Author Topic: Respect The Comm!  (Read 5596 times)

March 14, 2004, 09:49:32 AM
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Usually he knows what he is doing, he doesn't need every player on the team telling him what to do.  Then complaining when they loose becuase of X reason.  Then people complain that there is no armory, and that they want GL's..
It gets annoying, and needs to stop.
I just left the chair, midgame because I was tired of listening to it.

March 14, 2004, 11:05:30 AM
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I feel your pain dev.
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March 14, 2004, 11:14:08 AM
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idea's about what hive we should take ect is a welcome'd piece of advice to me, but most times its stupid idea's and i dont listen to them but the thing that really boil's my egg is people complain about dieing because of the comm... how does this work, he's not shooting your gun for you... the comm only gives you the guns its up to the mariens to uses them and to activly hunt the aliens down. not cry the the comm about gettin jumped by a pack of skulks while they are ramboing around teh map with little to no direction.

also, comm's that jump in the cc and start a map should always finish it with their marines, I NEVER LEAVE THE CC MID GAME, NEVER!  if we win or loose i'm there to donce with or die with my marines.
Through the mudd and the blood to the green fields beyond, for ours is not to question why our is but to do or die.

And when we die and die we shall to saint peter we shall tell, just another soldier reporting sir, I've served my time in hell.

March 14, 2004, 02:20:38 PM
Reply #3


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i feel you guys' pain in the chair which is why i will not complain or whine to the com when i die because i'm doing something either beneficial or hurtful to the team.  i also don't mind when saltz sends me out alone on rambo missions to grab rts even though i get jumped by 3-4 skulks i still do it again and again.  i have a short fuse and sometimes the connection at school for lack of a better word sucks so i don't really jump in the chair unless no one jumps in at the beginning or after the 9th com i jump in and hold the cc for the rest of the game even though we lose.  

yes to me it isn't a good to jump out of the chair mid game cause you hurt your team more than you know.  if people complain or whine about things to you, i mean you are the com, so you don't have to give them anything or really have to do anything for them.
er.. which doohickey is the capacitor? and not a FLUX capacitor right?!? cuz then i'd have to put it in my Dolorian..

March 14, 2004, 02:44:36 PM
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My worst pet peeve is when people complain about weapon and armor upgrades.  When I comm, I try to end the game within 10 minutes, which usually makes upgrades/adv armory just wastes of res.  Polite reminders = ok.  "WTF MAN, WE ONLY HAVE LVL 1 WPNS, NOOB COMM!" = ...yeah, you get the point.

Either way, respect is in the rules, and needs to be inforced when we see this happening.

March 14, 2004, 05:09:38 PM
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I'm just going to start enforcing it..
Complaining about the comm will be met with either gag/mute/llama.. It goes under the "Respect other players/Don't be a llama" rules

When 90% of your team complains, its kind of hard to stay in the chair.. and if it had kept up, I would've done something stupid.. So jumping out was a good idea

March 14, 2004, 09:52:45 PM
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I rarely actively complain about comms - only when they're being complete disruptive idiots/cunts. I do occasionally bother to point out as non-abrasively as possible for me the benefits/drawbacks of certain strategies - ie what mass elec is costing you, why armor1/2 would be a relatively cheap boost to your 'rines efficiency et cetera. If he doesn't react/care, I just shut up and try to follow directions whenever I get some (and if there are none, act to the best of my judgement).

I can though, completely feel how annoying people are that complain about the comms specific strategy. I can only recommend a few simple things - get the team to mob them, by for example dropping the team a forward armory and a bunch of shottys while the chronic whynar is still at base asking for a shirtgun. Or just mute them. Or calmly tell them which part of your genitalia you would see them licking in the near future.

On Lunixmonster, things are generally good though. You got an exceptionally bad round, but it was still very tame - constant whining, but people did what you asked them to. You have to take into account of course that no matter how hard you try, marines have a high chance of simply dying - it will happen, alot and frequently. Expect it to happen, and keep giving them directions when they respawn - it can cut down on the complaining.

Have to concede to you though, seeing some admin-policing for supremely annoying people would be nice - especially as a shift of focus away from non-benefical things such as the "No spawncamping" rule that can be laid out to mean anything depending on an admins mood, or having "geh" in the filter.

Especially the no-spawncamping rule needs to go. It just screams 'abuse me'.

March 14, 2004, 10:20:06 PM
Reply #7

Uranium - 235

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Have to concede to you though, seeing some admin-policing for supremely annoying people would be nice - especially as a shift of focus away from non-benefical things such as the "No spawncamping" rule that can be laid out to mean anything depending on an admins mood, or having "geh" in the filter.

Especially the no-spawncamping rule needs to go. It just screams 'abuse me'.
Well since we'd have to observe to get BOTH team's chat, the 'annoying' is sorta broad. Someone could be asking you to drop a phase gate in the hive (Which, on an unrelated note, Saltz, you don't do often enough :D) and someone could say 'He's annoying me!'. People have different degrees of annoyance. I can get annoyed fairly quickly.

The 'No Spawncamping' is a simple way of summing up a variety of rules. Actually, I'd rather 'No Spawncamping' be changed to say 'No Delay Of Game'.

10 HA / Shotgun marines standing outside the last hive building a massive siege base for fun is lame, and is dragging out the game intentionally, and to be honest I see it happening more and more often. I really should start booting comms for allowing that to happen. If your marines went in there and got slaughtered the first time, understandable. But when there's no OCs, nothing larger then a skulk to deal with, that's being a llama.

Sitting in front of an IP and eating marines off of it without even TRYING to take it down / standing in the hive with a shotgun killing skulks as they spawn is obvious spawncamping. Tactical? Sure, I suppose, but again, it's being a llama, and delaying the game (Not attacking base when you're perfectly capable of doing so)
« Last Edit: March 14, 2004, 10:22:54 PM by Uranium - 235 »

March 14, 2004, 11:26:29 PM
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helpful hints for coms can be invaluable, though.  there's a difference of course between spamming OMG SHOTGUN WTH NUB COM, and saying 'we should build a phase gate here and see if we can sneak attack this hive'... or reminding the com about some upgrade he might be forgetting, when he has enough res...

March 15, 2004, 12:41:10 AM
Reply #9

Sydney Carton

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First thing, let me preface this by saying that while I might not be one of the most visible players on the server, I had a reserve slot over the summer (which I'm hoping to get back at some point, <cough>can't see reserve forum</cough> ;-P). I have much love for it and all the admins on it, and especially LB.  Part of what makes it a great place is the zero-tolerance rule for people who try to ruin the game for everyone else.  However, I would encourage a little tolerance on some of the issues.

1) As far as delay of game goes, I don't really see a problem with an extra thirty seconds or a minute at the end of a game that's in the bag.  I have much respect for people who jump in the comm chair and manage to lead their team to victory, and I'd like to encourage those people to stay around.  If someone wants to build a couple siege turrets just as a final precaution at the end, I say they should be allowed.  Actually, the extra DPS probably makes the final hive-killing more efficient, since marines tend to mill around and focus on aliens too much on the last hive, whereas the sieges have no such tendency.

2) There can be a little laxness every once in a while on the "stupidity" rules, especially on an FF server.  I know I've been threatened with a ban after accidentally para'ing an Onos.  There was a guy at the beginning of the game who had been running around like a chicken with his head cut off para'ing everyone, and it was getting a little tiresome, but mistakes do happen and allowances should be made for them.  Also, people (non-admins) were clamoring for a ban or a kick at the end of a game where the comm spammed stupid, yet funny things before jumping out.  Now I understand, there is a rule against res-wasting, but come on.

3) I'd like to encourage everyone to be a little more n00b-friendly.  When 2.0 launched, we had MonsE, Flayra, other mappers, etc playing on the server, but it seemed like even then, people were a little more friendly to the random newbies that wandered on.  As the server has been around longer and established a no-nonsense reputation, the level of gameplay has risen along with it.  Hell, I feel like a complete n00b sometimes compared to the players on there.  But bear in mind that one of the founding ideals behind the server was to create a haven for all NS players, from the least to the most skilled, and I think we've lost a little bit of that as we've developed into a full-fledged community.

On the whole, Lunixmonster (and FSD when it's around) is still the best NS server out there IMO, hands down, and I will continue playing on it by LB's rules no matter what gets initiated.  These are just a couple suggestions for improvement.  Mostly, I think it would help to take some things a little lighter (of course not the profanity or abuse rules), because what it all comes down to in the end is having fun.
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March 15, 2004, 09:42:44 AM
Reply #10


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yes, respect the comm. commraging every game gets REALLY REALLY tiring. good on ya dev, for just leaving the game, rather than letter the EBIL marines drive you into a mad frenzy :)
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March 16, 2004, 12:07:56 PM
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I dont like it when people bitch at the comm. He is usually doing what he thinks is best for the team. People should have more trust in the comm. The comm is good.

P.S. Thank you to everyone for not bitching at me when i was learning how to comm. Its good to know there are still people in the server who actually help comm noobs and dont criticize them.

March 17, 2004, 02:05:10 PM
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I dont like it when people bitch at the comm. He is usually doing what he thinks is best for the team. People should have more trust in the comm. The comm is good.

P.S. Thank you to everyone for not bitching at me when i was learning how to comm. Its good to know there are still people in the server who actually help comm noobs and dont criticize them.
I now  <3 you. Everyone should listen/read to what you said.
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