Overly Chatty Penguins

The Ready Room => General => Topic started by: SuicidaL MonkeY on January 24, 2004, 12:29:36 PM

Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: SuicidaL MonkeY on January 24, 2004, 12:29:36 PM
While im sitting on me chair waiting for 3.0 i cant help but wonder what Natural Selection for Half Life 2 will be if it is to be made...The physics engine alone has me trying to imagine how it would look...in the comm chair...in the onos lol..and of course so on....so i ask the people on lunixmonster...what would you like to see gameplay wise? ^^

p.S.  i'd have to say dismemberment >:D
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 24, 2004, 12:42:55 PM
I want a jeep. With a gun on the back. Bliss.
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: SuicidaL MonkeY on January 24, 2004, 03:43:46 PM
flying onos  :ph34r:
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Isamil on January 24, 2004, 04:10:25 PM
Giant outdoor maps where the marines have helicopters, and the aliens have lerks with duel spike cannons.
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: crack on January 24, 2004, 04:38:24 PM
More aliens, More marine models, more marine weapons,larger maps, more voices(sayings,alien hive), more advanced models.
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Dirty Harry Potter on January 24, 2004, 04:53:39 PM
well i for one wouldnt like to see vehicles in NS, it simply wouldnt fit in. we're on a spaceship/station, with somewhat crammed up space - this is what creates the atmosphere - without that it's a little meh, and well it would draw the lamers even more...

what i would really like to see is a tad more complex game, more upgrades going into different aspects, perhaps a few extra -original- weapons too, and perhaps some more lifeforms(which has to be original too..).

But simple is the keyword here, simple. - and outdoor maps is not part of the NS gameplay ;)

...hmm the physics in the engine itself would make it able to have some pretty interesting maps, not that i can think of any, but it would XD.
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: SuicidaL MonkeY on January 24, 2004, 05:18:02 PM
Map begins with marines crash landing into the infested ship...(first person view inside)....(aliens all get shaken up)...

Hive should grow starting from gestating then progressivly grow bigger finally into the hive...

Skulks should have their last attribute to be able to chew through walls  :rolleyes:...(a little increase effect on chomping marines)...

Add prone in!!!

Jet Packs can upgrade to Thermal vision....Heavys can upgrade to Jet Pack Boots.... >:D

Two or more lerks can carry onos...

Poison's barb(vines) replacing web....

IP's automaticly slide you off after you spawn...

dont let me continue i'll go on forever lol ^^ ...
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Satiagraha on January 24, 2004, 10:24:20 PM
Map begins with marines crash landing into the infested ship...(first person view inside)....(aliens all get shaken up)...

Hive should grow starting from gestating then progressivly grow bigger finally into the hive...

Skulks should have their last attribute to be able to chew through walls  :rolleyes:...(a little increase effect on chomping marines)...

Add prone in!!!

Jet Packs can upgrade to Thermal vision....Heavys can upgrade to Jet Pack Boots.... >:D

Two or more lerks can carry onos...

Poison's barb(vines) replacing web....

IP's automaticly slide you off after you spawn...

dont let me continue i'll go on forever lol ^^ ...

although i think the HAs should be the ones with thermal and/or nightvision, or maybe they could make it like the vision switching in AvP2 for the Predators... hmm... :huh:

Airplanes would be cool, impractical, but cool.
(helicopters are better ^^ )
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Dirty Harry Potter on January 25, 2004, 03:00:33 AM
just a friendly reminder, Thermal vis. doesnt work on the Kharaa. Not as the storyline is now - they change their own body temperature according to the rooms temperature.
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: BobTheJanitor on January 25, 2004, 03:19:20 AM
Scorpians... that... argh must resist! NO... can't fight urge...

Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: SuicidaL MonkeY on January 25, 2004, 03:26:41 AM
... :D ..... :huh:  ...... o_O  ..... :o  ....I CANT HOLD IT IN ANY LONGER!!!.......MERGING ALIENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   >:D
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Lito on January 25, 2004, 01:19:13 PM
The story line is set way in the future and they still have bullets, explosives, grenades!

Lets see some lasers, plasma weapons, and trans-phasic explosives!
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Seth on January 25, 2004, 01:36:23 PM
give me a sniper rifle for taking skulks off roof's and i'll be happy

n perhaps xray scope, with phase bullet so i can phase the bullet past 5 walls and hit a skulk laying around... but tiss just a dream.

but i think HL2NS should be a whole city infested with aliens, marines land in choppers and whatnot then spread out and clean the city up.  with hives in movie theaters and stuff like that, a hotel hive, red light district hive.... ect.  ^^
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: esuna on January 25, 2004, 03:50:02 PM
The story line is set way in the future and they still have bullets, explosives, grenades!

Lets see some lasers, plasma weapons, and trans-phasic explosives!
That goes against a lot of what Flayra et al want to achieve. NS is supposed to be gritty, and dispite being in the future, still have a heavy contemporary feel to it. The inclusion of stupid lasers or plasma weapons would ruin that entirely.
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Mouse on January 25, 2004, 10:33:14 PM
One word for j00 all!

Mechs!!!  <3

Not the panzy HAs in the current version of NS but huge 20 ft tall Mechs! In order to battle the HUGE Oni herds.  o_O

I'd be nice to go out side of the space stations and walk around it and such... but thats more of from a map point of view.

I'd be cool to beable to activate certain "strands" of DNA in alien in order to get more customization of aliens. Such that a if you were a skulk you could select a feature where'd you grow wings... and earn the abilty to fly. Some combos would work and other wouldnt, mainly a flying onos... unless it dropped a lot of weight or grew HUGE wings (sorry MonkeY). Thought this would probably create a modeling nightmare with all the possibilities... but it'd be hella cool  >:D

I remember reading an interview with Flayra before 2.0 was released and one of the questions touched on this very subject. Flayra expressed what seemed some intrest but seemed conserned of having to start over from scratch because none of the old code could be brought over from the HL 1 engine.  <_< Not sure how much of that is true but if it is converted I'd be one of the first in line to get that MOD. ^_^
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: SuicidaL MonkeY on January 26, 2004, 01:06:31 AM
if theres to be no flying onos.....  :blink: ....then at least throw medics into the marines and implant control for skulks...(can only be used once per map by each player on the aliens....after marine dies hes back to normal)... v_v...
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Seth on January 28, 2004, 02:15:13 PM
what would be cool is being able to spacewalk on the outside of the map... errr ship.

but then again half of the new maps are such garbage anyways, i was looking out the window on one of them, i was thinking " mountains in outta space? "

then its like one room is called docking bay, i look out the window theres a frigging platform that looks like its outta lando's sky city but its sitting ontop of boulders?

all that just doesnt add up to me... perhaps im just crazy and having video problems again  :huh:
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 28, 2004, 02:16:34 PM
what would be cool is being able to spacewalk on the outside of the map... errr ship.

but then again half of the new maps are such garbage anyways, i was looking out the window on one of them, i was thinking " mountains in outta space? "

then its like one room is called docking bay, i look out the window theres a frigging platform that looks like its outta lando's sky city but its sitting ontop of boulders?

all that just doesnt add up to me... perhaps im just crazy and having video problems again  :huh:
What map?
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: SuicidaL MonkeY on January 28, 2004, 02:30:16 PM
no your not imagining things seth....i've seen the landscapes...but its still a beta....we should have shooting stars going by in ther sky.....other galixies in the sky some space ships fighting who knows...i wouldnt mind seeing a sun explode when the games about to end and u can look out the window in space and see the sun blow up then fry everyone then next map lol :lol:
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Seth on January 28, 2004, 02:44:55 PM
yes monkey, i'm glad to hear someone still thinks the way i do... some creative things go a long way as to appealing the gamers who are there to play the game as it was ment to be played.

and lacking on such aspects as mountains in outter space just leaves me to believe there is a lack of serious input.

in the sense of not turning this into a flame on ns3.0 i will now shutup and hold my comment to myself.   v_v
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: SuicidaL MonkeY on January 28, 2004, 03:26:43 PM
in the sense of not turning this into a flame on ns3.0 i will now shutup and hold my comment to myself. 

now now seth....what would a game be without a lil STEAM of our own to let off once and awhile...
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Seth on January 28, 2004, 03:30:22 PM
now now seth....what would a game be without a lil STEAM of our own to let off once and awhile...
Bliss?  o_O
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: SuicidaL MonkeY on January 28, 2004, 03:41:41 PM
EXCACTLLY!!!!!!!!! :lol:
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: a civilian on January 28, 2004, 03:51:14 PM
but then again half of the new maps are such garbage anyways, i was looking out the window on one of them, i was thinking " mountains in outta space? "
Perhaps that map was not intended to represent a space station [edit]or ship[/edit].
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: pjofsky on January 28, 2004, 05:21:34 PM
but then again half of the new maps are such garbage anyways, i was looking out the window on one of them, i was thinking " mountains in outta space? "
Not all maps are spaceships.  Some are space stations, such as ns_hera.
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: a civilian on January 28, 2004, 05:39:57 PM
And some are surface bases.  Isn't Hera a surface base?
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: esuna on January 28, 2004, 06:42:33 PM
Allow me to vent some mapper vitriol.

The locations of NS can be anywhere that's futuristic. This can be on spaceships, space stations, outposts on planets or moons, hell, astoroids if you want. They could, but haven't been yet, in cities, hell, anything goes as long as it fits in with the general mood of NS.

And to be honest, if you don't like the maps, prove you can do better. Don't bitch about them, show the mappers how it's done. If you can't, i'm sorry, but you have absolutely no right to comment. You don't know the months of work it takes to make an NS map, you don't know the hours of boring compiling, the hours of optimisation and bug testing. You don't know jack unless you're a mapper.

The new maps are looking great, and i defy anyone that badmouths ns_ayumi. It takes a high standard to get a map accepted as official, and it takes a hell of a lot of work. Show some damned respect and shut the hell up. This is why Relic25 left the NS community entirely and turned his back on the dev team, because of people whining about ns_bast. If you don't like a map, don't play it, but don't have the audacity to :Ding whine about it, if you, yourself, can't do any better.
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Satiagraha on January 28, 2004, 08:24:18 PM
And some are surface bases.  Isn't Hera a surface base?
Tanith is, it's a high-altitude chem test facility, hence the chem room.
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Niteowl on January 28, 2004, 11:42:04 PM
The new maps are looking great, and i defy anyone that badmouths ns_ayumi.
Show some damned respect and shut the hell up. This is why Relic25 left the NS community entirely and turned his back on the dev team, because of people whining about ns_bast.
ayumi is goshdang mothertrucking beeeyoootiful. i lub it.

pity that, i really enjoy bast. think it's one of the prettiest maps around. and have some pretty durn epic games on it. the thing is, i'm sure MOST ns player really enjoyed his work. but the squeeky wheel gets the grease so to speak. i just think that so many of the complainers posted than those who really enjoyed it, he might ahve gotten scewed feedback.

nothing but  <3  <3  for all the mappers and their hardwork to make purdy, purdy maps.
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Satiagraha on January 29, 2004, 08:39:12 AM
ayumi is goshdang mothertrucking beeeyoootiful. i lub it.
yup, yup. Love the Glass Hallway too.  I <3 windows, you get to see the pretty environment :) .  Although, I've always wondered... It's snowing outside and the ground is covered in snow, yet the building remains precipitation free, same goes for the top of the glass hallway. Futuristic Ice Melters? or OMGSNoWh4X?
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Venmoch on January 29, 2004, 08:43:22 AM
pity that, i really enjoy bast. think it's one of the prettiest maps around. and have some pretty durn epic games on it. the thing is, i'm sure MOST ns player really enjoyed his work. but the squeeky wheel gets the grease so to speak. i just think that so many of the complainers posted than those who really enjoyed it, he might ahve gotten scewed feedback.
I loved Bast.

Well at least theres a Bast Remake in the works.
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: BobTheJanitor on January 29, 2004, 09:35:52 AM
And without the forums I haven't been able to keep up on the progress of the bast remake. It was going very quickly last time I saw... I wonder where they're at now? I can't wait to play it!
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Niteowl on January 29, 2004, 09:36:11 AM
Although, I've always wondered... It's snowing outside and the ground is covered in snow, yet the building remains precipitation free, same goes for the top of the glass hallway. Futuristic Ice Melters? or OMGSNoWh4X?
perhaps the building is giving off a TON of heat. say.. you had fusion reactors for heating, err.. or soemthing that gave you an over-abundance of energy. well, you might spend that on heating the outside of the building so yer pretty facility doesn't get snowed under ;)
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 29, 2004, 10:05:25 AM
This is why Relic25 left the NS community entirely and turned his back on the dev team, because of people whining about ns_bast. If you don't like a map, don't play it, but don't have the audacity to :Ding whine about it, if you, yourself, can't do any better.

Unfortunately Esuna, I don't have any respect for people that cry and pout and run away. I can't map. Hell I can't even get my one room map to even RUN (something about unable to find .bsp errors), but that doesn't mean I need to show respect for someone who designed the WORST BALANCED MAP in NS (Well, until 2.0 came), refused to fix it (or if he did, he just made it WORSE in 2.0), then cried himself to sleep because he simply sucks at balance and can't take criticism.
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Jefe on January 29, 2004, 10:32:16 AM
This is why Relic25 left the NS community entirely and turned his back on the dev team, because of people whining about ns_bast. If you don't like a map, don't play it, but don't have the audacity to :Ding whine about it, if you, yourself, can't do any better.

Unfortunately Esuna, I don't have any respect for people that cry and pout and run away. I can't map. Hell I can't even get my one room map to even RUN (something about unable to find .bsp errors), but that doesn't mean I need to show respect for someone who designed the WORST BALANCED MAP in NS (Well, until 2.0 came), refused to fix it (or if he did, he just made it WORSE in 2.0), then cried himself to sleep because he simply sucks at balance and can't take criticism.
You mean Flayra?
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Uranium - 235 on January 29, 2004, 11:16:17 AM
Flayra didn't make bast. Flayra did make a map and everyone who saw it agreed it was pretty bad :D

But really now, Relic quitting because no one liked his map, that's like GM closing down for good when they hear that one of their cars has a manufacturing flaw in it. Esuna, just because I can't build a jet engine doesn't mean I'm not allowed to complain when I find out that it leaks toxic fumes into the cabin. Just because I can't build a nuclear reactor doesn't mean I'm not allowed to complain about nuclear byproducts, Cherynobel. Just because I can't make a game like NS doesn't mean I'm not allowed to complain about how incredibly :Ded up balance is, how much worse it gets.
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: lolfighter on January 29, 2004, 11:26:02 AM
There is a fine difference between critique and flaming. Flaming is something that nobody is entitled to, critique something that anybody has the right to utter. I don't need to be a mapper to criticize a map. I don't have a driving license, but I can still tell when someone is driving like crap and breaking the rules. Just because it takes weeks and months to create a map doesn't mean that it is something holy that must be revered and worshipped. There is a big difference between flaming a map to kingdom come and making constructive posts about what's wrong with a  map and what needs fixing. That's why you test a map before you declare it done - to get feedback on it. If only mappers were entitled to criticizing, you'd never get a proper testing session.
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: LzX on February 04, 2004, 02:11:46 PM
I tried my hand at mapping... Counter-Strike mapping is a hell of a lot easier than Natural-Selection mapping... And standard Half-Life maps are just plain fun to make... Man, I made a few fun ones... That's all that matters personally, is the level of fun the map permits... I gotta get back into mapping...  :p  <3

I just realized I'm completely off subject... Sorry :ph34r:
Title: Half Life 2 Ns Mod?¿?
Post by: Insane on February 23, 2004, 03:54:28 AM
Sorry to rain on the hate parade (and to ressurect an old post, but I feel quite strongly about this), but Relic25 did not leave NS because of whining about his map, although there was friction between him and certain members of the community (*cough*veterans*cough*).

He left because of time constraints and real-life obligations.  He has a newborn son to look after these days, and I would imagine that's more important than fixing an NS map, the source of which was lost anyway.