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Messages - Bogglesteinsky

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Off Topic / I Am Leet Hax0r
« on: March 22, 2004, 01:17:31 PM »
jefe is right!

I knew you didn't like me much, but COME ON!


Off Topic / Kids
« on: March 20, 2004, 03:32:35 AM »
How should I know? I just come up with the brilliant ideas, I leave the rest of you to work out the minor details.

Off Topic / Kids
« on: March 20, 2004, 03:06:55 AM »
electrify the keyboard. Whenever they go to type something, ZZAPP! 10,000 volts goes through their fingers.

Ok, so it would be illegal, but still funny.

Off Topic / I Am Leet Hax0r
« on: March 20, 2004, 03:04:00 AM »
could you just get rid of the http://, as most browsers take that as given (so to speak)

Off Topic / To Geminosity
« on: March 12, 2004, 03:39:30 AM »
Nytevizion tentarclez!!! :p
No, that Reference.  ^ ^
1 word


Off Topic / The Truth
« on: March 10, 2004, 04:39:39 AM »
Ok this tread is weird ¿ and I love cold weather, was born in New jersey duringa winter month and now i'm living in Miami and I get happy when it's slighty cold.
There is a difference between "hot or cold" and "rainy or sunny" It can be cold and sunny, or hot and rainy.

Off Topic / To Geminosity
« on: March 10, 2004, 04:35:08 AM »
OMG XTreme Lameness!

Off Topic / Tornadoes!
« on: March 05, 2004, 02:54:54 AM »
tornadoes are one of the few things that make me glad to be english.

Off Topic / Ooooooo Fun Game
« on: March 03, 2004, 12:34:53 PM »
it is interesting how you can get to level 12 without once moving the car...

Off Topic / Ground Control 2
« on: February 25, 2004, 05:11:32 AM »
I got the first game and the expansion pack, absolutely loved it. I tried to reinstall it for some old skool goodness, but the CD was too scratched, so I d/l the demo. When it gets released, this game will definitely be on my wish list

Off Topic / Fahrenheit
« on: February 25, 2004, 02:24:05 AM »
that sounds like a bunch of bs to me.
Your history/science textbooks probably got that off the intarweb.
Not that i'm saying that he didn't do those things, but i mean, c'mon "He had a fever at the time?" what are the chances of him having a fever, and, more importantly, people knowing about it.
that may be, but unless you some evidence to back up your claim, your claim is just as much "bs" as mine is. And, until you come up with a better explanation, my claim is the best (only) one that has been offered.

In the words of Arnold J Rimmer, 2nd Technition aboard the Jupiter Mining Corporation's ship Red Dwarf, "Don't knock it until you've tried it".

(edit: on a more interesting note, -40 degrees is the same in both farenheit and celsius)

Off Topic / Fahrenheit
« on: February 24, 2004, 05:54:49 AM »
Farenheit's zero point is based on the work of a solitary scientist, trying to get water as cold as possible without freezing. He added lots of salt, cooled it down, and, at the point it started to freeze, he called that zero. Unfortunatly, he forgot to record the details of his experiment, so his efforts cannot be reporoduced. As for the other end of the scale, he took body temperature to be 100. Unfortunately again, he had a slight fever at the time he took his temperature, so that end of the scale is off by about 2 degrees.

So there you go.

Off Topic / Post Your Kitty Pics Here!
« on: February 16, 2004, 06:41:05 PM »
~has no idea what u235 is talking about~
Does anybody ever? :p

I like cats, and I used to have one, but we killed it cos it got ringworm or something like that.

Off Topic / 7,000 Posts!
« on: February 16, 2004, 06:38:54 PM »

Note: The above message was posted by my brother, and he will be dead within the hour, thank you for your time.
Don't you just love siblings? BIOS password my boy, BIOS password.
or a loaded shotgun. Both as effective as each other. All comes down to personal preference really.

Off Topic / My Name
« on: February 13, 2004, 03:41:38 AM »
All these people with really crazy names. You parents must hate you. :p

Eric rhymes with Cleric, but that isn't really much of an insult.

(it is spelt 'tampons')

Off Topic / The Meaning Of Life
« on: February 08, 2004, 01:30:59 AM »
There is no meaning to life. Everything is just a poinless waste of time and resources.

Off Topic / My Name
« on: February 08, 2004, 01:29:53 AM »
I dunno Bob. I think the strapless red one is just dead sexy.

Isn't Kerry (boys name) spelt different from Kerrie (girls name)?

General / "your Map Maps/co_angst.bsp Differs."
« on: February 08, 2004, 01:27:19 AM »
just make sure that you backup your config.cfg and any other custom .cfg's before you do that. You could also set your config.cfg to be read only, then it doesn't get overwritten when installing the latest patch

General / "your Map Maps/co_angst.bsp Differs."
« on: February 07, 2004, 12:12:20 PM »
did you check it installed ns beta 2 into the correct directory?

cos it didn't for me and I had to copy it across

Off Topic / Meandering from the Pic thread
« on: February 02, 2004, 03:22:48 PM »
i dunno, he kinda reminds me of a caveman.

or a member of Metallica pre-load.

same thing really...


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