Author Topic: War of the Worlds  (Read 13837 times)

June 30, 2005, 07:30:38 AM
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So anyone else seen this yet? I have to say, the whole portion starting from when the storm began to when they were fleeing down the freeway in the car was the most awesome action sequence ever (at least visually). It all slowed down too much after that. There was plenty of cool action, but nothing could even come close to matching that opening. And there was not much of a story to fill that gap.. add to that already knowing how it would end, from the book.. meh. As with the more recent Spielberg movies, it COULD have been way better.

BTW, the tripod scene at the end felt and looked a lot like HL2. Oh, and it's too bad one of those cool aliens wasn't used in Signs. :p
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June 30, 2005, 08:21:19 AM
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I haven't seen it yet, but a friend was talking about it at lunch and ruined the ending.  >_< I'm still going to see it, though.

June 30, 2005, 10:18:17 AM
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I'm going to see it Saturday. I'll definitely come back and say how awesome or bad it was (but most reviews have been good).
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June 30, 2005, 10:18:18 AM
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im seeing it in abouttt.... 45 min  ^_^

hope its not sold out >_<

June 30, 2005, 11:59:25 AM
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i saw it...goldys review is about right.

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June 30, 2005, 02:01:06 PM
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I just came abck from the movie, overall it was great. They could have gone more into the military aspect with cooler battles and such (such as the aliens themselves fighting instetead of the tripods and more ground fighting action) but I thought the movie rocked. The aliens could have looked scarier, not  some cute little stuffed animal like independence day knockoff type. And I liked how the movie gave you an adrenaline rush, always on your toes. And then when you find out the Aliens are using humans as fertilizer, that part just freaked me out. but i give it a A  ^_^  for great special effects and a pretty good storyline. Seemed rushed though

June 30, 2005, 02:50:11 PM
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i liked it.. told the wotw story quite well + tom cruise is a bad ass.

would be cool if they made a special ending where the aliens win for the dvd or something  >:D

June 30, 2005, 03:06:27 PM
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I don't understand why the movie begins with an incredible action sequence, then everything is slowed down to snail's pace in comparison. True, it was based on the book, but I hardly doubt anyone would have minded if it was just nonstop mind-blowing action. It was already hugely different from the book. Short of that, at LEAST save the coolest stuff for the end. The pacing was all wrong! I think The Matrix is a perfect example of how to pace a movie.

Anyway, it was still cool as hell. :p
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June 30, 2005, 08:16:54 PM
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The ending was weak. In their ultimate study of humans they didnt bother to realize we catch a cold once in a while? freaking moron aliens.

I dont care how true to the novel it was... the movie was wonderful and then youre like..... the hell? theyre just gonna FALL OVER DEAD. WTF DID THEY RUN OUT OF BATTERIES?!?!?!

June 30, 2005, 09:24:00 PM
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The way the aliens died was great because it made perfect sense - as in the book. The cheesiness, however, was not good.
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June 30, 2005, 09:42:46 PM
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damn noob aliens... entire different world calls for different precautions

either way! humans wouldnt be safe for much longer.. after all the aliens already on earth die and the aliens in space or mars or wherever the hell they live figure out their dumb mistake theyll come back for more. and this time its personal.  :wacko:

July 01, 2005, 10:44:46 AM
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lol, yeah. Maybe if they didn't greedily eat and drink everything, like the narrator said they did. I mean they show up on a new planet, the first thing they do is pig out on everything? They don't run any tests first? I think in the book it was just being in the environment that killed them, not specifically the eating and the drinking of things. :p
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July 01, 2005, 11:54:30 AM
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they didnt explain what those blood roots were... just some vague food source thing that apparently just happened to be fertilized w/ human blood... btw, how'd they grow it before they invaded humans? with abuctees? they didnt explain WHY the aliens had been watching wanting to invade for so long... they didnt explain how/when the machines were buried. They didnt attack with anything but those bigass tripod guys (hardly an invasion force) and the best thing they had to detect people was a big eye with a flashlight? no thermal imaging, heartbeat detection, sonar?

the movie was lame

July 01, 2005, 02:17:16 PM
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I still prefer the book, tbh. The book describes that the Martians subsist on blood, for one.

At the same time, I like the imagery of the film, and its a shame the two couldn't have been better combined.
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July 01, 2005, 05:01:55 PM
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well the whole point is that the Aliens overlooked such a simple aspect (the simple form of life) which ultimately wins over the most advanced technology. The Aliens were not stupid, they just were too cocky and thought they *knew* they could win (which is a possible reason why they didnt send "so many aliens" to invade. As for the roots Lowcrawler they started to grow them after all humans were cleared from an area, then used the captured humans as fertilizer to help spread the infestation, the Tripods walked right over the worlds most strongest military power and weaponry with ease, Hardly an invasion force you say? Why send all your men to invade when you could keep the occupation of soldiers and casualties to a bare minimum? While still having enough for reinforcments incase anything goes wrong / having those idle military powers to be used somewhere else?

The Aliens also waited so long for invasion because they need BLOOD. The human population was at its highest, its like what.. over 6 billion people in the world today or some bogus number like that? Thats alot of blood. and who knows, they were probably invading other planets throughout those millions of years while keeping an eye on Earth.

As for the rest of the non explaining of detailed crap within only a 2 hour time limit  : The Unknown is mans greatest fear. Would you prefer they cut out all of the action and replace is with boring dialouge from a scientist? You cant have everything. The movie could have been better, yes. But then again EVERY movie can be better
« Last Edit: July 01, 2005, 05:18:44 PM by Diablus »

July 01, 2005, 09:39:18 PM
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"A battle the aliens have been planning for millions of years, and were somehow able to transport their equipment down to earth before there were any humans... because god knows you want to wait a while so the humans can catch up a little. Whilst at the same time NOT noticing that whoever goes down to work on the planet dies of some strang thing called infection...."

Other then that bit, and the fact that the EMP thing was TOTAL bs, I mean come on the video camera, AND car would be ****ed beyond repair. but NO they DID work after wards!

but yeah other then that I liked it. the train scene was AWSOME. I couldn't stop laughing :-D

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July 02, 2005, 11:39:48 AM
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well the whole point is that the Aliens overlooked such a simple aspect (the simple form of life) which ultimately wins over the most advanced technology. The Aliens were not stupid, they just were too cocky and thought they *knew* they could win (which is a possible reason why they didnt send "so many aliens" to invade. As for the roots Lowcrawler they started to grow them after all humans were cleared from an area, then used the captured humans as fertilizer to help spread the infestation, the Tripods walked right over the worlds most strongest military power and weaponry with ease, Hardly an invasion force you say? Why send all your men to invade when you could keep the occupation of soldiers and casualties to a bare minimum? While still having enough for reinforcments incase anything goes wrong / having those idle military powers to be used somewhere else?

The Aliens also waited so long for invasion because they need BLOOD. The human population was at its highest, its like what.. over 6 billion people in the world today or some bogus number like that? Thats alot of blood. and who knows, they were probably invading other planets throughout those millions of years while keeping an eye on Earth.

As for the rest of the non explaining of detailed crap within only a 2 hour time limit  : The Unknown is mans greatest fear. Would you prefer they cut out all of the action and replace is with boring dialouge from a scientist? You cant have everything. The movie could have been better, yes. But then again EVERY movie can be better

fine but still.... how did they grow their stuff before humans? did they find other planets that had blood? and how did they know that blood would work?

July 02, 2005, 11:54:14 AM
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psshhh sounds like most of you have problems with the IDEA behind the movie which is off a very old book...

I think Spielberg did an incredibly good job adapting an old book/radio broadcast/movie to a modern screen.
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July 02, 2005, 02:11:11 PM
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Blood is a pretty universal substance to all living things on Earth, including plants, if you take it at the most basic level.

Blood is a liquid, easily absorbed, contains water, sugar, protein, fats, all sorts of predigested goodies - normally you need a set of intestines, a lot of acid, and a complicated food mashing system in order to loosen up the nutrients. Blood, however, contains the end result which is easily absorbed into body cells.

The Martians could have been waiting to harvest Earth, have bred humans for the specific purpose of harvesting, been harvesting other worlds, or another case to consider is that perhaps there weren't really many Martians left, hence why the invasion force was pretty small and why the Martians were keen to glut themselves on the foodstuffs.
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July 02, 2005, 03:51:16 PM
Reply #19

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The movie wasn't revolved around the aliens like all other movies, the Alien movies, the Predator, throughout the movies we learn more and more about the aliens, i repeat, "movies".  This "movie" was about survival, and they just made it lol.

Im happy how this movie stepped aside from the "alien" standard in movies, the reason i think they didnt explain alot of things, well, spielberg, because unlike jurrasic park, where they already knew how the mosters would act, in this movie they didnt. All of the sudden a crud load of lightning strikes, the thing gets up and starts going maniacal. People running for their lives with you know what all over them

It was more of a suspense movie, we knew what they were but we had no idea what they were, the ending, well, i thought it was alright, i liked the blood farms they started to create, and how the humans got their chance because of the bacteria and viral entities in our air which we've survived from for a loooooooooooong time.

good movie, but yeah more in depth would be nice, perhaps the next one, if its to be.