Author Topic: So Many Newbies...  (Read 26887 times)

February 03, 2004, 06:12:39 AM
Reply #100


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See, this is a newbie friendly server. We're GLAD to teach new people who aren't complete assholes. Stuff like:



"Use the armory."
"Use the armory, it's the big cylinder building."

Or, one which I've been seeing a LOT lately and that really irritates me:


Frankly, the basic concept of the game isn't that hard to understand. The problem with most of these newbies is they fail to understand that it's a TEAM game and that they can't go and make decisions for the entire team, IE, dropping the chamber THEY want as aliens (WHICH IS ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS SENSORY). Those who do that also hardly communicate, which is usually the best way to learn. The very first thing I did when I started playing NS was spectate for a round. Something I feel all of those new people should do.

I'm happy to answer questions, as long as they're polite.

February 03, 2004, 06:25:48 AM
Reply #101


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gah... new players and I'm not around to help out @.@
I don't know why but I really love helping new people into a game.  Especially stuff like MMORPGs with huge worlds because I can take them on tours and stuff.

February 03, 2004, 06:53:15 AM
Reply #102


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We don't mind new people who actually try to learn. People who spam the chat (typing or vocal) we do mind. I also have a very high dislike for people that like to insult me or other regulars on the server using various names.

Also, if I kill you, never say it's because of my lag that you can't hit me. Honestly I was a skulk and killing a bunch yesterday, and they have the nerve to say I killed them every time because of my lag. If anything it messes me up more; I can testify that many people can hit me when I'm a skulk.
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February 03, 2004, 09:15:04 AM
Reply #103


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See, this is a newbie friendly server. We're GLAD to teach new people who aren't complete assholes. Stuff like:

Those who do that also hardly communicate, which is usually the best way to learn. The very first thing I did when I started playing NS was spectate for a round. Something I feel all of those new people should do.

I'm happy to answer questions, as long as they're polite.
i agree on all counts
"I don't have to know an answer, I don't feel frightened by not knowing things, by being lost in a mysterious universe without any purpose, which is the way it really is as far as I can tell. It doesn't frighten me."
-Richard Feynman

February 03, 2004, 09:52:19 AM
Reply #104


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Kitana, all they have to do is say "I'm new at this game," and we'll gladly help out.  I'll try to look out for your tag, but remember to say those magic words.

February 03, 2004, 12:07:39 PM
Reply #105


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There's an internal switch inside any ns player's head that goes off when a new player shows up. You can usually tell with the first thing they say what sort of newbie they are. If it's something like "I think I understand this game, but I'm going to need some help," that's beautiful. If someone comes in and sits in spec for a round, then joins, they get to be my best friend.

If it's more along the lines of "How does i becom elefant?" or "Where can I buys guns?" Well, we've covered all this before.

Also, this is not the server to learn how to comm on. If you jump in the chair and don't do anything, I'll tell you to get out. If you still don't do anything, I'll kick you right out of the server. The rest of the team is there to play the game, not to wait patiently while you figure out how to drop an HMG for yourself before you've even dropped an IP.

Anyway, urge to kill... rising. So I'll stop. Welcome to the server! We're happy to help you and your friends learn how to play and become better. We can always use more players ready to learn!

Lunixmonster: Banning the NS community one smacktard at a time. -lolfighter
there are a lot of aaaa...mmmmm.... "HAPPY" pirates on this ship. -GrayDuck

February 03, 2004, 12:40:49 PM
Reply #106


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Also, this is not the server to learn how to comm on. If you jump in the chair and don't do anything, I'll tell you to get out. If you still don't do anything, I'll kick you right out of the server. The rest of the team is there to play the game, not to wait patiently while you figure out how to drop an HMG for yourself before you've even dropped an IP.

rgr that !! also, when you get in the cc, COMMAND DANGIT!! COOOMMAAND!!

none of this snivelly
"i can't do anything without rts!!"
"uhh.. what do you guys think i should do?!?"

"I don't have to know an answer, I don't feel frightened by not knowing things, by being lost in a mysterious universe without any purpose, which is the way it really is as far as I can tell. It doesn't frighten me."
-Richard Feynman

February 03, 2004, 02:19:34 PM
Reply #107


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Don't worry... I have told my people to stay away from the comm chair.  I stay away from it myself actually.  (worse story than the welding incident..I'll spare ya) (or the time a guy saw me using an elevator as a skulk and let me know I could walk on walls - that was fun)  The stuff I have learned so far, I learned by watching, listening, and occasionally someone being polite and saying "uh, you dont want to do that... because..."  There are still things I dont know about the game.   Since you are all being so helpful, I'll just go ahead and ask a question about being a gorge since when I am alien, I immediately gorge when I spawn.  In your opinion what should a gorge do first?  When the game starts.  Someone taught me to build def at the base hive, is that correct?  Or is it better to run to a node and drop res first?  When I am a rine, I always run and secure nodes but as a gorge what are your first priorities?  Honestly I usually build one def at the hive and then I run and look for nodes and drop them as I find them moving toward the closest possible 2nd hive location.  Thats what a player told me once, and I have never gotten yelled at about it.  Let me know.  I love being a gorge, it makes me feel productive and useful.  I would appreciate any gorge advice (not just on this particular issue) since I might be one of those people that Arch is referring to above that does what she wants when a gorge.  Although ALL my gorge decisions stem from what i think is best for the team.  A little more knowledge never hurt anyone, now did it?   :)


February 03, 2004, 03:00:28 PM
Reply #108


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usually it depends on your team really =3

if I know the team is trust worthy I usually save for the 2nd hive right off the mark (I don't gorge, I go skulk to get RFK for the hive safe in the knowledge after the quick callouts who's doing start chamber, which ones are node capping and which is saving for what =D ).

if the team is super uncoordinated, I usually run to a node, gorge and cap it then worry about the chambers... but dropping a chamber at the start is ok too i guess ^^

Generally it's best to say on team chat what you're gonna do, see what the replies are and adjust accordingly (the worst reply being none at all =s ).
One thing that's fun about NS is that there's not always a one golden routine that is 100% the right way every time ^~

February 03, 2004, 03:05:03 PM
Reply #109


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Having all newbies is quite an annoyance, especially when I go back to Lunixmonster for some 2.01 action. I'm amazed and dumbfounded as to how they found their way to 2.0, even though 3.0 is 'new and more shiny'.

But its not always all bad. I was in a game where the rines had 4,5, and 6 nodes all game on ns_veil, but the comm didn't hand out heavies until 20 minutes into the game. The heavies proceeded to Sub Sector (3 of them, 2 Grens and an HMG). They started working on the res node there as I was Onosing, then started on the hive. I mov cham teleported in, stomped, devoured the HMG, gored the other two, and basically we began to win the game. The comm kept dropping Gren launchers for pretty much the rest of the game, didn't have many rines in base defending until I suicide rushed into it and took out some stuff, but we had basically won already. Good times, good times...

February 03, 2004, 03:10:55 PM
Reply #110


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My usual round start gorge strat is to quick drop an RT then go back to skulk and go annoy marines until I build up enough for another RT if we're low on them, or three chambers if we're doing OK, or another hive if we're doing very well. Staying as gorge for a while is usually not a very good idea unless it's planned out and a lot of other people are going to drop RTs and then skulk again immediately. A permagorge effectively takes one player off the team, so it's only good when you absolutely need one.

ALWAYS ask what chamber the team wants. If no one answers, I'll usually say 'ok, I'm dropping X' and give them a few seconds to reply before I do drop something. If the team asks for one thing and you drop another... Well, my patience has run dry for that. Not that you personally deserve my vitriol, but I've seen too many idiots drop sens first just because they think it's FUN.

Thanks for asking questions, please keep them coming!

Lunixmonster: Banning the NS community one smacktard at a time. -lolfighter
there are a lot of aaaa...mmmmm.... "HAPPY" pirates on this ship. -GrayDuck

February 03, 2004, 04:36:26 PM
Reply #111


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Hmm I guess there will always be someone with Grimm's helpful attitude.  Mmm thx.  Thanks for the advice the rest of you.  I don't usually perma-gorge, but yeah, I do build most of the game.  I've noticed most people dont want to do it.  If I am asked to build something, and I have the res, I do it.  I don't ask what everyone wants first though, but I do announce what I am doing.  Until it gets where they can siege everything then I go to a more powerful alien to stop them.  Good suggestions though, thx.

February 03, 2004, 05:30:21 PM
Reply #112

Satanic Monkey

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Probably late but Welcome Aboard Kitana, Ns needs more new players like you.  <3
Don't mess with me punk, I'll post in your

February 03, 2004, 11:00:52 PM
Reply #113


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Indeed, as long as they're not disrespectful or demanding it's not a problem.

I actually was comm with a team full of just new people once (about 4.)  It was funny watching them marvel about all the new stuff they got, and then it stopped being fun listening about the stuff they wanted.  I believe one asked for a 'one shot kill weapon'

*DISCLAIMER*  Do not take the above post seriously.

February 04, 2004, 01:03:17 AM
Reply #114


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Yes, like bob said, its usually a good idea not to stay gorge if possible.  Most of the time everyone should drop a node right away and then gestate back to skulk again.  Its ok to have one or two permagorges, but anymore and the marines will walk all over the map unresisted.  To me, aliens are more about slowing marine expansion than actually expanding themselves.

As far as the chambers, usually people ask for defense and then movement right off because those are the most useful for fade/onos.  I encourage trying other chambers first, but make sure to ask your team before doing so.

Also, has anyone showed you how to make a "ball of dewm"??? kekekeke
« Last Edit: February 04, 2004, 01:04:28 AM by Sancho »

February 04, 2004, 01:57:34 AM
Reply #115


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Become a jerk like I did, gets you respect from the newbs and they listen, and makes old gaming friends hate you. :huh:
Got himself banned.

February 04, 2004, 02:18:29 AM
Reply #116


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i hate you commie, and i hate goldfish for sending me to a hive as my first waypoint.

February 04, 2004, 03:22:24 AM
Reply #117

SuicidaL MonkeY

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gotta start somewhere...:ph34r:

February 04, 2004, 06:29:47 AM
Reply #118


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oh and, if you see CWAG on the server alone, stay as far away as possible.
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Go, Johnny, go, go, go
Go, Johnny, go, go, go
Go, Johnny, go, go, go
aah - Johnny B. GONE
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February 04, 2004, 12:50:08 PM
Reply #119

a civilian

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Most of the time everyone should drop a node right away and then gestate back to skulk again.
Against a competent marine team, you really shouldn't have more than perhaps four people drop nodes in the beginning, as you cannot realistically expect to hold more than five nodes against a good marine team in the early game.