Overly Chatty Penguins

The Ready Room => Off Topic => Topic started by: lolfighter on February 02, 2004, 05:13:05 AM

Title: For Uranium
Post by: lolfighter on February 02, 2004, 05:13:05 AM

There you go. Now flame Japan. Hard.

Title: For Uranium
Post by: Black Mage on February 02, 2004, 07:14:21 AM
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Uranium - 235 on February 02, 2004, 03:54:00 PM

Every :Ding where I go some asshole's getting a japanese sign tattooed to their groin, someone's got 15 japanese keychains on their backpack, or they're loaded up with J-pop and crappy Japanese food. For crap's sake you can't even be a computer geek without having 99% of everyone shoving some ^^ty rediculously misproportioned drawing of what would barely pass for a human down your throat, or 'massive robot beating ass and defying physics' up your ass, and in the middle they meet, form a little ball of hate that kills part of me inside.

Okay Japanese music? Seriously, get over it. First of all, you don't have a :Ding clue as to what they're saying. Now really, that's like going to Hitler's speeches just because you like German. Now some chick with a squeaky high voice repeatedly singing 'Kum see laaa we tai' into a mic over and over is just :Ding annoying, I'd rather take a 500 volt power drill and perform ocular surgery on myself.

Then there's the 'music' part of it. It's like something out of the 80's. And no one likes the 80's. Not even hippies (it was the end of their reign of terror) like the 80's. So anyway, you have this quasi-techno-new wave... NOISE that's flooding your ears, while some girl that, for all I know, is wailing about how America sucks big fat donkey cock. Look if you can't do it in English, go back to Swaziland, or Tanzania, or wherever the hell you come from.

So what else, you like Japanese anime/manga/hentai? Okay really now, this is like the communist cancerous blob of evil that's consuming geeks' brains. First of all, you seen those little 'alien' heads that were popular for a while?


Look at this. IT'S NOT EVEN A :DING HUMAN.


Really, what the HELL IS IT. It's like something that crawled out of Chernobyl, for the love of god, some freakish fish-human-walking-asshole hybrid.

Okay so let's ignore the fact that it looks like an artistic joke. What's it about? I'm not going to say that every anime completely sucks, yes, I have been forced to see some that weren't that bad. But you know, really, enough of them are that I can say that all anime completely sucks.

First we have the big robots. Apparently Japenese men are REALLY trying to compensate for something here. Every single robot anime has to have some massive, physic's defying, invincible killing machine that's armed with the impressive arsenal of melee weapons. Okay, Japan? Listen up. There's a REALLY :DING GOOD REASON that the UNITED STATES designs tanks, bombers, and military weapons. It's because every one of you is :Ding nuts. Honestly, if I had some invincibly strong metal, would I build a horribly complex and rediculous inefficient robot that uses... FISTS, SWORDS, AND SHIELDS? Hell no! I'd load it into a magnetic accelerator and punch a hole through a planet, that's what I'd do!

And of course, every robot anime has to have N'Sync piloting them, boys that you would barely guess are out of puberty from their rediculously high voices and lack of physical attraction for what is always the strangely and unrealistically attractive, skimpy clothed slut that is piloting another one of the robots. Okay, first of all, never in history has there been a 'natural ace', some dip^^ loudmouthed kid who magically has a special knack for piloting, and without any training, kicks everyone's asses despite the fact he can't even order a beer in Singapore. And naturally, every guy in these shows is bisexual, as they always have these concerns about 'feelings' in the middle of a fight. "Wow I lopped of his head! I wonder what Akuma will think of me now..."

Finally... Robots? Really, robots were out of style like a decade ago, along with the Power Rangers.

So what other anime's do you have? Hmm you have the 'old Japan' animes. I really haven't watched many of these. I really don't NEED to. I can tell you how the entire season will play out, and how the plot will go. Guy gets rediculously oversized sword. Kills people while jumping higher then you could on Pluto and flying through the air while screaming. Screaming a lot. He also has to have hair that's not only colored what NO NATURAL JAPANESE HAIR COLOR IS, but is so damn rediculous, he probably has to run from jealous 80's hair bands. Next, he has to have some UNNATURAL SHADE OF SKIN. Okay, what do you call a human, with slanty eyes, darkish skin, jet black hair. An asian. What do you call a human with round eyes, blonde / red hair, and white skin. A CAUCASION. LOOK YOU TALENTLESS HACK, YOU'RE JAPANESE, STOP INSULTING MY RACE WITH THIS RUBBISH. Also make sure he screams a lot. Really, you can watch an episode of TLC and see a woman give birth to quintuplets simultaneously and scream less then they do in these animes. You'd think that while he's fighting someone is giving him an acid enema.

Also, there's the 'human-animal' ones. Really, this is so genetically distrubing, I feel dirty TALKING about it.

Finally, you have the 'space' series. Usually featuring giant robots. But when it doesn't it's no less dumb. Really, the only anime I liked was Cowboy Bebop. Aside from Edward and Faie, humans in there were actually PROPORTIONATE without skulls shaped like rocks and eyes bigger then my fist. Even then that series sucked. You could watch six episodes and have the entire plot, because every OTHER episode was 100% unrelated to ANYTHING, and was always 'bitch and moan about being hungry, puch random buttons on computer, find guy, chase guy, fire guns, guy gets killed, bitch and moan about being hungry'.

What was another one, Outlaw Star? Really now, let's put naked women into massive tanks like some voyeristic peep show. Then I'll team up with some prick who still wears a :Ding kimono and carries a katana around with him. Then I'll program something equivilent to Hal 9000 into my ship that speaks to me with a radar blip. Then we can blast off into space and accomplish a ton of crap no one really cares about.

So what else? I've heard some people like Japan for it's 'honor' culture and history. Okay, the ONLY reason you like Japanese history is because you get a rise watching some guy in goofy looking armor swing a sword around while screaming gibberish. What was Japanese history? See, about twelve billion years ago, they set up castes, with the Samurai up top, then the farmers, then the peasents, then the merchants. Flash forward eleven billion 999 million, 999 thousand, 800 years. The castes fell apart, the Samurai cried like girls, and probably shoved frisbees down their throats. The end.

Honor? Really now, honor gets you nothing. I the twelve billion years of japanese rule, they STILL controlled those same useless pointy rocks, pretty much because no one else was stupid enough to want them for themsleves. I'm sure even the Russians looked at them and laughed. Really, if you like the Japanese ideal of honor so much, why don't you go kill your neighbor or some crap, tell the cops you were defending his family pride. I'm sure that'll go over REAL well.

I've even heard some people like how the language sounds and looks. Do you know that the English language is almost entirely naturally made up of stressed sounds and unstressed sounds alternating? Really, the language in that regard is quite poetic. Japanese doesn't have that. "Anatachi ni wa anshin." It's a :Ding chore to say that, simply because it combines stressed sounds in a row.

You like how it LOOKS? If you put down two hundred kindergartners with paper and magic markers, eventually they'd make the entire japanese language. Take line. Make an 'H' shape. Draw little lines off the side like a christmas tree. Ten minutes later, you've written out the word 'the'. Now do it again, but put a dot over it. Now you've said 'end'. Or something. Really, no one gives a flying f*ck, weather or not you can speak the language, I just pray that in your mid-40's you look back and realize how you wasted ten years of your life with some perverse fascination for a country that really, no one cares about anyway. They're like the French.

So what about Japanese food? Really, the only food people usually like is Sushi. And that's just seafood and rice. It's REALLY not that complex. Take rice. Pack into ball. Put wasabi on it. Lay fish on top. Serve. Do you know how much :Ding work it takes to make a rib roast? Rice? That's what they feed the poor fools on Survivor. That's what the Ethiopians are fed. So basically you're eating what the dirt poor eat, with a little piece of a raw fishstick on top, and paying out the ass for it. What else? You like that crap you get at the Asian Mart? Okay, those little bottles of poison with the marble in top? It's like drinking a mountain dew that's been sitting on the self for five days, after having eighty billion poorly made pixie sticks poured into it. THEN, remove ALL the flavor, feed it to a cow, and collect whatever comes out the other end, label it up, and sell it. Pocky? You know, I'm not eating ANYTHING that has CHEESE SUBSTITUE in the ingredients for CHOCOLATE. Furthermore, what is it? It's a glorified chocolate covered pretzel. But naturally you have to pay EXTRA for the japanese characters and the terrifying little drawings of... animals that'd give children nightmares.

I have this little bag of terrifying crap my sister got from... somwhere. They're called 'Miaow Miaows' with little pictures of kitties for 'o's. Well, I think they're kitties. Anyway, you know what it is? 'Pea Snacks'. It's ground up :Ding peas, baked into a chip. First of all, cats are carnivores. They don't eat peas. Secondly, if I wanted peas, I'd go to the store and buy fifty of em for two dollars, not spend eight dollars on a big of crap that equates to roughly two air-baked peas.

What the hell is Japan going to do? The only weapons, the only military might they have is these horrible tentacle monsters that are, apparently, going to rape our women.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Niteowl on February 02, 2004, 04:29:35 PM
nice invective filled, brutally hollow, but entertaining post.

here is a bit of news so that you don't give yourself a brain aneurysm, or something.

http://dungeonofthedamned.com/dungeon/article6.html (http://dungeonofthedamned.com/dungeon/article6.html)

i mean, really, who cares if ppl get off on all this japanese.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Uranium - 235 on February 02, 2004, 04:39:00 PM
i mean, really, who cares if ppl get off on all this japanese.
I wouldn't care if they'd shut their mouth and enjoy their japanese in privacy, but everywhere I go, someone's shoving anime or the language or their japanophelia down my throat. I don't want to see your fascination with anime shows as you act like an 8 year old obsessed with Ren and Stimpy, giggling as you post it for your forum avatar, sig, your name, wallpapers, desktops, and posters in your room. Like that article you posted, if you don't know what the hell it says, you have no business even LIKING it. As my post above absolutely and scientifically proves, everything about japan sucks.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Niteowl on February 02, 2004, 05:08:56 PM
what about....

Rick Hunter?
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Geminosity on February 02, 2004, 06:04:37 PM
I'm gonna assume this thread's purely for comedy value (ie: U235's rants) and keep out of it :p
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Nuketheplace on February 02, 2004, 06:39:13 PM
Uranium - 235 I have one thing to say to you.

Uranium - 235 wa baka desu nee.

That is all.  Really though I find it strange how people could like Japanese culture THAT much.  I'm kind of with you.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Malevolent on February 02, 2004, 08:27:40 PM
That's a nice novel you wrote there Uranium...:p.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: esuna on February 02, 2004, 09:16:47 PM
Uranium..... each to their own............ each to their own.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Keyser59 on February 02, 2004, 09:58:00 PM
I don't especially like japanese culture either, but do I go around badmouthing it to people who do?

You have a long way to go if you can't survive without tolerating other cultures my friend.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Fewlio on February 02, 2004, 10:02:40 PM
Uranium..... each to their own............ each to their own.
oh hohohoho for some reason that cracks me up XD, and btw I <3 Yatta! Nothing beats skinny pasty japanese men running around in diapers yelling "YATTAH!" :D
Title: For Uranium
Post by: BrianL03 on February 02, 2004, 10:21:50 PM
Just to p/o Uranium, since I love him so much (you and your crazy Colorado Relocation Project! Only I know the real truth behind why you've been placed in  the middle of a godforsaken cold tundra deathtrap  ~_^ )

He just is trying to cover up his affection for it[/size]
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Hida Tsuzua on February 02, 2004, 11:52:32 PM
Oddly enough I agree with you in some ways my elemantal friend.  Still a Japanphile though.  :p
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Uranium - 235 on February 02, 2004, 11:56:07 PM
Hey, they asked me to rant, so I did ;) I'm good at it, notice my title. If you want me to bitch out blogs, I'll do that too ;D Coming soon, Uranium vs. Penny Arcade!
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Uranium - 235 on February 02, 2004, 11:56:30 PM
Just to p/o Uranium, since I love him so much (you and your crazy Colorado Relocation Project! Only I know the real truth behind why you've been placed in  the middle of a godforsaken cold tundra deathtrap  ~_^ )

He just is trying to cover up his affection for it[/size]
BTW Brian, for what reason do you NOT play Natural-Selection? And get back on MSN you boon.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Leaderz0rz on February 03, 2004, 01:38:36 AM
you don't have to like the japanese way of life, nor do you have to like their style of art and animation, but atleast they are creative and i happen to enjoy their style of art. And some people do understand what they are saying, you took spanish in high school? i took japanese in high school. I didn't read your whole rant, nor do I care to read it, I don't go on how ###### people are who dress thug like and talk thugish when they live in a private neighborhood and goto a privite school, nor do I go on about how people spend 10s of thousands of dollars on their car to make it fast, and never ever race it, or they end up trying to be like the fast and the furious and end up dead or in jail with their 60k car in an impound lot or on auction.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Leaderz0rz on February 03, 2004, 01:44:04 AM

So what other anime's do you have? Hmm you have the 'old Japan' animes. I really haven't watched many of these. I really don't NEED to. I can tell you how the entire season will play out, and how the plot will go. Guy gets rediculously oversized sword. Kills people while jumping higher then you could on Pluto and flying through the air while screaming. Screaming a lot. He also has to have hair that's not only colored what NO NATURAL JAPANESE HAIR COLOR IS, but is so damn rediculous, he probably has to run from jealous 80's hair bands. Next, he has to have some UNNATURAL SHADE OF SKIN. Okay, what do you call a human, with slanty eyes, darkish skin, jet black hair. An asian. What do you call a human with round eyes, blonde / red hair, and white skin. A CAUCASION. LOOK YOU TALENTLESS HACK, YOU'RE JAPANESE, STOP INSULTING MY RACE WITH THIS RUBBISH. Also make sure he screams a lot. Really, you can watch an episode of TLC and see a woman give birth to quintuplets simultaneously and scream less then they do in these animes. You'd think that while he's fighting someone is giving him an acid enema.

thats a typical response from someone who hasn't watched any anime besides 1 episode of Dragon Ball Z

So what else? I've heard some people like Japan for it's 'honor' culture and history. Okay, the ONLY reason you like Japanese history is because you get a rise watching some guy in goofy looking armor swing a sword around while screaming gibberish. What was Japanese history? See, about twelve billion years ago, they set up castes, with the Samurai up top, then the farmers, then the peasents, then the merchants. Flash forward eleven billion 999 million, 999 thousand, 800 years. The castes fell apart, the Samurai cried like girls, and probably shoved frisbees down their throats. The end.

I'm not going to go on about japanese history but you are so wrong it makes me laugh, go read a history book ors omthing.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Smoke Nova on February 03, 2004, 01:50:34 AM
...Well, not all anime is as he described it.

a majority, yes, all, no.  (i.e. Hellsing, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, most Vampire anime)

other then that...what's your feelings about people being obsessed with "ghetto" culture, and the entire "American" culture.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Leaderz0rz on February 03, 2004, 01:59:36 AM
i'm not going to spend 20 mins typing a huge rant about it, but just think about  what i said, and it pretty much sums it up if you have any common sense at all  :p
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Satanic Monkey on February 03, 2004, 05:50:28 AM
I can't stand blogs. There is nothing interesting about what you ate for dinner, who you screwed or if your boyfriend/girlfriend dump you for a piece of cheese. This is an example of how all blogs look like. Nobody cares, not even your friends, most people I seen that blog are emos, punks, and skateboarders, based on what I seen. How do I know? Those punk kids after achool talking about their blogs and.....

  Current music: Some crappy EMO song , but I listen to it anyways cause I'm Mainstream

Current Mood: Sad or some feeling


 Well anyways my f*cking mom was b*tching at me and she told me to clean my room, so I cried and when I called my boyfriend, he said Micheal it's over. And the rest of the post will be her whining and moaning and all that crap.

Can't forget about the comments, which only their friends post in.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Architeuthis on February 03, 2004, 06:24:31 AM
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Geminosity on February 03, 2004, 06:29:05 AM
That's the first blog I've ever bothered reading that made me laugh :ph34r:
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Satanic Monkey on February 03, 2004, 06:38:25 AM
I'm gonna make my own webblog on how the man inside my nose tells me to kill people and how I have the raccoon penis bone and If I'm allowed, I will post a link.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: BrianL03 on February 03, 2004, 07:42:36 AM
Trust me, Uranium has watched more anime than just 1 episode of DBZ. My friend Stef and I have made sure of that. ^_^

Things included are Cowboy Bebop, Tokyo Mew Mew (he was clawing at his eyes during it), and some other stuff I forget at the moment. Meh.

And if anyone is getting pissed off at reading his little rant? I've known him personally for 9 years (although the anti-Japan bit only started beginning of high school once I started enjoying the stuff). Imagine how I must have felt ~_^

*goes back to d/ling Fullmetal Alchemist so he can draw a pic of the main character for his gf's bday*

Back to topic

What I find irritating are those people who consider anything they do (be it anime, books, computers, dancing, thug, religion, roleplaying, whatever and etc) so much better than anyone else's activities, to the point of belittling anyone who doesn't subscribe to their point of view.

Y'know those people... they're worse than Uranium's response to Japan-likers: "Your interest in blah blah is completely null, void, and devoid of any sort of meaning just because I hate it! Why don't you?!? Moron!"

They keep using this same voice for anything they encounter that they themselves don't enjoy.

Personally, it irks me when I encounter such people who have such a closed-off mind that I'm afraid of it collapsing on itself and sucking me inwards. I'll listen to a rational person's explanation of why something I do isn't worthy (of course, I don't consider Uranium very rational, just misguided ~_^ ), but when it's just personal attacks? They can take off.

Uranium is entertaining, those kinds of people are not.

Scale of Belittling:

5 - Wow, you do that? Let me try too!
4 - Sounds mildly interesting, but let me show you something else.
3 - Someone who couldn't care one way or the other
2 - Uranium or Doran Bennet (you know him, U! ^_^)
1 - Morons with personal attacks
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Black Mage on February 03, 2004, 08:23:09 AM
it would be funny to see u235's reaction to several consecutive episodes of flcl ... from far, far away
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Niteowl on February 03, 2004, 09:22:05 AM
a few things.

-brian, i like your levels of belittlement, it appeals to my sense of organization :)
-wth is an EMO!??!?!! jeebus.... you kids and your newfangled slang..
Title: For Uranium
Post by: @gentOrange on February 03, 2004, 09:26:34 AM
I think EMO is like the replacement for Elmo. Or something.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Architeuthis on February 03, 2004, 09:53:47 AM
Emo is the name for those kids that like to cry and be overly emotional and suicidal and stuff. I dunno, to me it seems a lot like goths only without the crazy makeup and the "evil" side.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Uranium - 235 on February 03, 2004, 11:11:26 AM
Actually I stopped comparing anime to DBZ a long time ago, but DBZ is still a valid comparison. That's like saying that Counter-STrike doesn't define FPS games. It does you twat, it's the most popular for a reason.

But let's see what 'anime's have characters that:

1) Are supposed to be Japanese but in no way at ALL look Japanese, but are in fact, Caucasian?

2) Have stupid hair that's all crappy and pointy, simply because the creators of anime can't draw anything else (Seriously, 95% of all males in anime have stupid spiked hair, and those that don't are usually drawn as scrawny geeks)

3) Wield rediculously oversized weapons?

4) Scream a lot.

5) Perform massive flying leaps all over the place / defy gravity by falling from high places and landing on their feet?

Number 1 applies to all anime. Number 2 applies to all anime. Number 3 applies to many anime's: Evangalion, Gundam, Big O, Inuyasha, Final Fantasy 7 (I think), Trigun, etc etc the list goes on and on. Number 4 applies to most of those anime's I've listed above, as well as some that DON'T have stupid weaponry. What the hell was that one about the dumbass who stops killing everything and becomes a man of peace? As does number 5. Really, I mean, look at Reign and Aeon Flux. That's just :Ding nuts. And the guy is supposed to be famous or something.

You know, I even forgot the usually unnecessary nudie scenes in the anime's because the animators are sick perverts without girlfriends. Ghost in the Shell, Perfect Blue, etc.

Oh well, classic 'OMG DBZ' from a classic japanophile. Quick, pull 'Unheard of and not very popular anime X' out of your ass to prove me wrong! There's a reason the producers of DBZ are rich.

As for the Japan history, I could embelish on it, but all I'd do is write out ten billion years of 'Dynasty Japanese Guy MCXVVI and Dynasty Japanese Guy XXXVII fought about stupid crap that really has had no bearing on the modern world. They fought a lot with lots of different warlords. Because they're stupid and barbaric.' But the castes were 100% correct and stayed that way for centuries, until their 'cultural revolution' where the Samurai lost power and were persecuted (also see 'The Last Samurai')

BTW: Forgot about that Tokyo Mew Mew... that's like, the embodiment of corruption and evil right there... oh god, the memories.

And yes: I have seen FLCL. I think I sort of understood WHY it was made (appeal to the goofishly foolish, I suppose), but after about ten minutes of episode one, I had to quickly change channels before my IQ started dropping. There's something about a kid with a massive dildo growing on his forehead being attacked by some psychobitch that rides around on a motercycle like Mad Max that, you know, I just couldn't stand...
Title: For Uranium
Post by: esuna on February 03, 2004, 11:11:45 AM
a few things.

-brian, i like your levels of belittlement, it appeals to my sense of organization :)
-wth is an EMO!??!?!! jeebus.... you kids and your newfangled slang..
Emo, essentially, means emotional.

Over the past few years it's developed into a music genre. Emocore, Emotional Hardcore, whatever. Basically, it's all very heartfelt and emotional, usually to agressive music. Whiney bastards go and cry at their gigs.

Emo bands are the likes of Poison The Well (Sorry, but they are), Funeral For A Friend, Boxcar Racer, 100 Reasons... stuff like that.

However, ignore Architeuthis's comment, emo is nothing like goth. Goth is more about sex and drugs than death and depression, and believe me, i know a damn lot of goths and goth music. :)
Title: For Uranium
Post by: BrianL03 on February 03, 2004, 11:55:01 AM
Uranium, Uranium, Uranium... I would want to discuss rebuttals right now, but we've talked so much about them before, so I'll just do a quick bullet list.

1) What you don't know is that the Japanese government has been secretly genetically changing its people so that they look more and more like those in the West. This is to allow them to infiltrate the United States and take over. In fact, your neighbors are probably secret Japanese gene pets right now!

2) Hey, it's a good thing to fall back on in a dark alley against a gang.

3) C'mon... you can't beat a cross rocket launcher.


5) All anime characters have been genetically bred with cats.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Uranium - 235 on February 03, 2004, 12:34:19 PM
5) All anime characters have been genetically bred with cats.
Or... something...
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Geminosity on February 03, 2004, 12:38:21 PM

1) I'm not gonna answer this one... but I will mention it's got a lot to do with self-perception and art-style =P

2) you're just jealous you can't have spikey hair like them uranium ^~
We all know you secretly lust to have lushious locks like guile XD
To be honest though, the hair thing is down to character design.  I'm taking a guess here but I suspect I've probably watched a lot more anime than you in the last several years and I can say that spikey hair isn't really even close to 95% of what most male haircuts come under.  The one common trait usually is that it's pretty long, sometimes just let loose, sometimes tied, sometimes gelled or something to make it super spikey.  Course, there's still short-haired male anime chars but we're making blindly outrageous generalisations here right? =3

3) ~shrug~  what's your point?

4) people scream when they're fighting in RL incase you noticed =P
sure they don't cry out the name of their moves, but ignoring silly things like DBZ it's not that uncharacteristic to have a person shriek with rage, pain or determination during a combat scene ^^;

5) That's just a sorta inheritence from fantasy and legend.  Someone who trains their body well can leap impressive distances; sure not the anime heights but we're talking about the culture that have ninjas as part of their heritage, so embellishments on acts of agility and a tendency towards magics is kinda easy to understand.
Seriously... if you're gonna complain about that when people are throwing fireballs at each other I think you're missing the point ^~
Just to be annoying, the more dramatic animes are usually more true to life in the scale of things and so you rarely see the characters in these doing amazing jumps or the like.

Complain all you want but you're really just as well trying to scream about films in general.  Anime is just another media for story telling... sure it comes almost entirely from one country (I'm not gonna get into an arguement of what anime actually is here) but it's still just the same as a live action film or whatnot; influenced by it's origins.
I honestly don't see how people can whine about something like that and not utter a word about the likes of superman.  I mean he's pretty much invincible and his one weakness is an alien rock which means it's pretty rare.  What kind of story is that???  He's one of the most detestably shallow characters I've ever seen and here's you whining about the small selection of anime you happen to have seen =P

If you're gonna watch 'anime' watch the right genre.  If you don't like romance films you don't go to see romance movies right?

If the rant is about people taking an interest in things but without taking the time to actually understand what it is or even liking it outside of reasons that it's fashionable... sure.  Anyone can agree with that, but you're generalising too much when you argue about 'anime fans'.  I got into it long ago, long before it was 'big' when a studio ghibli film called 'laputa: castle in the sky' happened to come on tv...
Didn't even know what anime was back then, I just knew it'd been the most wonderful, epic and heartfelt thing I'd seen.  Soon after I was gripped by porco rosso, laughed at tank police, got baffled by akira and laughed even more at project A-ko =3
After that it started picking up and it got even easier for me to find this new and different kind of story telling.  It wasn't the same dry, cheesy type I was used to from the western films it was something almost mystic... something more like what my imagination came up with.

All I can suggest if you've not seen them already are the studio ghibli works and possibly trigun.  Almost everyone seems to find something they like in amongst that small selection ^^
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Niteowl on February 03, 2004, 01:42:49 PM

http://www.e.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Exhibition/kokahei/kokahei-e.html (http://www.e.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Exhibition/kokahei/kokahei-e.html)
http://www.e.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Exhibition/kosatsu/kosatsu-e.html (http://www.e.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Exhibition/kosatsu/kosatsu-e.html)
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Leaderz0rz on February 03, 2004, 02:57:46 PM
well gem just saved me 10 mins of typing ^_^
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Uranium - 235 on February 03, 2004, 06:18:12 PM

1) I'm not gonna answer this one... but I will mention it's got a lot to do with self-perception and art-style =P

All I can suggest if you've not seen them already are the studio ghibli works and possibly trigun.  Almost everyone seems to find something they like in amongst that small selection ^^

So you mean Japanese don't actually realize that they all have jet-black hair? :o I mean, chirst, I have seen a Japanese with blonde / red hair, and it looks... well, awful.

BTW: Trigun might have POSSIBLY been decent, except for:

1) Steampunk and Cyberpunk don't mix very well. I point to the episode with the runaway steam train being attacked by a guy covered in flourescent lights (like something out of Running Man...). Okay that just made me laugh, and not in a ha-ha-funny way. Furthermore, okay we have this 'omg future' theme, but everyone lives like it's the 1920s, while some blonde haired prick walks around with the death star in his arm. Pretty much ruining the whole idea. Plus, every other episode some monstrosity is attacking a town. It's like Power Rangers.

2) Binary stars are horribly cliche. Plus, a planet orbitting a binary system would either be a radioactive wasteland, or be torn to pieces by gravitational forces.

3) The animation sucked. I don't even know how to describe it, but rather then have a funny moment ha-ha, a tense moment oh-no, they had to f**k around with the drawings. You know the whole 'let's make his mouth 50 billion times larger and out of shape' thing.

4) That dumb^^ stupid :Ding "cat" thing, that looked and sounded just retarded.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Leaderz0rz on February 03, 2004, 07:55:40 PM
WHY ARE YOU COMPARING FICTION TO REALISIM? just becuase japanese people have black slicked hair doesn't mean they can't draw people with blonde spiked hair, its made up, IE not based on real life events, its for entertainment. But i guess a talking bunny or duck is ok.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: @gentOrange on February 03, 2004, 07:57:06 PM
BTW: Trigun might have POSSIBLY been decent, except for:

1) Steampunk and Cyberpunk don't mix very well. I point to the episode with the runaway steam train being attacked by a guy covered in flourescent lights (like something out of Running Man...). Okay that just made me laugh, and not in a ha-ha-funny way. Furthermore, okay we have this 'omg future' theme, but everyone lives like it's the 1920s, while some blonde haired prick walks around with the death star in his arm. Pretty much ruining the whole idea. Plus, every other episode some monstrosity is attacking a town. It's like Power Rangers.
Ever heard of alternate universes? Imagination? Hmmm thought not :p

The thing is Trigun doesn't even take place on earth. It was humanities attempt to seed a planet thus much of the new technology is lost.


Vash isn't even a human and those "monsters" attacking town are working for his brother Knives.


So yeah. Most anime you'd have to watch the whole series to understand.

Oh and on the black hair thing. I'm sure the japanese are well aware they have black hair. I'm sure they do not wish to offend you by using some colour to add a little flavor. If everything on tv was just like real life NOONE would ever watch it.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Uranium - 235 on February 03, 2004, 08:43:11 PM
Yeah you're right, who the hell names their kid 'knives'? That's just ASKING for therapy later in life. No, I know it's on another planet, but it's so :Ding asinine and poorly done. You'll have this town made of I'm trying to swear ban me! and bricks and everyone in it looks like Stump-Jumpin' Jethro and is using something like an old crappy powder rifle. Meanwhile behind them, is some outrageously huge chemical factory. Or you have advanced technology buried in the sands of Khara- I mean... the desert planet (I hope you got that reference...). It's SO stupid! Apparently in the future we'll all be rednecks who scream and throw feces at technology, and those that have it are too stupid or scared to leave to the 'outside world'.

As for Leadz0rz, get a grip, kid. Furthermore, EVERY :DING ANIME IS LIKE THAT. They're set in Japan, and every person looks like they were just shipped in from Seattle.

Hmm... Japanese: Smallish eyes, slanted, usually on the short side, jet black hair, darkish skin.

Anime: Massive perfectly round eyes, white (I don't think I've ever seen a black guy in an anime, now that I think about it), tall, usually with hair that's any color BUT black (purple, green, you name it), really I'm the only one to actually make this connection that evidently the Japanese DON'T want to be Japanese?
Title: For Uranium
Post by: @gentOrange on February 03, 2004, 09:41:44 PM
They're set in Japan, and every person looks like they were just shipped in from Seattle.
FYI Seattle has the largest Japanese population in the US. ^^

I know what you meant though...
Title: For Uranium
Post by: esuna on February 03, 2004, 09:45:06 PM
While yeah, i have always found it odd that anime characters look very, well, not Japanese, it's never really bothered me too much. I mean, come on, they're cartoons.

Are you telling me Micky Mouse looks like a real mouse? I mean, there's not too many meeces you see wearing pants around.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: BrianL03 on February 03, 2004, 10:03:16 PM
Uranium, just to reiterate what I've told you time and time again:

For the hair, it makes character recognition a helluva lot easier, and the eyes display emotion a lot easier and cause less strain for the artists.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Uranium - 235 on February 03, 2004, 10:32:44 PM
Uranium, just to reiterate what I've told you time and time again:

For the hair, it makes character recognition a helluva lot easier, and the eyes display emotion a lot easier and cause less strain for the artists.
Well to the Japanese it might not be, for the Americans it would be, but I wanna see a black dude in an anime... He'll be all 'yo mutha :Da word up to your mother g dizzle!' And he'd carry around a MASSIVE handgun, something rediculously large that no person would be capable of carrying, much less using :D

And a spikey afro! And 80's clothes, a red velvet suit, bling bling. And he flys arond in a CATBUS and fights crime.

EDIT: After doing a little research...

"Japanese believe a cat can change it's form if it becomes old enough."

(-_- )
Title: For Uranium
Post by: BrianL03 on February 03, 2004, 10:48:07 PM
Sorry, there ain't a catbus nor some fancy bling bling, but Cowboy Bebop Episode 17, Mushroom Samba, has some black dudes (and a dudette) in it.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Niteowl on February 03, 2004, 11:16:07 PM
jesus h christ, have you guys NEVER seen a japanese person!??! wth?!?! they almost NEVER have black hair, it's ALWAYS dyed. usually reddish. i I'm trying to swear ban me! you not.

you troglodytes...

anime that has a black dude? animatrix.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Jefe on February 03, 2004, 11:53:32 PM
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Leaderz0rz on February 04, 2004, 01:11:32 AM
so i'm a kid now? why does every person who wants to seem superior call the other person "kid" everyone does that now, even if the person they call kid is 20 years older then them, you want to feel higher then me by calling me a kid? go ahead. But your rant is just jibberish, you have obviously never seen a full series, you probably just read the synopse on a website.

Your the one who can't seem the grasp the fact anime is normaly not based on real life, its from people's imagination, and it doesn't have to agree with what you think is right. If they want their characters to carry around a big ass gun? Well Arnold Schwaztinager thinks he can be a robot from the future and also hunt an alien. But thats ok right? becuase its not animated by japanense people? Oh lets not forget Disney, a princess turning into a swan or dwarfs running around makes sense right? or how about a giant person that lives in the clouds, and a bean grows a giant bean stalk to get to him... that makes sense also. But when you have a robot thats piloted by a person, thats unheard of. I never started a personal attack on you, if you want to go that low then fine, but I'm not going to.

oh and the egyptians believe cats where reicarnated gods.... and the indians believe that cows have holy power...
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Uranium - 235 on February 04, 2004, 01:20:54 AM
you have obviously never seen a full series, you probably just read the synopse on a website.
'obviously', 'probably', like I said, get a grip and grow up. You're like the guy that whines it's not nice when someone makes dirty jokes at a college frat party.

Well Arnold Schwaztinager thinks he can be a robot from the future and also hunt an alien. But thats ok right?

Okay that's Stupid Point 1. The difference is, in Arnies movies, he makes it SEEM REAL. Anime's are for the most part horrendous fabrications. And I don't mean 'oh ha ha it's drawn out it sucks'. Like I said, Cowboy Bebop did (terrible series cohesion aside) a good job of fitting the feel of everything. Have you ever heard of that term 'suspension of disbelief'? I'm guessing not.

You see, in a movie you have actual ACTING and a GOOD SCRIPT. A guy piloting a robot? Okay, but a guy piloting a robot who has emotional breakdowns about feelings in the middle of combat? Who suddenly stops and considers the emotional realism of killing a guy he hates? Okay really? You hate this guy, you're in a massive suit with a HUGE gun, blow off his head. You don't sit there while listening to your girlfriend WHINE over the radio. That's stupid.

A guy piloting a robot vs. Jesse Ventura toting around a minigun that blows up trees? Okay both are pretty implausible. A guy piloting a robot ten thousand years (or whatever) in the future, armed with a SWORD? That's not implausible, that just STUPID.

Arnie falling one hundred feet as a Terminator and cratering into the ground, vs. some man-dog flesh-and-bone genetic monstrosity falling off a cliff, jumping a hundred feet in the air and landing, on his feet, with no ill effects? You know that anime Kikaider? Okay, he's an android. It makes sense that he can flip over a fence from a standstill, or fall on his feet from high places and be fine.

Oh lets not forget Disney, a princess turning into a swan or dwarfs running around makes sense right? or how about a giant person that lives in the clouds, and a bean grows a giant bean stalk to get to him... that makes sense also.

Wow way to go, not only do you make the STUPIDEST point ever, but you gave me enough ammunition to last the end of this argument. Thanks! You see, those are KIDS shows. Apparently you're a 40 year old man (with a major anger problem). Now since Anime is equal to Sleeping Beauty, I'm going to say again, GROW UP.

But when you have a robot thats piloted by a person, thats unheard of. I never started a personal attack on you, if you want to go that low then fine, but I'm not going to.

You don't have to start a personal attack to piss me off, coming into a thread that was meant for me to attack Japan, then slinging your weight around and telling me:

Telling me that because I disagree, I'm a fool and then ironically shooting yourself in the foot by claiming that you want to make hot hot mansex with Prince Charming, while at the same time failing to grasp even the basic principles to a decent PLOT, and SENSIBLE REALISM, BOTH of which are lacking in some form in EVERY ANIME EVER MADE.

PLOT: In every anime, you have to take a decent story, then either completely f*** it up with something. Sometimes that 'something' is horribly HORRIBLY written script, or very badly misplaced scenes (cracking a joke after ten thousand people just got slaughtered, it's always something). Sometimes it's just terrible directing. "Gee I know, we'll make a Hitchcock-esque thriller, then put an animated NUDIE SCENE IN IT! NOW THAT'S TARGET MARKETING, YEE-HA!"

SNESIBLE REALISM: Okay so there's no way that Jesse Ventura could carry and fire a Vulcan minigun. But at least you can joke about it with friends. "Haf haf, yeah it was cool, but pretty stupid. Plus, mowing down the jungle was funny as hell." In anime, if you do that, you're liable to get attacked with a knife by some nut that has absolutely no content in their lives, nothing to look forward to, that the only thing keeping them from what could be suicidal depression is immersion in a flimsy fantasy world, much like... an alcoholic? A cocaine addict?

(Ironic though, that I link that picture from a site that's run by a guy that's FAMOUS for doing exactly what I did in my first post in this thread.)

Edit: You are in charge? not quite. ^^
Title: For Uranium
Post by: JHunz on February 04, 2004, 01:23:23 AM
Uranium, since you yourself cited FF7 as anime in one of your posts, I'm going to point out Barrett as the black dude you're looking for.  The guy even has the massive gun, and it's attached to his arm.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Uranium - 235 on February 04, 2004, 01:45:09 AM
Uranium, since you yourself cited FF7 as anime in one of your posts, I'm going to point out Barrett as the black dude you're looking for.  The guy even has the massive gun, and it's attached to his arm.
I don't play any Final Fantasies (Tried, didn't like it)... all I remember is pictures of cloud with a sword that's bigger then an SUV. Wait, is that the huge black dude that threw stuff? (or something).
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Uranium - 235 on February 04, 2004, 01:45:26 AM
Anyway, since JHunz beat my edit:

Title: For Uranium
Post by: JHunz on February 04, 2004, 11:00:28 AM
Locking since I beat your edit? That seems rather arbitrary :p
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Lightning Blue on February 04, 2004, 11:11:40 AM
Thread re-opened, nothing really wrong with it, except the excessive swearing.  <_<

Fixed the filter too!
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Geminosity on February 04, 2004, 11:24:04 AM
"a guy piloting a robot who has emotional breakdowns about feelings in the middle of combat? Who suddenly stops and considers the emotional realism of killing a guy he hates? Okay really? You hate this guy, you're in a massive suit with a HUGE gun, blow off his head. You don't sit there while listening to your girlfriend WHINE over the radio. That's stupid."

you do realise that minus the mech stuff you just described over half of superman's adventures right? =3
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Uranium - 235 on February 04, 2004, 11:30:28 AM
"a guy piloting a robot who has emotional breakdowns about feelings in the middle of combat? Who suddenly stops and considers the emotional realism of killing a guy he hates? Okay really? You hate this guy, you're in a massive suit with a HUGE gun, blow off his head. You don't sit there while listening to your girlfriend WHINE over the radio. That's stupid."

you do realise that minus the mech stuff you just described over half of superman's adventures right? =3
Superman's a nut, no one in their right mind would be that powerful and NOT be rich. You'd get like requests for a hitman pouring in every day.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Niteowl on February 04, 2004, 12:43:58 PM
rants are fine, personal attacks are not.

and most of the time you use absolute superlatives, like ALL, and EVERY, you are WRONG. and no, not so wrong you make a right. just wrong.

in other news, you've watched more anime than most ppl, no, nix that, ANY person i know. you are clearly a closet japanophile uranium. stop trying to hide it.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Venmoch on February 04, 2004, 02:01:15 PM
Well to the Japanese it might not be, for the Americans it would be, but I wanna see a black dude in an anime... He'll be all 'yo mutha :Da word up to your mother g dizzle!' And he'd carry around a MASSIVE handgun, something rediculously large that no person would be capable of carrying, much less using :D

And a spikey afro! And 80's clothes, a red velvet suit, bling bling. And he flys arond in a CATBUS and fights crime
Dude theres a guy like that in one of the Cowboy BeBop episodes.

Some drug dealer killed his brother so he drags a coffin around to fill with the dealers body. That and there is another episode that has a black serial killer on a prison ship. He was cool. Until he died.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Leaderz0rz on February 04, 2004, 03:59:47 PM
God your funny, I love the assumptions you make about me, and the fact I have to grow up becuase I defending somthing I happen to like? It doesn't matter if its a kids show or an adult animation, you still are trying to compare animation to reality, just becuase it doesn't happen it reallife, you automaticaly label it as "stupid".

You ever heard of imagination? you know that part of your brain that can make things come to life? You don't like Japan? Fine, I don't care, I care when you go around insulting people who do like it, and making them seem lower then you, And making comments that have no backing other then yout  opinion and so called "ultimate knowledge of ALL anime" If your such an anti anime person, you sure seem to act like you have seen alot of it to be able to label every anime being the same. And the arnold point wasn't stupid, becuase if it was an animation made by some japan dude, you would of called it stupid becuase it had a guy, with a big gun doing unbelivable things. I don't know rather you hate animation in general, or what, but alot of animes have compelling stories that are 20 times better then most movies out there.

You can rant all you want, and call me some 40 year old aged man, which obviously you have never seen me, nor do you know anything about me. I never insulted you, I don't agree with what you say, you can have your own opinion. When you call people stupid for liking anime, or automaticaly tag us with that stupid sterotypical comic, you insult people like Gem, rather he/she personaly is insulted I don't know, but people like he/she who watches anime, reads manga, likes the Japanese culture do get pissed off by people like you.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Niteowl on February 04, 2004, 04:28:06 PM
I never insulted you, I don't agree with what you say, you can have your own opinion. When you call people stupid for liking anime, or automaticaly tag us with that stupid sterotypical comic, ..
and for that, Leadorzor is teh WINNAR!!!!!
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Geminosity on February 04, 2004, 04:36:06 PM
lol, I don't get personally insulted =3
I just feel sorry for the people who rant about this kinda stuff really.  I also have this misguided belief that somehow I might show them the other side of the arguement, but to be honest it's like expecting to convert someone from either side of a science vs religion debate; it's got almost zilch chance of happening -.-

One of the most depressing things is part of the human mental condition and something we're all subject to.  In order to survive in our environment we stick things in mental boxes for quick classification.  This is why if you stick your hand in fire and it hurts you're gonna have a hell of a time trying to make yourself do it again; fire just logged in the 'omgpain' box =P
Course, this extends futher from the physical world to everything in our lives and this is where it hurts things that go against our 'traditions' like anime.
In most western cultures we have our saturday morning cartoons as we go through childhood, they're fun, silly and full of amusement like samurai pizza cats, transformers, thundercats, Dungeons & Dragons, etc.
Problem is, all these are very much tailored towards kids and a lot of misguided people in society have this oddity of believing age means anything outside of laws and being 1 step closer to the end of your life.  Ask your parents to join in on a game and they'll mostly turn you down, why?  because they have the enforced belief 'theyre too old for that'.  It's the same misguided ideology behind kids trying to act older than they are, rushing to grow up and letting the precious experience of childhood slip from their grasp all the faster.
As a result, a lot of people can't accept anime; they have trouble letting themselves even watch it, letalone accept they can like it.  Cartoons are for kids and being a kid is baaaaad.  oh so bad... god forbid people remember how to have fun without the hollow gratifications they try to use to fill their 'adult void'.  Rather than play fun games with friends they go imbibe alcohol, smoke, experiment with drugs, sex and a host of other not-so-admirable activities; things that allow an escape.  Eventually a lot of people can no longer remember how to have true fun without them.  Course, this is a generalisation but that's what this thread is about right? ^~

Of course... there's other reasons not to like anime but when someone shouts 'grow up' it's usually one of the parts behind their reasoning, maybe even just on a subconsious level =P
Simpsons thrives because it's comedy by the way... cartoons are also allowed to be 'adult' entertainment if they're funny, almost forgot about that loophole in the classification law =3

Heck, I could write a small dissertation on why people might not 'get' anime from dislike of things they don't understand (japan's culture is very alien from the usual western ones we're all so used to) to social conditioning.  But I'm not one to just so easily fall into the human trap.  I'll make generalisations for arguements like these just because it suits my purposes but they're something I try and fight against tooth and nail otherwise, both in my self and in others.  Let's try to evolve our thinking a little for once huh? =P

I might be coming off as having thought about this too much or read into it too much but it's just another example of how people need to really broaden their scopes.  I'm guilty of this as much as anyone, I can't claim to be totally open-minded but damned if I'm not aware of what's going on and want to change it ^^;

If you don't understand something, learn about it.  If something repulses you, educate yourself on why.  If you can't see from the other side of the fence, use your imagination.  Ranting about other people's interests doesn't solve anything.
Oh... and always assume that you don't know enough about something.  The minute anyone claims to 'have seen enough' or 'know enough' or even 'know all' about anything is the minute they become truely ignorant.  You can talk from your own experiences, you can make educated guesses but you can never know 'enough' or 'all' of everything.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Leaderz0rz on February 04, 2004, 04:40:44 PM
he minute anyone claims to 'have seen enough' or 'know enough' or even 'know all' about anything is the minute they become truely ignorant.

i like that statement  :D
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Dubbilex on February 04, 2004, 04:42:26 PM
*claps*  Very well said, Gem :)

You know, there's a point where there's just nothing to be said.  How 'bout we just drop this anime thang, allright?  

To uranium:  No need to get all Maddox-ey on us.  :huh:  :D

To leaderz0rz: No need fro you to get so defensive - Uranium can come on strong, but just don't sweat it  ^^

Oh yeah.  And for the record, Maddox totally sucks, uranium  ;)

So Uhhh.....Janet Jackson's breast!  Discuss!  :p
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Hida Tsuzua on February 04, 2004, 05:14:43 PM

Gem, very good post.  One thing I would like to add is that not everyone is going to like anime no matter how many shoots they give it.  Like all things hobby related, it's a taste.  And there have been black men in anime.  They are somewhat rare however (there was a black man in a Japanese camera/car commanical I saw the other day though).
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Uranium - 235 on February 04, 2004, 06:35:07 PM
in other news, you've watched more anime than most ppl, no, nix that, ANY person i know. you are clearly a closet japanophile uranium. stop trying to hide it.
Ha ha right ;) The reason I've seen so much is so I can smack smacktards like leadz0rz down when they say 'you haven't seen any'.

BTW Lead, I never insulted anyone by saying 'you like anime you are stupid' until your whiney post came up. And I did it to you because you piss me off.

@ Gem:

Something something (too lazy to find original quote) educate yourself why, don't ranomdly rant on people's interests.

Every single point I brought up I had a reason for, and judging from the replies, I'm firmly believing either no one has actually read this whole thread, INCLUDING the topic, or there's a major problem with memory loss in the world.

I never said 'I hate anime because it's japanese'. I hate anime because it's usually a poorly done crappy job of writing, it's downright offensive to me that I'm supposed to be entertained by it. Okay, you want to do a show about a guy with a gun that hunts an alien, fine. I could work with that. But then they try to turn it into a ROMANCE STORY (Which in most anime's is 100% the same: Guy likes girl, girls likes other guy, first guy trys to be noticed, other guy is a psycho, first guy almost kills him but has cliche 'feelings' moment where he gasps a lot and has poorly drawn sweat rolling down his head, doesn't kill him, girl falls for first guy, the end). Or they try to put COMEDY in it (Way to go, Trigun, that might have been decent were it not for the 'comic relief' that wouldn't make a clown in an oxygen bar laugh).

The reason it IRRITATES me so much is that so many people actually like it. It's the same reason it pisses me off that people don't read books anymore. You try to have an intellectual moment with a guy that's never read 'Atlas Shrugged' or you try to have a conversation about movies with a girl that's completely mentally engrossed by flash-in-the-pan writing. Instead of a story that's drawn out, has plot twists, susense, and a great ending, anime has to appeal to short attention spans with crappy gimmicks, poorly done and badly placed jokes, and a watered down plot because most people are probably too stupid to undrestand the whole thing.

Let's compare Trigun to Big O (season 2... never saw season 1). I have actually watched the entire series of both (lies, actually most of it).

Trigun: Bad comedy, usually placed in such a way that it ruins the moment somehow, random tangent shows and moments, pointless 'plot hooks' that don't actually advance the story, and filled with plenty of 'this is :Ding STUPID' moments. Okay, so he can shoot really well. Well I always figured he was a cyborg or something. But he IS flesh and blood, he does need water to survive, and at the end of every episode, he walks through a desert for three years in a red trenchcoat with no food or water to the next town, or some crap. And how did it end? A DBZ-esque scenario where they fling power balls at each other and cancel them out. Vash kills brother. The end. That was no ending. It was pretty damn cliche you ask me. Good guy wins in the end. No final twists, no summarization of plot (or lack thereof), just *bang* he's dead, I win! Man I didn't see THAT coming...

Another thing, in every episode they tried to be cute and make some horrible 'cat thing' cameo. The cat wasn't cute. It was stupid. But ^^ty little jokes like that are classic of BAD WRITING (I know, because I've done it myself) They do it because the rest of the show sucks so much, they need to hang onto every shred of cohesive reason to continue the season they can. But people that like anime are so illiterate, they can't RECOGNIZE bad writing. No matter what the plot, no matter how badly it is done, it's good, it's great, it's your LIFE AND BLOOD, because it's ANIME!

Big O: Silly looking robots aside, this anime actually had a plot that was advanced every episode, or enough. The comedy, while not very common, was relatively weak, keeping with the noir feeling. I didn't get the plot (probably because I missed several episodes), but I don't actually consider this a bad anime.

If you ever wrote a book, in english, and published it, based on a slightly modified version of Inuyasha, it'd suck. No one would like it. The plot would change so god damn much, and go in so many stupid tangents, it'd look like a 14 year old remedial english student wrote it. But you make googly drawings by some guy with a name longer then a semi and instantly everyone likes it.

Why? Because the writings good? I asked this somewhere else and the reason I got for liking the writing is because it's "suspenseful..." "... funny..." "... entertaining..."

Imagine if Seinfeld was about a detective who solved murders. Okay, no, that would suck. But for some reason it would be okay because it's anime.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Leaderz0rz on February 04, 2004, 09:44:17 PM
auctaly Vash didn't kill Knives, he was still alive, he carried him away to take care of him becuase he believed he wasn't really bad in heart. So there you go, Its brother against brother, good vs evil, and in the end the good cared enough to try to save the evil, and Trigun is funny rather you find it that way or not, I don't find the Simpsons funny at all, but a ton of people do, does that mean the Simpsons is stupid and a bunch of crap becuase I don't find it funny? no it just means I don't like it.

nime has to appeal to short attention spans with crappy gimmicks, poorly done and badly placed jokes, and a watered down plot because most people are probably too stupid to undrestand the whole thing.

so most people are now to stupid to understand anime? Rurorini Kenshin is 96 episodes plus a movie and 3 ovas, it has a very interesting plot, its funny, it has romance, action, instead of sticking to one genre of entertainment it offers it all. And I don't know of anyone who didn't understand it. Maybe your the one who doesn't understand anime and in turn label it "stupid"
Title: For Uranium
Post by: BrianL03 on February 04, 2004, 10:28:12 PM
Uranium's just upset because someone else has the keys to his underwear drawer.


Leaderz0rz, you're doing a great job. Just hope you don't give up like I did long ago... Gem's got a point... arguing with Uranium about this topic is like trying to convince the rock to roll. (You just gotta push it off a cliff and hope no one dies in the process ~_^)
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Leaderz0rz on February 04, 2004, 11:00:02 PM
i get a kick out of arguing with people, its jolly good fun
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Geminosity on February 05, 2004, 03:16:02 AM
lol!!! wait! wait... this is funny XD

anime fans are illiterate fanatics with a short attention span?  You say that having got the ending of a series completely wrong therefore immediately missing the point of who the main character is, what he's about and his true plight?
Considering that the vast majority of anime fans prefer a good sub over a dub the 'illiterate' comment was totally out of place; even sticking it back in it's context illiteracy hasn't got poop to do with the ability to see the worth of a story.  Oh and concerning whether anything is 'good' or not is almost always a matter of perspective.  If you expect to take 1000 random people to movie and for them to all universally agree the film was crud or good you'll be horribly dissapointed =3

I go back to my old post and point to the 'dont understand it' part.  People often get really angry, mostly out of frustration, when a lot of people like something and they can't jump on the bandwagon.  In the end they just conclude that either because it's not for them or that they didn't find the right ones for them to enjoy it that the whole thing (Sticking it in one giant box again) is bad and those who like it are misguided.  You'll then take on the role of those you find in science vs religion arguements where you try and 'save' the people who don't agree with your viewpoint =P

Funnily enough, I still haven't seen you mention a studio ghibli title... Laputa: Castle in the sky, Nausicaa of the wind valley, Kiki's delivery service, Princess Monoke and a few others.
You might... you know, if it doesn't physically hurt you too much to watch anime =P  ...try patlabour.  It's deadly serious, takes a good attention span to truely appreciate and doesn't have anyone having 'unrealistic breakdowns'.  The romance element is pretty much missing too so no worries about love triangles for you ~rolls eyes~

I won't defend just anything because it's anime... unlike yourself I know that anime isn't just 1 all-encompassing thing.  Like I said so many posts ago it's just another form of media.  Ranting against anime is like trying to categorise all films in one pile from aliens to 9 angry men (black and white piece, takes place almost entirely in a jury room.  It might be an old film but the plot is interesting and the characters have some depth.  Makes for good watching =3 ).

If you truely want to see bad plotlines, gimmicks and cruddy romance just try the following... Deep impact.  My my... it's a film =o
Bad anime?  once again, it's only personal opinion but I'd put down riding bean as one I didn't really enjoy much at all and definitely not one I'd be inclined to see again.  Genocyber wasn't very good either from what i remember ^^;
I guess one of my problems is that I can't say an anime is outright bad.  Why? because if I don't like the plot I can usually sit back and admire the animation, the artwork.  I'm not a photographer so in real-films camera-angles and stuff are just something i take for granted.  But in animation, when there's nothing else to focus on I can usually take the time to appreciate the drawing style and character design.  Therefore from even the worst anime's I can still draw some fun =3

Actually... there IS one anime I would say is downright awful but I'd probably be skinned alive by it's followers and it was kinda redeemed by it's more recent incarnation.  Vampire Hunter D.  The first one had some truely cruddy art and the plot had me sitting in disinterest for the most part, but Vampire Hunter D bloodlust is great!  Can't win them all huh? =P

Just to correct you where you messed up, vash doesn't usually take 3 years between episodes and in your vehement hate of anime you might've missed that vash is carrying a huge tank thing on his back which probably contains water and food scavenged from the last town he was in.
Trigun also features plot-twists (wolfwood for just one easy example) and doesn't have a summary because they figure you were intelligent enough to work out what happened and paid enough attention during the series to round it off (funnily enough, in most anime they assume the audience has an IQ and don't explain everything down to the finest detail with big neon signs like many western films I won't even begin to mention).

oh and 'atlas shrugged'... I tend more towards horror and fantasy books so I've never read it buuuut if you're looking for intellectual discussion you shouldn't need a book to do it around.  The sign of true intelligence is insight that has foundation in experience and personal thought.  Not that there's anything wrong with reading 'omg deep' books but don't use them as the defining point of 'intellectual discussion' huh?  And if you're trying to talk to girls who aren't into the same kind of story structures as yourself I hark back again to one of the posts I already did in this thread mentioning about looking for the right things in the right places... you don't go see romance movies if you don't like romance so why try to start conversations on movies with someone who's tastes differ so radically from your own that it offends you? =3
You seem to be riding some high and mighty horse where everything should be 'omgintelligencehaxor!' or 'omgmaturityhaxor!'.  I suggest getting out of the saddle and putting your feet on the ground ^^;
Ultimately, if you want to be truely intelligent or wise about anything you have to be able to see both sides of a situation.
Notice how I'm not just sitting here saying 'omg you are so stupid and stuff that isn't anime sucks'?  I'm well aware that just because something is anime or japanese it isn't always good, unfortunately you seem to have went and based your own view on anime (see, I'm not mentioning the japanese part here, I do read your posts =P ) in what problems you can find in a few titles (you've mention 3-5 titles in all in this thread so far... that's hardly extensive =3 ).

Instead of getting angry, try one of two simple things...

a) decide that anime is just not for you.  Others might like it but that's not important... you don't like it therefore whenever anime comes into a conversation you can gracefully depart, wait patiently while the conversation takes it's natural course eventually coming to something different or try to change the subject without going into a raging rant =3

b) decide that perhaps you've judged it on titles you would never really have watched if you'd known what you were looking for.  You're the second 'omg anime is not serious enough' person I've seen and they admitted that they did infact enjoy some of the studio ghibli works and patlabour.  If you go into a restraunt and keep on ordering the chicken dishes but you hate chicken are you honestly going to think the food is good or even have a good, rounded understanding of the tastes the cuisine of the place has to offer?

When you think about it really... life isn't that hard or complex at all, it's just people who make it that way ^~
Title: For Uranium
Post by: lolfighter on February 05, 2004, 07:43:06 AM
What have I done...

Considering the results, I'm not sure I'd have opened this thread if I'd known. Oh well, can't be helped now. Carry on, but keep the peace.

Mmm, Deep Impact... (http://rinkworks.com/movieaminute/m/deepimpact.shtml)
Have to see that one some day. Utterly cruddy movies have a tendency towards being interesting in their own way.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Leaderz0rz on February 05, 2004, 09:54:22 PM
:high fives gem: You go girl!/guy! You said alot of things i've been meaning to say, but just don't put them into text.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Geminosity on February 06, 2004, 09:27:09 AM
lol leador silly =3

anyways, that '9 angry men' I mentioned... um... wrong number it's 12 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0050083/) lol.  Still a great old film though ^^
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Dubbilex on February 06, 2004, 10:40:49 AM

I was wondering what the crap you were talking about, gem.   :rolleyes:
Title: For Uranium
Post by: esuna on February 06, 2004, 10:42:28 AM
[INFINITIUM] "Patlabor", never "Patlabour" [/INFINITIUM]
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Ulatoh on February 06, 2004, 02:55:56 PM
all the name calling...

ignorant, stupid, blah blah blah....

Uranium, make your argument without namecalling, and without generalizations

And because this is all a matter of opinion, your opinion can be summed up in 4 words.

"I don't like anime."

Thats really all you have to say on the topic, everything else is jsut a more detailed look at your opinion
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Hida Tsuzua on February 08, 2004, 01:37:18 AM
U-235 does have good points though.  While anime is a nice genre, it is nowhere the be-all of entainment or animation in general and that's something everyone needs to keep in mind.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Smoke Nova on February 08, 2004, 01:50:31 AM
Of course, hating it blindly is something he should not partake of.

Ever watch Family Guy? Futurama?  Simpsons? RoadRunner? BugsBunny?

All anime.  Not neccesarily Japanese in origin, but still anime.

And for a plot-heavy anime, try Hellsing or .Hack//Sign.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Hida Tsuzua on February 08, 2004, 01:59:51 AM
Of course, hating it blindly is something he should not partake of.

Ever watch Family Guy? Futurama?  Simpsons? RoadRunner? BugsBunny?

All anime.  Not neccesarily Japanese in origin, but still anime.
I'm going to have to agrue with that.  While they along with anime fall under the term Cartoons (underneth "Moving Pictures"),  they are not themselves anime.  There is little doubt that there are anime influences in the later cartoons mentioned, I would not call them anime due to both origin and sylistic reasons (especially with the Merry Melodies examples).
Title: For Uranium
Post by: BrianL03 on February 08, 2004, 07:23:05 PM
I'm going to say something that might confuse some people, especially if they've read my prior posts.

I partially agree with the comic on the first page.

Now that I've given you all a chance to let that sink in, let me explain why:

What I hate is the insane popularization of it, how it's becoming basically a "pop culture" type deal. Where if something has anime, the clueless consumer goes out and buys it regardless of what it's actually like.

Two examples:

T-Mobile anime-inspired ads for their messaging celly.

Cartoon Network's "Teen Titans".

Now, the first, I was kind of actually interested in, because of a) the animation of the ad, and b) how anime had actually became something of a popular enough thing that business was now using it as a way of advertising products.

But the more I thought about reason B, the more I realized how much I didn't like the ad. They were using the appeal of anime to try and lure in consumers who are just interested in the anime aspect of it. They were using one of my pasttimes as a marketing ploy (I know the reason sounds stupid, but that's my opinion of why I didn't like it. Feel free to put up tons of more examples, asking why I don't agree with those. Chances are I actually will, but for now, whatever. This is an anime thread).

For "Teen Titans", I just saw the show last night, and dear GOD I was disturbed out of my mind. Now, I did some research, and I found out that the producer of this show was actually Japanese, and was inspired by anime to do it, but I think WB might have been egging him on to over-anime-ize it. In no anime have I seen (and that's a fair deal, young children's cartoons included) have so many anime-type gimmicks (the anime smilies, blushing, sweatdrops, bubbles around the mouth for sickness, etc etc) occured in such a bloody hecking short time! I'm talking seconds here! In the anime I remember watching, they might have something like that every other minute or so... but not second! >_<

Honestly, I make it a point to know about the anime series, either through personal prior viewings, or through reliable friend's comments about the series, before I go out and purchase stuff from it (unless it's a gift for someone else who I know enjoys the stuff I'm buying).

For instance, there's no way in hell I'd buy anything "Goldenboy" or "Ping Pong Club" related, same with "Dragonball Z". I've seen all those, and was seriously disturbed (even though they're anime. Not every anime fan have to like all aspects of it, nor does every Japan-hater have to hate it all). I won't touch those with a 50 and a half foot long pole.

I guess you couldn't technically call me an otaku, per se, and I'm not fanatically loyal to all anime. I mean, I will support it on measures, but if I see someone who's going ga-ga over any little Japanese-related thing, I'll back away slowly, and then run.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Smoke Nova on February 08, 2004, 08:11:55 PM
Hida, my local video store classifies Family Guy as anime.

They have it under the entire Animated section, along with Patlabor, Hellsing, Perfect Blue and The Mind's Eye.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Satanic Monkey on February 09, 2004, 05:42:32 AM
Family guy , Anime? How can it be anime, yes it's a funny and a good show but how can you mistake it for a anime, might as well call cs, a 3rd person shooter while you're at it.
Title: For Uranium
Post by: @gentOrange on February 09, 2004, 10:03:59 AM
Hida, my local video store classifies Family Guy as anime.
Well then it must be right? I mean those guys are infallible. If they said the holocaust didn't happen gosh darn it didn't! I guess they're just making it up!
Title: For Uranium
Post by: Geminosity on February 09, 2004, 10:55:58 AM
sure you don't mean the 'adult animation' section? =P