. no -console for won HL... No -developer 1 for COD.. and so on. Then there is my LAN.. can't find a good way to link to that...
Can't find a way to link to my recyle bin..
Yeah.. pretty much stuck on trying to figure out stuff.. So.. I'll post mine.. when I figure it out..
Help is always appriciated.. =/
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: BobTheJanitor on January 22, 2004, 04:09:55 PM
Command line switches require a special format for typing them in. It's been so long since I did mine that I've forgotten what they were... When I get home I'll post the correct way to fix it. If you want a quick and dirty fix, create a seperate shortcut to the program you're trying to run, add the switches to that shortcut, then make ANOTHER shortcut to that shortcut and run the second shortcut off the desktop... I told you it was pretty dirty.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: ANeM on January 22, 2004, 05:55:03 PM
Oh well.. I got bored and decided to migrate to a different version of tsDesk... a more annoying one at that...
But annoyances aside.. it looks pretty damn cool.
edit: Finally finished all that damn coding.. it now weighs in at a hefty 6 megs of memory  :o
Edit again: my old desktop can be found here (http://www.geocities.com/catric_snailer/desktop.html)
Which one looks better?  :huh:
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 22, 2004, 06:25:56 PM
God it's so irritating when people censor their program, like anyone would really give a **** what it says, and like you're pretending to be a 'l33t h4x0r!'. Seriously, what the hell is the point? From the number of people that I see do it in 'post your desktop' threads, I'm 100% convinced you're all faking your 'illegal softwarez!!!'

NOTE I don't mean censoring buddylists, that makes sense (except censoring your name in MSN messenger... because your name means nothing in that program :D)
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Malevolent on January 22, 2004, 07:03:01 PM
You never know when the feds might come...must be ever watchful. I don't feel like uploading my desktop. It's very simple though: has two icons (Recycle Bin and Files). The desktop itself is just a portion of the cover of the Thirteenth Step album (the face of a woman with that slug-like animal on it). It's also inverted color-wise.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 22, 2004, 07:29:30 PM
(the face of a woman with that slug-like animal on it)
A massive, living booger?
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: ANeM on January 22, 2004, 07:38:37 PM
God it's so irritating when people censor their program, like anyone would really give a **** what it says, and like you're pretending to be a 'l33t h4x0r!'. Seriously, what the hell is the point? From the number of people that I see do it in 'post your desktop' threads, I'm 100% convinced you're all faking your 'illegal softwarez!!!'

NOTE I don't mean censoring buddylists, that makes sense (except censoring your name in MSN messenger... because your name means nothing in that program :D)
U235, you bring up a number of good points. But, you miss a number of reasons why one may want to censor icons/parts of a Desktop screenshot.
1) someone on MSN using their real name as a a screen name. I know a number of people who only give out their emails to close friends, thus it should be okay for them to use their real name, right? Well, I didn't feel like giving out their name to everyone and everything that comes through this thread.
2) If there things in the screen shot that are not allowed on the forums.
Warez for example are not allowed. Thus showing of a picture with a nice big warez folder/warez links lying around isn't the smartest idea.
3)Once again names, if you have, say a link to someones blog or xanga or live journal or whatever on your screen, chances are you have their name in the title. Thus people who wanted to could stole into their xanga/lj/blog whatever and harass them or other things. Not nice thing to do.

Yeah, censoring everything might be bad.. but censoring things that you believe should be censored because its not really something you want to give away or shouldn't be giving away, then yeah.. censor it. I censored my friends names, much like your example of censoring a aim buddy list.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: devicenull on January 22, 2004, 07:41:34 PM
U-235: The reason I did that was because its the same thing we can't talk about on IRC, I figured the same rule applied on public forums.

Bob: Yea, it doesn't seem to like commandline stuff, I'm using seperate shortcuts for my hlds stuff, which seems to work fine, although its inconvenient

I'm trying to figure out how to have the number of unread emails on my desktop too.. which means I have to parse the stuff from yahoo main, or code a pop client
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Black Mage on January 22, 2004, 08:24:36 PM

yay uploadit says jpeg's only! and i thought that i finally had a half-decent free host :(
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 22, 2004, 09:29:39 PM
For a second I thought that was cool but the ape-children scare me :D
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Black Mage on January 22, 2004, 10:43:04 PM
stuff in bm's systray:

1 - trillian
2 - norton
3 - sysmetrix the thing up top that says that i idle at 62% of 512MB
4 - firewall
5 - winamp
6 - quicktime
7 - proxomitron
8 - hotmail popper (app that lets me check my hotmail account with thunderbird, a pop3 email client ... omh h4x. yes, i love not having to look at hotmail's fugly ui)
9 - scrollock off
10 - capslock off
11 - numlock on
12 - volume muted
13 - i know you can see the other three keyboard icons, but i'm here to tell you that your wireless keyboard software is on

do i win?
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 22, 2004, 11:58:58 PM
Wow, mind telling us what keyboard you have so I can never get it?
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: BobTheJanitor on January 23, 2004, 12:09:41 AM
Dev: I got lazy and played NS all night and forgot that I promised to figure out those command line switches. I ar te nubcaek. Sorry.

Instead I have taken the lazy route and simply uploaded my html for you to pick through at your leisure!

http://www.chubshuffle.com/bobthejanitor/desktop.html (http://www.chubshuffle.com/bobthejanitor/desktop.html)

Right click, save as, unless you just want a link to my desktop without any pretty wallpaper.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Black Mage on January 23, 2004, 12:35:09 AM
logitech wireless something-r-other

it was a quietkey, i have a little brother, it was a quietkey
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Malevolent on January 23, 2004, 05:19:51 PM
(the face of a woman with that slug-like animal on it)
A massive, living booger?
Exactly. I think it's a slug. I would post it, but like I said...not in the mood of uploading.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Black Mage on January 25, 2004, 03:23:22 PM


40% of 512MB RAM / 4% CPU
nothing new in the systray but that grey square in the bottom left corner is MCL, clickie and you get a textbox for commandlines so you dont have to go all the way to the start menu and click run
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Fewlio on January 25, 2004, 11:16:14 PM
Well, this is a little outdated, but MEH here si teh FEWPIDS desktop
TEH PIX! (http://www.freewebs.com/jjanzig/pics.htm)
Three pictars of what it starts out as and what it turns into, in gif, png, and jpg! :D Oh yeah deres meh klient and mirc color scheme on dere too :p.(fewpid is too lazy to upload pix to a host that allows him to show teh pictars here)
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Dubbilex on January 26, 2004, 06:45:18 AM
*wonders what fewpid is trying to hide with the blurs*  :o  :p
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: esuna on January 26, 2004, 09:39:08 AM
Once again, the desktop's changed. I didn't touch the colour scheme this time, however.

(http://www.btinternet.com/~diesirae/pictures/dejikodesk_s.jpg) (http://www.btinternet.com/~diesirae/pictures/dejikodesk.jpg)
Click to enlarge.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Black Mage on January 26, 2004, 01:13:13 PM
Well, this is a little outdated, but MEH here si teh FEWPIDS desktop
TEH PIX! (http://www.freewebs.com/jjanzig/pics.htm)
Three pictars of what it starts out as and what it turns into, in gif, png, and jpg! :D Oh yeah deres meh klient and mirc color scheme on dere too :p.(fewpid is too lazy to upload pix to a host that allows him to show teh pictars here)
you have zmatrix set to default ... come on
i r making you a config when i gets home
and what's that blurified ... looks circlular and orange-ish :p
(next time change the icon :p)
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Black Mage on January 26, 2004, 02:10:55 PM
forgive the double

mai screensaver:

teh configxor:
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Satiagraha on January 26, 2004, 09:23:58 PM
Well, this is a little outdated, but MEH here si teh FEWPIDS desktop
TEH PIX! (http://www.freewebs.com/jjanzig/pics.htm)
Three pictars of what it starts out as and what it turns into, in gif, png, and jpg! :D Oh yeah deres meh klient and mirc color scheme on dere too :p.(fewpid is too lazy to upload pix to a host that allows him to show teh pictars here)
what the heck is "the all-seeing eye"?

man, i see a bunch of ppl with battlefield 1942, i want to get it, but i'm too cheap to go buy it. well, actually, i'm just too lazy :-/
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Jefe on January 26, 2004, 11:50:48 PM
Spent a good 3-4 hours customizing this thing, but it was worth it.

Edit: Wrong file...

Rawr. Fear.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 26, 2004, 11:57:35 PM
Once again, the desktop's changed. I didn't touch the colour scheme this time, however.

(http://www.btinternet.com/~diesirae/pictures/dejikodesk_s.jpg) (http://www.btinternet.com/~diesirae/pictures/dejikodesk.jpg)
Click to enlarge.

With this...

Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Grimm on January 27, 2004, 12:38:11 AM
I don't see the need for all the weather managers and such.

Although that could be because I hardly ever go outside...
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 27, 2004, 01:03:03 AM
I don't see the need for all the weather managers and such.

Although that could be because I hardly ever go outside...
It's for the same reason people spend money shoving ^^ty lights into their case while deluding themsevles that it's NOT an eyesore.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: BobTheJanitor on January 27, 2004, 08:20:15 AM
I don't see the need for all the weather managers and such.

Although that could be because I hardly ever go outside...
That's exactly WHY you need them. So you don't HAVE to go outside. You just look at your desktop and say "oh man, it's 25 degrees out there, I should stay in and play NS." And then you live happily ever after.

Uranium: kthxdai!

Edit: Hef-fay: Sweeeet.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Jefe on January 27, 2004, 08:26:26 AM
I don't see the need for all the weather managers and such.

Although that could be because I hardly ever go outside...
It's for the same reason people spend money shoving ^^ty lights into their case while deluding themsevles that it's NOT an eyesore.
Or, I just wanted to see the goddamn weather.  Thanks for making some overly general stereotype and insulting me, jackass.

Bob: thanks
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Black Mage on January 27, 2004, 10:38:42 AM
errr ok then ... how did you do that jefe?
and stuff.
i get my news wether stuff through trillian
i dont really need anything because i can move my mouse over to the forum topi-*crack*
maybe not

hrm i just noticed that i still have my connect to lunxmonster  (won) button on my quicklaunch ... will hlmp:// ever support steam?
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Jefe on January 27, 2004, 11:12:20 AM
errr ok then ... how did you do that jefe?
and stuff.
hrm i just noticed that i still have my connect to lunxmonster  (won) button on my quicklaunch ... will hlmp:// ever support steam?
Look in page 2 of this thread, it has the whole setup there.  Basically it took 3 hours of tweaking.

The connect to whatever through steam is possible, there's something there in the NS Tech Support forum, link when they get back up.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Dubbilex on January 27, 2004, 11:25:40 AM
Allright, fellas.  Lets not fight about anything here.  I'll have you know that I have some led fans.  So what?  :p
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 27, 2004, 11:50:12 AM
Really, you see now? Just like covering your desktop in wierd ###### might be cool to you, and to everyone else it looks like a cluttered random crappy mess, modding your case is the same way. Jefe it wouldn't be a stereotype if it wasn't true, and the only person I'd trust on these forums to mod a case and make it look good would be esuna. Almost all computer geeks have absolutely no artistic talent whatsoever, seeing them shove mismatched colors in their case like anyone would care to see all the wires and then post pictures and say 'OMG IT'S COOL!' is just sad.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Jefe on January 27, 2004, 12:04:45 PM
I "cover my desktop in weird ######" because it's useful to me.  I didn't do it to look cool because, guess what?
Why are you so god damn stubborn?  Have you ever, ever seen something from someone else's point of view?  It's damn convinient. I have tons and tons of links to all of my stuff without it cluttering my desktop with tons of pictures. I have no clue why you would relate this to horribly modded cases like that.  Grow up, you have no reason to start flaming me for liking some god damn convinience.

Die and go to hell.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 27, 2004, 12:07:07 PM
I "cover my desktop in weird ######" because it's useful to me.  I didn't do it to look cool because, guess what?
So why are we fighting? I said it looks like complete and utter crap and you got offended.

And if you tell me to 'go to hell' one more time you're suspended for a week.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Jefe on January 27, 2004, 12:10:14 PM
I got offended because you called me a dumbass and then stereotyped me with a bunch of case modding jackasses.  I wanted to show what I did with the tsDesk module, God forbid I post it in the post your desktop thread.

Edit: Go to hell
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Ulatoh on January 27, 2004, 12:11:54 PM
I "cover my desktop in weird ######" because it's useful to me.  I didn't do it to look cool because, guess what?
So why are we fighting? I said it looks like complete and utter crap and you got offended.

And if you tell me to 'go to hell' one more time you're suspended for a week.
Uranium, your outta line here, not to mention tact...

you can flame people in one post, and moderate in another, but dont do both in the same one, it looks bad
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 27, 2004, 12:16:13 PM
I "cover my desktop in weird ######" because it's useful to me.  I didn't do it to look cool because, guess what?
So why are we fighting? I said it looks like complete and utter crap and you got offended.

And if you tell me to 'go to hell' one more time you're suspended for a week.
Uranium, your outta line here, not to mention tact...

you can flame people in one post, and moderate in another, but dont do both in the same one, it looks bad
Flaming != my opinion, no matter how offended you get. I'm not going to say 'Oh yeah! Your desktop looks cool because I'm not going to tell you how I truely feel just in case I offend you!'

1) You posted the desktop.

2) Grimm (was it grimm?) sez: Weather stuff is stupid.

3) I say: It looks ugly and the weather stuff reminds me of people who case mod.

4) You blow up while managing to fail at a flame.

5) I take it the wrong way, show you stupid case mods.

6) You blow up again.

Really now...
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Ulatoh on January 27, 2004, 12:18:56 PM
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 27, 2004, 12:20:17 PM
Okay so if I'm supposed to moderate in a seperate post:

1) Jefe, you were wrong to begin with. Whatever nerve I struck, you really need to get a grip.

2) Okay so your desktop might be useful to you. But I really can't see a point to the weather stuff (it's called a window), the 'console' and that notepad thing on it. In my opinion, it's ugly, and stupid.

3) Anymore posts on this will be nuked.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Jefe on January 27, 2004, 12:24:21 PM
It's for the same reason people spend money shoving ^^ty lights into their case while deluding themsevles that it's NOT an eyesore.
Hmm, the way you put that it sounds like you're saying that I'm an empty shell of a man who gets all of his kicks out of posting his cool stuff and having a big huge e-p3nis.  You and me obviously interepret things differently, no?
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Dubbilex on January 27, 2004, 12:28:25 PM
*sighhh*  :(

Just so you two will quit your retarded bickering, I'll post me new wallpaper:
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: BobTheJanitor on January 27, 2004, 12:36:59 PM
Nice icons dubb, but get you some tweakui action and take those silly shortcut arrows off them. Yucky!

http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/pro/dow...s/powertoys.asp (http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/pro/downloads/powertoys.asp)

And to you angry people fighting over whatever the heck you're fighting over:


 <3  <3  :lol:  :D  <3  :rolleyes:  :p  <3  ^^  :)  <3

Now stop being silly or I shall spam you with more idiotic smilies. Yucky, again.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 27, 2004, 12:49:42 PM
TweakUI never worked for me. I have it right now and say 'GET RID OF ARROWS VERDAMMT' and it won't :/
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Dubbilex on January 27, 2004, 12:51:40 PM
go Bob...go Bob....Go, go, go go

aaand...it worked.  Thanks, Bob.  I had forgotten about this little gem :p
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Niteowl on January 27, 2004, 02:38:51 PM
why ANYONE would put ANYTHING but MEECES  on their desktop is BEYOND ME!!!! o_O  o_O  :blink:  :blink:
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Ulatoh on January 27, 2004, 08:28:21 PM
Hey blackmage can you show me how/where/what to do to make my win2k desktop look vaguely similar to yours
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: @gentOrange on January 27, 2004, 09:09:56 PM
Mah newwww desktop! Thanks Bob for explaining that stuff :D.

Yay (http://server5.uploadit.org/files/AgentOrange-bkgrnd2.jpg)

Before you gripe about the weather thing Uranium I actually use it to see how I should dress before I run to the store.

With that handy little edit desktop link it's so easy to add reorganize and remove things. Tralala! *skips along*

*edit* Jefe is now spared :D
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Jefe on January 27, 2004, 10:43:40 PM
for the recycle bin removal: take off the active desktop for a sec, right click on desktop -> arrange icons by -> uncheck show desktop icons

No kill Jefe?
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Ulatoh on January 28, 2004, 12:27:16 PM
Jefe, you really have to show me how to do that to my desktop,

allthough , i have win2k!
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: BobTheJanitor on January 28, 2004, 12:37:18 PM
If you want to keep the recycle bin functionality without having the stupid icon in the way, you can drag a shortcut to your quick launch bar. It still works just the same, shows full when full and you can right click and empty it. This is so you can avoid those rare OMG I JUST BALEETED MAH PR0N moments. If you don't wany any recyc functionality, just disable it entirely and remove the icon.

If anyone is super elite and can tell me a command line string that will tell the bin to empty itself so I can put it in as a linky on the desktop, I will love them forever and ever and ever.

Edit: Ulatoh, the links are way up at the top of the thread, ask me or anyone else for specifics when you run into trouble. And I think it should still work the same with 2k, it uses pretty much the same active desktop as XP. Under 98, if someone was still using that old thing for some reason, it requires some fiddling with the code.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Jefe on January 28, 2004, 02:46:30 PM
Jefe, you really have to show me how to do that to my desktop,

allthough , i have win2k!
Look around page 2 of this thread, there's a link there on how to do it.  Other than that it's just reorganizing, get me on IRC if you need help.

Should work just fine with win2k
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: TheChuckster on January 29, 2004, 01:49:17 PM

Edited because apparently people do not like games.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Jefe on January 29, 2004, 02:15:08 PM
cool, now let's see your desktop
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 29, 2004, 02:16:48 PM
Really now Chuck what the hell was the point of that? I don't think you impressed a single person, if that's what you were trying to do....
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Jefe on January 29, 2004, 02:17:43 PM
Uranium, again, the thread is not about impressing people.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 29, 2004, 02:32:03 PM
Uranium, again, the thread is not about impressing people.
Why are you telling me, I'm not the one who covered my desktop in 'l33t emulators' and 'miscellaneous connection h4xx0r garbage' trying to show off. That's like posting a screenshot of how much harddrive space I have in this thread: it's irrelevant, and no one cares.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Niteowl on January 29, 2004, 02:38:35 PM
Uranium, again, the thread is not about impressing people.
Why are you telling me, I'm not the one who covered my desktop in 'l33t emulators' and 'miscellaneous connection h4xx0r garbage' trying to show off. That's like posting a screenshot of how much harddrive space I have in this thread: it's irrelevant, and no one cares.
easy cowboy.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: TheChuckster on January 29, 2004, 06:44:27 PM
FFS. It's all I had before I wiped out Gentoo. You guys do NOT NEED TO FLAME ME. Flaming is FAR worse than offense I have commited. I had no intentions of showing off. That was actually my desktop. Yell at Linux, he's the one that has all of the emulators and games ported to it. Me, I'm just a gamer. And if you can't accept that, then please leave a GAMING forum. And if you look at any other dedicated Linux user's system, you'll see the much of the same. Last, do you honestly think I would have put together that shot LAST SEPTEMBER (look at gkrellm and snort tails) to show off to you pathetic fools at LM months later? Don't answer -- it's a rhetorical question.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Black Mage on January 29, 2004, 07:02:52 PM
for the recycle bin removal: take off the active desktop for a sec, right click on desktop -> arrange icons by -> uncheck show desktop icons

No kill Jefe?
better yet (needs admin) run gpedit.msc, find and disable 'show recycle bin' under user->admin tmplates->something

lots of fun stuff to be found in gpedit ... like stuff
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Path on January 29, 2004, 08:10:06 PM
Here's my desktop, clean and simple. Very relaxing, at least for me. I have a whole ton of backround pictures, but this is new, so I like it most right now. :p
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: esuna on January 29, 2004, 08:20:20 PM
This time i thought i'd completely edit my windows theme and made a custom colour scheme and new window borders. :)

(http://www.btinternet.com/~diesirae/pictures/newpink_s.jpg) (http://www.btinternet.com/~diesirae/pictures/newpink.jpg)
Clicky to enlarge.
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 29, 2004, 09:26:19 PM
<_< I hate pink...  v_v
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Jefe on January 29, 2004, 09:33:23 PM
Only because you don't understand it...
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Bogglesteinsky on January 30, 2004, 09:23:51 AM
i grabbed the idea from BobTheJanitor, but the folders and stuff didn't work, so i just realigned my icons.

Doesnt look to bad tbh


(edit: I also removed the "console" and the google searches because they didnt work either. I found a javascript clock online and d/l a digital font. changed the colour to red and presto!.)
Title: The Amazing 'post Your Desktop' Thread
Post by: Lightning Blue on January 30, 2004, 09:40:57 AM
Since we can't post our desktops without flamebaiting each other, thread *locked*.