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Messages - george

Pages: [1] 2
General / Re: NS2 Trailer coming out
« on: June 17, 2009, 08:35:07 PM »
NS2  ;D!
Going to be nice.

Off Topic / Wesnoth
« on: October 24, 2005, 04:52:04 PM »
if it wasnt a challenge it wouldnt be fun.

Off Topic / Wesnoth
« on: October 24, 2005, 08:42:36 AM »
As a personal preference i like SP better so far.
Reason 1 being that im not playing against fire, who continually lags out leaving us all to ponder whats taking him forever to make his turn.

MP campaigns would prolly be cool, im up for that.

i've made another save on the first campaign.
Currently in at  Muff Malal's Peninsula, i have 2 knights (1 more about to lvl) 3 markmen, 1 mage about to lvl. Bunch of units that have some XP but not near to lvling.
I really wish i had used a fighter but archers worked great on blackwater port and isle of anduin. After isle of anduin i had a knight and a couple marksman. Planned that level out great i killed the boss on my last turn, failed it the first attempt cause i was not aware of the turn but luckily i had left a unit beside him without attacking with it...then i lost and used the autosave to find the unit with some movement.
The strategy guides talk about leveling Konrad but dang if that isn't difficult...

Off Topic / Wesnoth
« on: October 22, 2005, 06:20:46 PM »
i havent played MP much, but im semi-enjoying SP. i''ve player the 2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th levels of the first campaign about 20 times each. IF it takes an hour to lvl a unit and it dies then i MUST restart. The ONLY time i continue on is if i have 2 units behind it about to lvl.
I think 30 turns is the average turn limit thus far. i've all but started counting from the beginning of each lvl, Luckily it puts it in for the saved name so thats always a easier way to find out.
After reading the player guides its getting a little easier to comprehend what is needed to win a level.

Off Topic / Wesnoth
« on: October 22, 2005, 10:19:25 AM »
Seeming as its free, extremely difficult, pretty complex, Turn Based Strategy, +some RPG stuff everyone should play it.

seeing as how i havent heard anyone beating the first campaign, i suppose i'll share my adventures thus far.
Heavy Horsemen(1st saved game)...i really didnt like basicly all my elf units died, but on the third level i got horsemen, which then i jumped on. So my entire army was basicly horsemen. This made Bay of Pearls super easy cause its mostly day time and my hosemen were getting 12-2 attacks. Then on top of being buff they have like 9 movement.

i took the land route and buffed up 3 knights(15-2) , and a white mage. I have 2 branches from this save one i did white mage the other red mage. Then the next level "siege of elfensar" its mostly night time attacks against undead stuff which gets bonus pts for it being dark, but all my horsemen get penalties, so my buff knights actually have 9-2 which gets pwned by the lvl2 dudes :(.

Elven Save (2nd game) i used elvish archers alot more, at the bay of pearl i have 3 marksman, a sorceress(which i wish was a druid) but its much much more difficult going through this level with elves than it was with horsemen.

edited cause "!= RTS"

Off Topic / College
« on: October 18, 2005, 03:13:47 PM »
First year go somewhere close to home and cheap...
reasons being:
whereever you go you prolly wont like it at first, so if its cheap it will give you more mobility later on.
You'll prolly change majors a couple times.
Close to home means free laundry/food/place to stay when you get in a fight with your roomie. close as in a few hours away isnt bad.
you mentioned drinking alot, so if you get caught for something and go to jail Dad isnt in another state saying "Son you're on your own"
Crap happens leave yourself an out.
After the first 2 years you'll have a much better idea of what you want and how to get it, if you dont have 20k in student loans, and have kinda kept up with the school work you wont be in horrible shape.
Getting the Basics done with early, even though extremely boring, is prolly the best route to take, cause again you'll prolly change majors a couple times. With your basics outa the way it'll make things easier later on.
All the freshman chicks take the basics first. Taking those nerdy computer courses prolly wont land you nearer to a girl.
Degrees are all that matter, doesnt matter where they came from or how much they cost cause the degree is all you need to get a decent job.
Paying 50K for a good education at a private college to get a degree in Information technology, is the same as going to the good ole community college and paying 8k for the same degree.
Dont think just because you pay more you get more, i have found that its just not the case.
Its good to look for a college with some ROTC courses and never know when you might just sign up. Having ROTC on your career courses means more $$ if you join up, and alot more benefits if you get into a ROTC program.
Plus the dudes in ROTC usually are the big partiers, game cubes, Xbox and alcohol...

PS Job Markets change quickly its better to base how you want to prepare for life after college, on what you really want to do and not on how quickly you'll get a job or how much you'll make. Some 4th year law student was basicly already a lawyer had a good internship everything paid for...2 months later does some social networking, signs some loans, opens the best pie shop in New York or Chicago...cant remember.  If you like working on computers, thats great but give yourself room to find out if theres something else out there. You can make a living picking up trash and some people are perfectly happy doing that.  When they ask you what major or what program you want to follow go ahead and say whats on your mind, the majority of college students change theirs atleast twice, advisors or counselors may try to help you but its a double edged sword.
I've switched mine a few times :blink:

PSS Did i mention that the Montgomery G I bill pays out 50k? so you do 4 years enlisted in any branch pay $100 a month for your first year then after your 4 years you get out and get $50k (current pay out).

General / Wee 3.0.4 out!
« on: June 02, 2005, 09:57:25 PM »
Balancing a game is like tuning a car:
If you start off wrong you'll eventually just have to go back and do it all again.
After numerous corrections, you get to a point and start guessing.
--if i knew more about tuning cars i would prolly put more semi-humorous similarities between balancing a game and tuning a car but overall you'd prolly only read the first and the last line.

I can see the developers in game playing around and then all of a sudden one goes
Dev1 "Lets make alien gestate time LONGER!"
Dev 2 "Ah, Yes mate, thats the way!"
Dev 3 "Wait thats not enough, Lets GIVE MARINES more ammo at spawn so they can...."
Dev 3 "OH YEA, shooting stuff is awesome!"
Dev 2 "I wish they'd shoot those people owning Gamesurge"
Dev 1 "No doubt man, all is lost without Gamesurge."

General / Recent Reserved Slot removals
« on: May 07, 2005, 10:33:29 PM »
*READ all this before you follow instructions*
Let out all your frustrations.
yay now we feel better yes?
Rules are in place, follow them or take the risk of being punished(this is clearly apparent).
<3 Esuna! :( im saddened that you lost your slot and i can only hope to play ns with you in the future. OMG ESUNA DOWN! :D. I shall truly miss playing with you if you dont come back.
<3 sonic! i shall miss you too.

If you all like the community/server so much why is it that its so hard to get you do something an admin asks you to do? They shouldnt have to ask you more than once, then  you should follow it for the sake of being a good person/community member. Surely if you agree to it once it would only seem sensible that you would agree to it all the time.
I've been kicked 3 times from the server and kicked/banned from Irc 2 times, regardless if i agreed to the punishment or not i conceded to it and without using any harsh language at any admins. Nor have i committed the same actions i was punished for again.

im not ranting at all, i just hate to lose any of you for something stupid. Please dont get banned <3!!!


Off Topic / OMG, It's Someone's Birthday Today!
« on: May 06, 2005, 11:22:23 PM »
happy origin day.
Yay for being red in a sea of blue!

Yay for being lightning in a sky of grey

General / Do NOT use Google's Web Accel
« on: May 06, 2005, 11:13:23 PM »
Web accelerators have been doing this for years.
The programs cache all the info you send then threads it in whenever you re-visit or someone else revisits the page you see. But since it uses ALL the info you send it thinks someone else is YOU. Back a few years ago i was in this clan, it was a big clan 50+ members, and one of our admins was at a friends and checked the site under his admin account. His friend had dial up and had d/l'ed an accelerator, he didnt know at the time, so it gave out his account, some punk found it, got in, hit reset on our clan website and PUFF all gone. Why he had access to a site wide reset button i will never know.

General / Friendly Fire Poll, Take Two
« on: April 29, 2005, 11:33:48 PM »
Seems like theres enough FF off servers already up to get the feel of a FF off server hence i voted to keep FF on.
I've played FF off and on, IMO its more fun with it on.


Off Topic / Age of Empires 3
« on: April 06, 2005, 01:53:43 PM »
i loved AoE2, i played it ALOT.
Like throw me in an addiction clinic alot.

Most games i'd have won at 5mins.
I was really good, not even the crazy koreans could beat me.


General / MC to hive under attack
« on: March 19, 2005, 10:13:17 PM »
So let me get this straight...
This marine sees you, shoots you, then you hide. And he stops???
2. If you drop a hive and a marine runs in and sees you, while the first chamber is MC just start spitting the hive.
NO reason to hide at that point, and if there is someone near an MC im sure they'll try to MC in.
Even with the one marine killing you its taking away time for him to be building a structure, hence giving your team more time to get in.
Ideally in such situations people would already be near an MC as soon as you drop the hive to secure it immediately.
Unless you're super battle gorge and see a lone marine as an easy meal.

General / Comming
« on: March 17, 2005, 04:33:46 PM »
yeah, im against a comm learning day aswell.
New commanders are always welcome to jump in the chair. You have to learn sometime and even if you do really bad its only one round, remember its a game and anything anyone says about you is just part of the game. Have to suck it up and see it as it is.
Take nothing personal! Dont get mad, or sad. Just be happy you got to play.

My advice on commanding:
ctrl+(a number) will place marines in squads, or structures on you're squad system.
So its a really good idea to have an observatory as your squad 1, so that you can get to beacon and scan/ping super fast. Not to mention when its under attack it blinks red.

Players like you or hate you in the first 30 secs of the game, memorize the locations of the ip, armory and their hot keys. and get those down super fast. (learn these in a listen server)
Memorize the hot keys to center on players wanting orders/meds/ammo.
To be liked as a comm just give the players what they want, meds,ammo, orders, upgrades, weps. If you dont have a plan and theres another reg on (especially one who comms they'll jump in and get people to follow them to certain locations, and give you ideas on stuff to do) Things like this are cool when you're learning , later its aggravating as certain people want to do what they think is right and it affects your overall plans.
Always be friendly, always be nice. Never blame anyone for dieing not following orders, they could be new and you dont want them to have a bad experience. Use waypoints if you dont know the room names, and even if you do its nice to use the waypoints. Voice is a really great thing to use, as it assures marines of your existence.

Remember key locations on maps. Siege points etc.

Theres no perfect comm, and we all are continually learning to do things better.
If we see you do something not-efficient we'll let you know if theres a better way to do it.
Infact Thanks goto Niteowl for letting me know that my armory placements were in a bad spot due to LOS.
I had been dropping them in best locations for access and maximum humpage. Which meant that aliens could get behind it. From his suggestion i now put them in locations with all things (i know of) inconsideration.

Anyways thats my 5 cents, spend them as you desire.
<3 George

Off Topic / World Wind
« on: March 17, 2005, 04:02:01 PM »
anyone tried keyhole?
Google Funds it, has some nice features ie..restaurants nearby, most roads, clubs, partys houses, crack houses :blink: , stores, distance finder...
Full version isnt free, and theres a 30day demo of the download version.

« on: March 08, 2005, 08:09:20 AM »
75 res HA, try 200res.

I did another corridor in eon with more than 400 res worth of mines. Again ns crashed before i was done miening, hence i have no screenies/movies.

General / New Comming strategies?
« on: March 08, 2005, 12:56:21 AM »
making sure aliens never get nodes.
Protecting second hive locations.

« on: March 08, 2005, 12:08:16 AM »
MEINS! i think i took a wrong turn somewhere!
oh yeah, i was going to bile that and then went to get fraps to record it as a movie and ns crashed :(

General / dm_cranefight release!
« on: December 20, 2004, 11:20:41 AM »
<3 MrBill and his mapping skills <3 !!

Off Topic / Broadband Connection
« on: November 22, 2004, 10:54:49 PM »
Cable is not a dedicated line to your house that you and only you use. Cable is distributed amoungst a geographical area around your house dependent upon the configuration your ISP is using.  
So to redefine the situation, it could look like this.
When you first got the cable you were one of the first to get it in your area. Being as you were the only one on it most of the time you could use the full bandwidth.
Your neighbors hear of the deal and they too get it.
This puts more traffic on the line thus limiting your available bandwidth.
Bringing up your latency(ping) to the server.
One way to possibly prove this situation is to get on at an odd hour. Like 3am-5am on a normal weekday.

Another possible reason is that your cable company may have downgraded your package.  My hometown cable company has promotional events where packages may be upgraded from normal. Perhaps you signed on during a promotional period and since then the cable company has discontinued the promotion.  A way to prove this theory would be finding out your cable company's available packages and which one you have. If you have the highest grade package then this wouldnt apply.

There are other reasons that could  possibly be bringing your ping up but they are harder to fix and more unlikely.

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