Author Topic: Commander Strat For Ns_agora  (Read 2716 times)

June 15, 2004, 02:53:33 PM
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OK, I've placed the strat IN this thread because I want you to add to it. Please, if you know of any added strategies regarding shotgus rushes, relocation, even well used chamber placements and skulk hiding spots, add them. Let's make this a comprehensive strategy for anyone new to commanding to this map.

Agora is generally considered a marine biased map. From the long hallways to the sheer size of the map, it is easy for marines to capture and hold nodes with relative ease, and it has some easily defendable siege points. But, with its size and abundance of nodes, commandrs need to put continued pressure on the alien nodes, or higher lifeforms will come quickly and in numbers.

Commander Basics:
If you're new to commanding, looking for new strategies, or just trying not to lose so much, here are some basics to help you out.

Learn the Interface - Learn the interface you're going to be dealing with. Start to memorize hotkeys for meds/ammo, and learn how to move around the map quickly. Learn how to assign squads (duck button plus numbers 1-5). Sometimes a timely placed medpack is the difference between losing a resource tower, or even a strategic location.
Communication - Good communication is the key to a good commander. If you're marine team knows what you want to do, and what you are doing, then they'll be more apt to trust you and follow orders. Almost all marine teams really need the commander to use voice in order to listen, but if you just type, make sure you keep the team informed of what's going on.
Early Base Defense - On some servers if you drop a turret factory in marine start in the first minute, you'll get ejected in no time. The reason is that the less resources spent on defense in the first 3-4 minutes are more resources spent on nodes and upgrades. When a marine team that knows the value of starting resources thinks a commander is going to waste it on turrets, then they'll take action. If you want to place a turret factory in base, don't immediately build turrets or electrify. Wait until you're base is being pressured. And turrets are often better than electrifying straight off, because it alerts you when they fire, and can cover more area for the same cost (three turrets cost the same as electrification). I would highly recommend mines instead of turrets. I generally drop one pack, and have them dispersed around my keys buildings.
Electrification - Electrified turret factories and resource towers are great at keeping skulks at bay, and even offering area denial. But they are a major resource investment. For the cost of building and electrifying one node, you could build three separate nodes. Tie that with the initial 10 resources for a required turret factory, and electrification can eat your resources early game. I recommend only electrifying resources in hives, in out of the way locations hard for marines to quickly respond to, and at outposts. It's cheaper and more effective to just rebuild nodes lost near base. Remember, once early fades show up in the three to four minute mark, and two hives are up, electrification won't be worth anything.
Getting out of the chair - Never jump out of the chair unless there's no other option. I'm sure that building can wait an extra few seconds to be built. The only reason you should jump out of your chair is when base is under attack and you KNOW what you're up against.
Assigning Squads - This important feature can help you organize your marines into individual squads ready to do your bidding, or be a great early warning system for your base. I recommend placing important structures in squads to be alerted when they're under attack, and so you can cycle through them to check upgrade status.
Early upgrades - The sooner you make your marines stronger in the field, the more quickly the aliens are forced to react. Most commanders have the problem of reacting to the strength of the aliens, when they should be anticipating DC's or fades, and upgrading in preparation. I don't think any marine team will argue with dropping an arms lab at the beginning. And I'd recommend getting Armor 1 before Weapon 1 because you can't always rely on the aim of your marines.  :p
What to Build First - Don't waste a lot of resources building stuff in base, even if you know your going to need it later on. If you drop 2 Infantry Portals, an Armory, an Arms Lab, and an Observatory, that's 95 resources. You don't even have the resources to drop a resource tower, much less upgrade anything. To start, I drop one IP, because you may not need two yet. I drop an armory, an arms lab, and one pack of mines, two I place around the armory, and two I place around the arms lab. I immediately research armor 1, and I have the resources left to drop 2 resource towers. Once I have at least 4 nodes, I build my second IP and focus on killing alien resource towers.
Playing Defensively - Playing defensively will guarantee a loss. You MUST pressure the alien team from the beginning. Having more than one resource tower for the aliens is NOT acceptable. You should always have at least one marine immediately pressuring the nodes around the starting hive, and in the next nearest hive. You can find the starting hive by listening in each hive location for aliens spawning or the alien resource tower. Once you know where the aliens are starting, send marines to cap the nodes furthest away while sending a few to the nearest nodes to kill gorge eggs and freshly built resource towers. Don't try to cap every node you can. Instead, pick 3 or 4 near base or easily defendable, cap them, then pressure the aliens with every marine. Alien resource towers are harder to replace than marine ones.

Siege Position Basics:
Here are a few tips I use when placing/building siege points for hives.

Phase Gate Positioning - Try to place the PG in a spot where it can easily be defended, and where marines have room to maneuver when phasing through. Never place a PG in a spot that will bottleneck your marines. Also remember to consider lerks and spore by placing it in such a place that marines can move away quickly. Placing the phase gate against a turret factory or resource tower and electrifying is a great way to protect it. Also dropping a pack of mines to place around the PG is extremely helpful.
Turret Factory Positioning - I always try to place a turret factory against the PG to electrify later, but if not make sure marine can quickly get a line of sight on all open sides. Try to place a turret factory against a wall so at least one side is unreachable to aliens. Also, on some maps, place the turret factory around a corner so you can see skulks coming, and not in a corner where lerks can easily spore from a distance.
Amount of Sieges - With limited lame in a hive, three sieges can take down a hive in 4 pings. Try to have at least three siege cannons up before you ping, unless you are sending in shotty re-inforcements.
Turret Placement - If you are building turrets or placing sieges, don't place sentry turrets in optimal siege turret spots. Place them against the walls if in a hallway so your marines can easily maneuver around them. Try to have some type of cover for the sieges, whether it's marines or turrets, of placed against an electrified turret factory. Remember, marines are cheaper guards for TF's and sieges, and if they refuse to phase, beacon them and try again.
Electrifying the Turret Factory - If you're sieging a building/active hive, always upgrade siege BEFORE electrification, and I wouldn't electrify until I had at least three sieges down. If you can place the turret factory against a resource tower, electrify the resource tower, not the turret factory. Remember, a resource tower has more health than a turret factory. Always think whether you're going to recycle the siege base once the hive is down before you decide to electrify, because you don't get any of those resources back.

Key Points On the Map:

Hans-System 21: This is a popular relocation point for marines. From this location you have access to three resource towers anf can easily hold the onein Marine Start giving four resource towers.
Tunnel RP2: From Tunnel RP2, you can quickly move into Tunnel Hive below and to Cargo hive above.
Main Generator: From this location you can quickly move to Sewer and Tunnel hives.

Siege Positions:
All siege positions below have been combat tested for accuracy and ease of defense. The sieges in the picture below are placed AS FAR AWAY FROM THE HIVE AS POSSIBLE while still reaching.

Cargo Hive:

Siege Point I:
If you are approaching the Cargo hive from the Marine Start side, the hallway above Steam Tunnel is very easy to fortify and protect. You can place the sieges up top at the ladder so that they can be easily protected, and all aliens are bottlenecked at the ladder. There is one vent beside the ladder, but it too can be watched from above. The sieges should be placed as close the the lower wall as possible to give enough room for marines to walk by unhindered.

Siege Point II:
This position is optimal if you are advancing from the south side of the hive location, from Tunnel hive. Most commanders place the turret factory and phase gate against the wall nearest to the hive, but you can place it at the position below to have a farther distance from the door. Try to keep the door closed by left clicking on it. There is a vent directly above this location, as well as one on the wall between The Pit and the hive, so watch for skulks and bile bomb from above.

Tunnel Hive:

Siege Point I:
This location is optimal if moving from Cargo Hive, or The Wedge. Building the phase gate at the tunnel RP2 node and electrifying is really the best way to fortify it, but in a pinch, this location is nice. The sieges can reach the hive from this location and marines can easily move around the sieges to kill anything attacking it. There is a walkway above for skulks to move from the tunnel hive, and two hallways on either side. There is also two vents behind the siege point for gorges, lerks, and skulks to attack from.

Siege Point II:
This location is optimal if moving from the Sewer hive side of the map. Place the phase gate and turret factory on the right wall, that way aliens have to round the corner to attack. the sieges MUST be in the hallway to reach. There is only one way from Tunnel hive, and no vents into the room.

Sewer Hive:

Siege Point I:
Best suited if moving from Marine Start, this is a bit further back than most normal siege locations. You don't even have to weld the water room! Place the turret factory on the left side in the corner, and place the sieges against the lower wall on the ramp. You will notice there is a gap between the siege cannon on the top level and the one on the ramp. That is because that spot causes the turrets to sink, so be sure to leave a bit of room (or be ready to recycle). There is only one way from Sewer, and no vents into the hallway.

Siege Point II:
Most people place the turret factory in the corner closest to the hive, where it is easily bile bombed and swarmed by skulks. By placing the TF further back, you can easily defend and get a ranged attack.

I hope this guide will help you better understand this map, and you can become a better commander and marine. Feel free to add any suggestions to this.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2004, 09:32:01 AM by [mmi]rad4Christ »
Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important. CS Lewis

: why do i have to be a stone? i dont want to be a stone... i want to do some harm.... can i be a exploding stone at least?

June 15, 2004, 03:20:10 PM
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excellent guide, very nice detailing of the salient points on this map :)
"I don't have to know an answer, I don't feel frightened by not knowing things, by being lost in a mysterious universe without any purpose, which is the way it really is as far as I can tell. It doesn't frighten me."
-Richard Feynman

June 15, 2004, 03:57:33 PM
Reply #2

That Annoying Kid

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it was very comprehensive
MAC DRE: Cold Crest Creeper, a rapper that would dip-n-yoke quicker than he could pimp-n-smoke, flows  that hit your ears harder than Ike hit Tina. Forced to serve a Nickle but would never drop a Dime.
K.C watch out cause the Bay's down like four flats on a Cadilac.

June 15, 2004, 09:12:44 PM
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Well written, comprehensive, and understandable.

Novel job, sir!  B)

June 15, 2004, 11:47:13 PM
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very nicely done there again rad

this is as good as your com guide for ayumi <3
er.. which doohickey is the capacitor? and not a FLUX capacitor right?!? cuz then i'd have to put it in my Dolorian..

June 16, 2004, 08:41:31 AM
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coutose! (is that how you spell that?)

June 16, 2004, 10:37:10 AM
Reply #6

Doobie Dan

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It's Kudos, like the granola bar  ;)

Well done Rad, we enjoy having you around.
God, it's so creamy.

June 16, 2004, 10:52:00 AM
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oh if you like the 'Take a center point in the map and expand outward' strategy, a nice point to take is The Wedge rt. nice and central, nice place to get an elect rt/pg combo :)
"I don't have to know an answer, I don't feel frightened by not knowing things, by being lost in a mysterious universe without any purpose, which is the way it really is as far as I can tell. It doesn't frighten me."
-Richard Feynman

June 16, 2004, 12:57:04 PM
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now now nite we all <3 how you com as well but you can't always be the commander now can you

it is nice to have different comms with different strats to keep the game fresh not the same old same old from every comm
er.. which doohickey is the capacitor? and not a FLUX capacitor right?!? cuz then i'd have to put it in my Dolorian..

June 16, 2004, 01:58:16 PM
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now now nite we all <3 how you com as well but you can't always be the commander now can you

it is nice to have different comms with different strats to keep the game fresh not the same old same old from every comm
wha? sorry, just confused as to what yer talking about dark?

i'm just adding some stuff that rad said he wanted. :) perhpas yer replying to the wrong thread?
"I don't have to know an answer, I don't feel frightened by not knowing things, by being lost in a mysterious universe without any purpose, which is the way it really is as far as I can tell. It doesn't frighten me."
-Richard Feynman

June 16, 2004, 02:04:33 PM
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oi sorry bout that i meant to say nice imput nite, but as i said in irc i've had a headache for a while and i guess that is why that post is really confusing

*goes to take something for his headache*
er.. which doohickey is the capacitor? and not a FLUX capacitor right?!? cuz then i'd have to put it in my Dolorian..