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Messages - CryForMe

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General / Recent Reserved Slot removals
« on: May 08, 2005, 11:03:38 PM »
someone please lock this up. it's turned into a bashfest and its something we dont need. get it gone and good riddance.

Off Topic / OMG, It's Someone's Birthday Today!
« on: May 08, 2005, 02:21:03 AM »
a belated happy b-day to you LB, may all your undue problems exploderate and leave nothing but the winning lottery ticket in your lap!

General / Recent Reserved Slot removals
« on: May 08, 2005, 02:13:02 AM »
In a retrospective light of my post, I find bozo's excessive profanity amusing.
I also have to agree with asal in that I've never seen you around.  For someone who speaks of the "glory days" on LM, you sure dont seem to be much of a contributor to the contemporary.  Either way, saying that esuna and sonic deserve admin is irrelevant.  Saying that the server sucks is irrelevant.  Your conclusions are also very skewed. As far as the way you percieve games going on, I dont know which server you've been watching, but the last few thousand games ive seen on LM, there werent any admins getting brownnosed, nobody went and whined on the forums about ownage and your complaining about it not being the way you want it to be inst helping anyone. You've handled this in the least mature fashion so far, even concerning those people who were actually effected by having their slots removed.  I've played a lot with esuna and a little with sonic, both decent, and like everyone else have their moments of hostility; but you, sir, have made an ass of yourself.
So instead of all of us repeating the same things over and over (i.e. "we can all handle a little swearing" and "heres what needs to change") lets just drop it and move on.  If theres a further issue to contend with, do so. Otherwise, shut this thread down. I find it wrong on several levels that we have this in the general forum. It's not right that this was put here in the first place as it makes it a general stone-throw at people in a public forum on what is one of the more prominent public servers in the game. It needs to be deleted or moved to a private forum.  Good leadership is parted in discipline, wherein if someone needs a slap on the wrist or a good flogging, you do it in private and let that be the end of it. Theres no sense in needlessly publicly embarassing these two people much less anyone else who happens to say something stupid on the subject (of which i can name a few in this thread).

General / Recent Reserved Slot removals
« on: May 07, 2005, 03:47:41 PM »
I thought long and hard about what to say on this one, so here goes.

..               With the big hoo-ha we just had on the soapbox about admins not doing their jobs, it seems that now people are whining about the opposite: theyre doing them TOO well. Well folks, we kinda need to make up our minds about what we want.  Personally, I could care less what the admin staff took into issue with esuna and sonic. Thats their business and I'm not an admin, so its none of mine. Im not gonna whine about it, nor am I gonna throw my support behind it. If they had their reasons, they had their reasons, let it go at that.

..              However, the issue I want to address is the "adult" portion of what goes on in the server. You know, seeing as the issue seemingly revolves around swearing and flaming, I think we oughtta get down to it. Ladies and gentlemen, i pose to you the question of reasonable maturity. How old is the average age of the regs and admins on the server? Sure we have some people in the 14-16 age range, but we also have people in the 30-40 age range to balance it out.  Lets reach a reasonable compromise here folks.  Being a high school teacher, I can tell you that I have to moderate language in the classroom.  But by the same token, I also have an understanding that there is no such thing as a 14 year old who has never heard people swearing and doesnt know what the words mean.  We have a swear filter on the server, plain as day. All people see are asterisks if someone swears in chat.  If they swear on the mic, well, we cant stop that, but why bring it to issue?  Is anyone really THAT offended when someone says the "s word" or the "f word"?  As esuna said, I have heard several people with reserved slots mic chatting it up using more derogatory words for lengthy periods of time and it goes untouched.  Not saying that we have to be iron-fisted about it, but lets think like rational human beings for a moment. We're not running a day care. It's an online gaming server that runs a game where tensions get heated, people get pissed off, and you know what, being that most of us are mature enough to handle it, people are gonna swear some.  Let it go.  If it gets out of hand, give the person a slap on the wrist. Dont put them out for ostracism at the hands of the entire community.
Thats just wrong.

..           As far as flaming goes, there are times when it's justified.  Example: a shotgun rush is coming to a hive. The gorge spits it and yells out that the rush is coming. 2 skulks come, while the other four busily chomp on an RT and ignore the fact that the hive is dying. Another example: Rines are trying to take a hive out, and one of the goobers stands there wasting precious shotgun ammo on a movement chamber instead of assisting the team. Now im not pushing for it to go into the realm of kicking a dead horse, but if someone slings out a pithy remark at such idiocy, who cares? Sure its easy to say that it breaks the rules and should be punished if you're watching it non-biased from spectator, but if you're on the team thats effected, it makes you MAD! Let people blow off some steam by occasionally ragging on people for being dumb.  As far as the regs go, we casually flame each other all the time and none of us cares, because we know that it's all in jest and the next round it wont matter.  If some nsplayer comes in and does it and gets miffed because he was being stupid and got an earful and leaves, does it really bother anyone? Along with good behavior and fair gameplay, we also like to keep a reasonable amount of things like skill and teamwork involved. People who dont stick to these as well have no more room in the community than people who would make asses of themselves on a regular basis.  But once again, if it gets out of hand, then is when it becomes an issue for resolution at the hands of the admin staff. But dont make it a big deal. Nobody likes to be put out.

..              Bottom line is folks, that due to the content that we deal with on a constant daily basis in and around the community, for the sake of argument, whether youre 14 or 35, we're all adults here. We're all old enough to know how to be reasonable and responsible about our actions. We're not children that need mommies and daddies washing our mouths out with soap, we're not fanatical clean-language freaks who gasp every time someone says a naughty word.  None of us is so sensitive that we're going to go cry in the corner over a petty insult.  Let's just wake up and bring this to a level where we dont feel like kids, but we can still act like adults.

..            Also, as a side note, (no offense intended) i'd like to see the admins stop sitting in spectator. This makes me angry very frequently.  The reason behind it is twofold. firstly, i see a lot of admins that come on and sit in spec on a full server.  Understandable that you're trying to get an overview of whats going on, but dont just sit there. If you were alerted to solve a problem on the server, either spec/solve/leave or spec/solve/join up.  Secondly, admins that sit in spec, generally do so for several maps or rounds, and do so at times where an extra player on a shorthanded team makes the difference between a decent game and a slaughter.  So for the sake of obeying the rules, dont spec on a full server and dont spec when theres a team in need of help. As i said, if a problem has to be solved, solve and move on to the next thing.  Like i said before, I dont intend offense toward anyone, but if a slotter or a reg was doing that and an admin saw it, they'd get angry.

..        In close, lets work on things like raising the maturity bar and seeing if people can handle it, accountability, double standards, and doing the right thing. Not just the admin staff, but all of us as a whole. We have the ability to not be retards, so let's exercise it.
/end rant.
*edited for ABS' reading pleasure.*

General / What would you want to see in Source version?
« on: May 06, 2005, 01:37:02 AM »
how bout a non-weak-in-the-pants onos? that sounds like a winner to me!

General / How did the game end?
« on: May 05, 2005, 04:47:38 PM »
yeah, i miss the old onos. they simply need to beef the res back up to 100 (since ups are free now) and make it massively harder to kill. simply put, theres no way in hell ONE HMGER should be able to take out an onos coming down a long hallway.

Off Topic / The Official "I Hate Gamesurge" Thread
« on: April 28, 2005, 04:36:23 PM »
Ok, so i know all of you who idle on IRC are in the same boat as me, and i'd just like to say how much I hate gamesurge and their crappy crappy IRC servers that they run. In the last 24 hours, i've had over 20 disconnects immediately after a huge netsplit. It'd be ok if we could just connect again with no problem, but unfortunately gamesurge sees no need to fix the problem for several hours on end. Plus they always send global notices with things that nobody cares (Global Notice::Talk live with the creator of just one of the textures on the original Unreal Tournament today in #stupidcrap! We hope to see all of you there!)
Down with gamesurge!

General / NS 3.03
« on: April 27, 2005, 05:49:12 PM »
so heres my feedback, and ill post something similar in the FF vote thread:
This is an EXCELLENT change. I, as you all know, absolutely suck at being a skulk, which is why i gorge most of the time.  However, for the sake of trying it on for size, played a few games as skulk today and found that the challenge in taking down marines was significantly increased. The time it takes to kill a lone marine has increased considerably and the chance of a single skulk raping a whole squad of rines is pretty much gone. Thanks to the patch, I actually bore witness to three rine wins in a row on LM today, one of which was on HERA! (note that according to server statistics, this should never happen unless you have some cosmic event which would stack everyone on rines vs 8 nsplayers.)  I think this might actually eliminate the need for the FF off trial. Anyway, thats my two cents.

General / I vant to suck your blood
« on: April 27, 2005, 01:27:07 AM »
nah, you'd be surprised. out of the 67 i counted on the map (could be wrong, give me a +/- 10 margin of error there) I'd say I see about 25-35 on IRC all the time. Plus some of us arent on the map and are in IRC all the time.
IRC is a nice hangout, but most people dont use it much. Temm scares them all away.  >:D
but since i havent answered the root question yet, i suppose i will...and put some stuff down so people can stop wondering...
I'm 24. I'm a guy. I live in Tampa, FL for the moment, although I frequent Indiana, PA where my fiance is in school (yes...indiana is a city in PA.). I'm a teacher...high school level history, honors and AP.
Anything else?

General / Friendly Fire Poll, Take Two
« on: April 27, 2005, 01:21:58 AM »
go for it! it just means I can gorgespit you all in the hive while i drop chambers and you cant get mad at me for it  >:D besides...its only a trial period...just as long as we can send it back and keep our free gift like those infomercials always have. free gift?

Off Topic / Legion: 1, Angry Drivers: 0
« on: April 26, 2005, 11:46:21 AM »
thats leetsauce. you should call the cop and have him thank you for handing him the speeder. only thing that woulda been better is if the story went like this:

I change lanes, get right beside him, and just stare at him for a bit. He starts getting pissed, then I just point at him, then point at the road ahead, with a shocked expression on my face.

5 milliseconds later, he slams headlong into the back of a gasoline tanker and his huge tailgating gas guzzler is engulfed in an inferno which would rival the fires of hell. So i pulled over and pee'd on the flames to put them out, followed by being awarded a medal by the fire department.

Then i went and bought a pet onos. Hes so cuuuuuuuuute!

General / The problem, Part II
« on: April 26, 2005, 11:40:48 AM »
very true, BUT, the same goes for aliens, especially skulks. A problem i frequently see is that when I'm attacking RT's as a skulk and another skulk comes running along to help me, 99.99999% of the time, i get bit. Now, assuming i'm at full hp/armor, it drops me to 68/2. This means far less bullets are needed to kill me. So the FF damage factor goes both ways.  Attributing game losses to FF seems a bit off the wall to me simply based on the way the game is currently constructed.  Yes, we all KNOW aliens are overpowered...well, except the onos. We KNOW that the beacon/pg rush tactic isnt as great anymore because of the half second wait time to phase. We KNOW we need to develop the teamwork thing. But as for FF? Lets think about it.
Say you get hit with a couple FF lmg bullets in a firefight (you have armor 0). Drops your armor a bunch, and your health very little. Say you get bit by a skulk instead of FF. Your health drops considerably and your armor is gone. Even if you kill the skulk, chances are, you need a medpack. With FF, you *might* need a medpack, but you still have a better survial probablility based on the fact that your armor is still mostly there. I dont really think i've ever been in any kind of situation where FF was responsible for the outcome of a game. Sure, theres the MC argument to it,  but remember, if the rines work as a unit, a shotgun rush on a hive takes 10 seconds, then the aliens are out 40+ res and mad cause you just took out a hive, even with the aliens MCing in. Remember that people dont just hang around the MCs like theyre a bar serving free drinks. Aliens are just as spread out as marines are, and half the time its easier to run to the hive than to MC to it.
If we wanted to try FF off, i wouldnt be staunchly opposed, but I think the quality of gameplay and the overall respectability of the players on the server might decrease. Not knocking the admin staff of course, just that it takes a bit more skill to play with FF on than it does to play with FF off, and it tends to keep some of the rif-raff out.

General / The problem, Part II
« on: April 26, 2005, 08:51:43 AM »
Personally I'd turn it off, it's very evident marines are getting bummed on this server and need all the help they can get.
The problem isnt FF guys and gals. The root of the problem is this: Everyone has seen rine wins, even if seldom, since 3.0/3.01/3.02 came out. Everyone has pitched reasons back and forth for why rines lose all the time. Everyone has come to the conclusion that rines actually win some when they work as a cohesive team and have a decent comm. Yet, in every game I see, half the rine team rambos off and does their own thing, generally before someone can even get in the CC.  If you're going to figure that teamwork is the solution to winning, then you have to exercise it. Dont whine about "no teamwork" then go be a rambo every time you can. It leads to things like this, where innocent little FF gets blamed for rines losing.
Just for spec, I'm going to count the number of FF deaths I personally see on LM over the next week, because I'd be willing to bet that it's under 100.  I've been on servers that play without FF and then decide to turn it on "for fun" once in a while. It's horrendous. Theyre so used to being able to shoot through teammates that half the team winds up dead the first time one skulk rushes a group of rines.
but enough from me.
/end rant.

Off Topic / LM MAP!
« on: April 26, 2005, 08:00:29 AM »
I can be on the map now! I feel special  <3

General / The problem, Part II
« on: April 25, 2005, 02:13:38 AM »
For the love of god, leave FF on! I have found that 99% of the people that would be detrimental to gameplay and thus, fun, come on the server, see that FF is on, and leave immediately. Personally, I dont see people leaving cause of FF as a problem. It keeps those of us skilled enough to deal with it around, and all those unwilling to learn or cope out the door. Also, even though FF can be a hindrance to marines overall, IT WILL NOT effect alien win ratios. I have seen several server reports from non-FF servers and they all have the same readout as LM: high alien wins, ridiculously low rine wins. However, the difference is that it takes longer. Rines without FF can simply hole up in their base and unload on anything that comes within a 90° radius without fear of having to have decent aim. They can simply shoot the crap out of their teammates.
8 Rines with HMGs and FF cant take out a team of onoses.
8 Rines with HMGs and FF OFF CAN take out a team of onoses.
Problem is, aliens will have enough res to do it again instantly, so it just drags on and on and on at that point.
Leave FF alone!
Much <3 for FF

Off Topic / Gone for now :)
« on: April 20, 2005, 01:22:34 PM »
not that you guys will miss me, but im gone for the weekend too. back tuesday!   :D

Off Topic / Tattoos
« on: April 13, 2005, 02:48:43 AM »
i think temm would look better with something like this:

it certainly makes the point of not showing youre more hardcore than others.

God bless MS Paint.

Off Topic / amusing irc hijinks
« on: April 13, 2005, 02:30:02 AM »
asal, relax made a funny! got you temp banned, but nobody is ragging on you for it, laugh with us cause you gotta admit that it was funny. Seriously, look at the time gap between the time you stopped and the ban time. it's like 6 mins, you had already given up lol

General / Frustrating....
« on: April 13, 2005, 02:24:37 AM »
and the funny thing about what DM said is the fact that the next game, i got slotted 6 times. i'll agree that it gets annoying when its most of the way through a really good game and people in IRC hear about it and they all decide to jump on to take part in an "epic" battle, or when i get multi-slotted in one game, but i dont get mad about it.

on another note, you gotta admit that you guys got friggin whomped that game DM. Aliens didnt drop any chambers until after the second hive was up, then we took 15 mins tormenting the poor rines, who by that point were locked in their spawn.

Oh, and e-fonz, what ive found is that though the server may not appear to be full of slotters, they smurf a lot, so you cant really tell sometimes. it does go on ping, ive tested it myself on other servers. created a 5 person server, made 3 res slots, had it fill up with non-slotters, then had slotters join one by one and watched the pings of the people getting kicked. definitely by highest ping.
and to will: whine whine whine whine whine whine!!!!!!  XD

General / advice time.
« on: April 12, 2005, 02:16:38 PM »
to add to this, even though ive said it before...
My microphone sucks. Dont know why, but its 99.99% inaudible, so i always use text. On rines, people seem to pay attention more. On aliens, with the exception of a few people who i've seen to be good about paying attention to text, it generally gets ignored. I can be the lone gorge in a hive being rushed by 3-4 rines, yelling RINES IN HIVE repeatedly and spitting the hive and people still dont come. Matter of fact, yesterday it got so bad that on altair, i left the server. I was in the life support hive alone. It was our starting hive, but we had another. 4 rines with shotguns come in. I yell "rines in top hive" in caps at least 4 times. Nobody comes. I spit the hive repeatedly, nobody comes. Then one of the other aliens, a RSer but i wont say who because finger pointing isnt necessary, told me not to TA the hive and quit messing around over voicecomm. Needless to say, I died, and the hive went down to 4 SGers with 0 resistance. Immediately after the hive goes down, people are yelling at me "you were in the hive, why didnt you say anything?!?!" and i responded in text with "I did! Spammed it in fact AND spit the hive!" The response I got from the same RSer who told me not to TA the hive was "well I dont pay attention to text, so use your mic next time."
Excuse me?
Txt was in the game LONG before mics were. People need to start paying attention to that. Especially since not everyone has a mic, and some of us that do cant use em. Also recall that if you mute people, their text goes away too.

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