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Messages - Zero7

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Off Topic / World Of Warcraft Release!
« on: January 31, 2005, 05:44:33 AM »
are we still all split up on different servers?

level 60 gnome mage on Warsong <3

Off Topic / Not Picture Posts
« on: January 29, 2005, 04:55:02 PM »
Pfft, no. I am NOT the original LaToya Jackson. Maybe Kristin Kruek or... Kelly Hu. Rawr.

... right?


Off Topic / Pharmacutical Drugs
« on: January 29, 2005, 04:34:17 PM »
Snort Wasabi. That'll clear your sinuses right up. All the time.
(Edit: I take no responsibility if you sniff wasabi and something goes wrong. This is the internet. And you're not supposed to take me seriously. Especially me. I mean, seriously, when have I ever talked about Wasabi and not mention sex? It boggles the mind! P.S. Snorting wasabi burns like HELL. So if you do snort it, snort a VERY small amount and be prepared to die.)[/size]

Off Topic / Not Picture Posts
« on: January 27, 2005, 06:53:28 PM »
Who am I then? :?

Off Topic / MY EYEBROWS!
« on: January 25, 2005, 01:53:30 PM »
Yea, everyone knows that IR is like, Mini-Temjin.

Off Topic / OH NOES MR BILL!
« on: January 25, 2005, 01:52:21 PM »
<3 Bill


Media / Offical Spray Request Thread
« on: January 24, 2005, 08:22:27 PM »
my GOD necro enough? Way to bring back a dead thread. I wonder what thread you'll necro next.


Off Topic / New Mouse
« on: January 24, 2005, 08:10:06 PM »
one or two of our regs uses a trackball to play NS. They do about average too, IIRC.

Off Topic / Jawsome earpieces
« on: January 24, 2005, 02:10:22 PM »
Sound Quality is apparently amazing on those. Audiophile :D

Yea, mainly just quality, it's like how some people go crazy over cars, or others over computers. I've seen a pair of headphones with better quality than some people's home theatre systems. They can be THAT good.

Off Topic / Hello
« on: January 20, 2005, 09:28:10 PM »
that's hot. Naked people is ALWAYS good. And Hot. Especially when I'm involved.

Off Topic / Jawsome earpieces
« on: January 20, 2005, 09:23:30 PM »
Heh, GG. I WAS actually looking at those earlier. Honestly though, I'd much rather get a pair of headphones before getting ANOTHER pair of earphones.

Infact, I'd much rather get these:
Stax SR-303 Classic electrostatic open-back headphone. $690.
Stax SR-404 Signature electrostatic open-back headphone. $915.

OR if I REALLY wanna "wow" people:
Stax SR-007 Omega II electrostatic open-back headphone. $4,030

That's not including the price of amp. Which would be another $2000 or so for a good one.

Off Topic / Highlights!
« on: January 20, 2005, 09:15:43 PM »
I remember way back, on LM (or perhaps some previous version, I can't remember anymore). Everyone was feeling bored and down, so we had some fun times. Like, I remember playing a game or two with the gravity down low. Everyone glowing different colours (me being pink, of course). And even some fun in the RR. Screenshots were had and there was even a post in the NS Forums regarding them. Some of you were there. I can't exactly recall who, but I know some of the community was there when we did that.

Media / Army Men Ns!
« on: January 13, 2005, 09:05:42 PM »
Heh, I have the same mouse and was thinking the same thing. I had to get a red one too, as they ran out of the blue ones.

Off Topic / Best College Essay Ever
« on: January 11, 2005, 06:07:45 PM »
AO's link is broken. http://htpp// ?

Off Topic / Total Annihilation
« on: January 09, 2005, 04:24:40 PM »
I have all the expansions for TA :D

I shall be in on that. I love doing TA.

Off Topic / Station (SOE)
« on: January 08, 2005, 06:17:47 PM »
How does this relate to us? Point? Or lack thereof?

Do you want us to get into these SoE P2P games? Hrmm!?!? Sounds fishy to me..

P.S. SoE = lose.


Off Topic / Oh Noes!
« on: January 03, 2005, 08:39:27 AM »
AO: Oi, I'll be damned if I can remember what dungeon that is, you're gonna need to elaborate a bit more on it ;x (Location, details, general info)

SwiftSpear: This is true. Also plausible. I'll consider doing so.

Leaderz0rz: The fans do spin up.

Off Topic / The longest you've gone without sleep
« on: January 02, 2005, 08:25:26 PM »
6 Days (Or if you wanna be exact, about 135 hours)

Was travelling and doing LANs and testing out the drug "enhancing" properties of grapefruit juice. Mostly the LANs and grapefruit juice thing though. I slept a good day and a half after that. Ahhh... I love thee summer.

Off Topic / Oh Noes!
« on: January 02, 2005, 08:01:47 PM »
Arrr! It has seem that I have run into some "technical" problems with my computers. As such I won't be around for a while, probably.

The Problem
*Cue Dramatic Music*

My main computer (the one I use for teh work and teh gaming) ran into some "hardware issues". To put it simply, the processor broke, it "exploded" if you will. I shall not speak more of this matter.

My secondary computer (the one I used to use for teh work and teh gaming but now use for small LANs and as a server more than anything now) just plain broke. T'was working fine a few days ago, but alas, soon after the main computer broke, so did mein secondary. It'll turn on, but nothing happens. Monitor is still dead and such. :(

My tertiary computer (the one I used when StarCraft came out and currently only use as a secondary storage/computer for the parentals) was formatted. Yea. There's 32 gigs of free space <3 happening on this thing. The monitor also sucks (it's dying very slowly, me thinks) as everything is all dark and stuff. I'm also too lazy to change monitors.

The... Goal?
Or Maybe "Solution-In-Progress"

My current main goal is to get the secondary computer up and running, as at least I can have some form of entertainment (mainly NS, WoW, teh music, and IRC). This is the current primary concern

My secondary goal is to replace the CPU for the main computer, but alas, this is not cheap. To get a replacement would cost me about $280-$350 CAD. However, the likelihood of this happening in the near future (couple days) is EXTREMELY unlikely. I do not foresee much opportunity to replace the CPU (P4 3.2C). It has been suggested I just go and get a better one, and I was considering this, but then I'd have to go out and grab a better mobo/ram sticks. But I digress, this is besides the point. Switching CPUs/grabbing a better one is basically out of the question (it would simply cost too much, and I'd have to get all bothered about shopping around and deciding on a new chip, which would probably be an AMD).

The So-Called "Twist"
But Not Really

However, on the flipside. I have been rather neglecting academics lately in pursuit of entertainment, fame, and general asshattery. The lack of a "fully fuctional" computer has given me the opportunity to redeem myself of this. At a pivotal time as well. Exams approach and will occur on the last week of January, IIRC. I might be wrong and they're on the third week. Meh. So I'm left now with the ability to significantly rectify the current academic situation.

The Others
I Like To Call Them "The 5th Wheel"

I happened to acquire a PS2 over the holidays, and have been playing that as well. While I do find it entertaining, it does tend to get VERY boring after a while. However, while it is not boring, it gets extremely "addictive" and burns up all the time I SHOULD be using for schoolwork. And when it gets boring, no longer do I feel that I have the "energy" to do said schoolwork. I also only have 3 games for the PS2 currently. Not that big of a problem, as two are RPGs. One being Star Ocean: Till The End Of Time, which was fun, until I got to the point where it's basically "open" (I can travel "anywhere". Yay?) and everything was kinda easy and didn't give good rewards (that's not to say the bosses weren't easy beforehand  <_<). The other RPG being Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance. Rather bland RPG for solo-play. I much prefer using it for when I'm entertaining a solitary guest, but even then, it gets tiring. The final game I have is Soul Calibur 2. Fun game, to me, it's like DoA for the PS2. Simply because you see teh panties. However, this too got old very quickly as the "Weapon Master" aspect of the game is really bloody hard now. I use it when entertaining solitary/multiple guests. Let them beat the game for me. Everybody wins.

Plea For Help
Or A Desperate Cry For Attention. Or Something... Or Maybe Where YOU Come In

I'm rather at a loss for a solution here. I could do one of several things.
1) Get the new CPU going. Lose Lots Of Money.
2) Fix the secondary computer and use it to tide me over until otherwise.
3) Don't do anything and "concentrate" on schoolwork. (Though this is unlikely as I'd probably just end up watching TV all the time. *shrugs*)
4) Other.

Other is if you have an alternative solution. I myself have an alternative solution. Fix the secondary, and do the whole school thing. As I've done before (before WoW and HL2 came out, I had quite the schedule going). Also, if you know of any fixes I could use, please tell me so. My only current possible way of replacing my broken CPU is to wait for some kind of sale or go hunting on RFD for a used one. And the latter doesn't happen very often, if at all.

Cliff Notes
You Lazy Muh...

1) My Primary AND Secondary Computer Are Broken.
Primary Computer: Broken CPU
Secondary Computer: Doesn't Boot. (I turn it on and the monitor is still dead. Yes, everything is hooked up correctly AND yes, I've tested this using another monitor AND another video card and a combination thereof. ¬_¬)

2) My Tertiary Computer Is NOT "Fully-Fuctional" As A Means Of Entertainment.

3) Possibly This Is All A Blessing In Disguise? Exams Approach In Either The Third
Or Final Week of January.

4) Or Not A Blessing. I Have A PS2 With "Addicting" Games That Leave Me Too "Burned Out" For Schoolwork.

5) I Need YOUR Help, Whether This Be
a) Knowing Of Any Ways Of Obtaining A Replacement CPU For "Cheap" (Cheap Meaning Cheaper Than The Price Range I Had of $280-$350 CAD)
b) Knowing Of A Fix For The Secondary Computer.

6) No Profit :(

What Say You?

Off Topic / Strangest feeling in your life.
« on: December 29, 2004, 02:04:41 PM »
I should prolly upload my pics of the sky for ya'll to gaze in awe and wonder :D

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