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Messages - DiscoZombie

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7
Off Topic / Hello
« on: March 31, 2004, 08:27:50 PM »
aha, I was wondering wth your name meant =P I figured you were just foreign or something :D

haven't watched the chappelle show since it last went off the air, before this new season... someone had to clue me in on what "I'M RICK JAMES, BITCH!" came from too...

General / Co_spawncamp
« on: March 30, 2004, 12:06:01 PM »
the big rooms and divided rooms do help to a degree... though the big rooms don't really make it harder for fades to spawncamp, and they probably make it EASIER for lerks to camp =p

General / Gimme Script Hax Plz Kthx
« on: March 29, 2004, 09:29:06 PM »
I don't see why there's anything to argue against in making a script that helps you click faster... I really don't think it detracts from your skill to not have to give yourself carpal-tunnel syndrome clicking at light speed...

General / Friendly Fire And You
« on: March 29, 2004, 11:33:28 AM »
well you can't deny that punting skulks as onos IS hilarious =P

General / Co_spawncamp
« on: March 29, 2004, 11:30:33 AM »
It's impossible to have a spawn that can't be camped. If you teleport in, they can camp the teleport destinations. If you have to go through a door that can only be opened on one side (a la TFC), they can camp that. The only thing that will stop spawn camping is the 1-2 second spawn invulnerability.
well, while these points are valid, I think having a separate spawn room would certainly help, I think moreso than 1 second of invincibility.  

as it stands, 1 early focus skulk in a small game can take out the chair solo, running over to any spawning armor 0 marines, killing them, and resuming biting the chair.  a couple seconds of invulnerability would just mean the skulk has to wait a couple seconds before he clicks his mouse to kill the marine.  the marine would still stand next to no chance of killing a skulk that's already within biting distance.  marines stand the best chance when a distance is put between them and their enemies.  

that would be the advantage of another spawn room.

of course 1 or 2 could still guard the door or spawn room while 1 or 2 bite the chair, but this setup would still be advantageous for a couple reasons.  

first, like I already hinted at, it would require more aliens to pull off a successful spawn camp.  

secondly, it would draw sharper lines between spawncamping and simply killing the chair/hive.  as it stands, saying 'no spawncamping in combat' is basically akin to saying 'no trying to win,' or 'don't kill people who are trying to kill you while you attack the goal.'  if you started in a different room, it would be more obviously unethical to camp that room or the door outside that room, because you obviously wouldn't be trying to kill the hive/chair at the same time.  it would actually make sense to say this practice is illegal.

third, the spawn rooms don't necessarily have to be anywhere near the hive/armory rooms... if it took marines 20 seconds to walk from their spawn to the chair, spawncamping would not only become unnecessary, but undesirable.  it also might add more strategy to the game, as it would become wise to designate defenders and attackers... multiple entrances from the spawn room to the chair room would also make it impossible to camp them all.

fourth, a 1-way door would give a team a chance to let 2 or 3 ppl spawn before deciding to head out -- safety in numbers and all that...

General / Friendly Fire And You
« on: March 29, 2004, 11:01:37 AM »
okay well I'm glad we can all agree that a happy medium is in order =P

by no means has it ever been cool to parasite/bite/otherwise injure anyone near death, or anywhere at all other than the hive.

I think parasiting teammates is a phase everyone has to go through when they first discover a FF server like LM :> it's amusing at first, and for most people, the entertainment value wears off... I do agree that the dense people who just don't give it up are pesky, but I don't think I'd ever complain unless I was injured on purpose out of healing distance of the hive.  a parasite at the beginning of the match has never annoyed me.  

luckily I've never met a gorge who hasn't enjoyed a good spitball fight (followed by healing) =P

General / Friendly Fire And You
« on: March 28, 2004, 11:34:04 PM »
Don't flame, ever.

General / Gimme Script Hax Plz Kthx
« on: March 28, 2004, 11:11:53 PM »
lucid, I like your idea for a pistol script, I'll try it out instead of mine, because it IS annoying to be stuck for the second or so mine is working... especially if I hit it more than once...

also, you don't have to make another script file exec through config.cfg -- just make a file called autoexec.cfg and HL automatically execs it after (or before?) config.cfg... I keep all my aliases in autoexec.cfg...

General / Co_spawncamp
« on: March 28, 2004, 11:47:38 AM »
I honestly can't think of a single round of Combat I've ever played that wasn't won because the entire other team was dead and my team kept it that way by killing the hive/chair while killing spawners... well, maybe 1 or 2 2v2 games where both opponents were trying to kill my spawn while my team killed theirs...

really, the only way to make it so that you don't have to spawncamp to win would be to make you spawn in a place other than the chair/hive rooms...

anyone feel like making a combat map where you don't start in the chair/hive rooms? :> I'd play it! :)

Off Topic / Happy Fatty-day
« on: March 27, 2004, 02:22:47 PM »
HBD!  pai:


General / To Electrify Or Not To Electrify~
« on: March 26, 2004, 09:07:40 PM »
yeah, I'm being swayed against electricity except at those vital spots like hives, usually defending a phase gate... an hour or two ago we played a game where the marines had about FIVE electrified RTs, I think under the 6 minute mark... and I was thinking as alien "omg we're screwed, how can we ever take out these nodes... they'll have an HA in no time..."

but it soon became obvious that they couldn't afford much besides those nodes, because the nodes slowly came down to the aliens and the marines couldn't seem to push to get them back with their low level weapons and such...

Off Topic / Where Do You Live ?
« on: March 26, 2004, 09:04:23 AM »
seattle may be the suicide capital, but I live near the car theft capital, in the county with the highest car insurance in the US -- Jersey City, NJ!

Off Topic / Hahahahaha...
« on: March 26, 2004, 08:56:27 AM »
Steam wasn't "for free". You REQUIRE it to play HalfLife multiplayer, a selling feature of the game, if they didn't support it anymore in some way (closing WON without using Steam) I'd sue their pants off.
I'm just playing the devil's advocate and arguing for the sake of arguing at this point, but I don't remember reading anywhere that the server finding services of HL multiplayer were guaranteed to be around forever... in fact it probably would have been perfectly legal for them to stop supporting the game after a few months... they probably would have just had to stop publishing the game with anything about finding multiplayer servers stamped on the box...

General / Random Pictures
« on: March 26, 2004, 08:43:47 AM »
The first two scenes were after an awe-inspiring fantastic defeat (SURPRISE) on mineshaft. We all climbed into the little vent and drew our knives, waiting. We looked like we were in a fallout shelter in there: All decked up in our military gear, lined against the wall in a cold, souless concrete shell, making no noise, waiting...

Then Sancho the Fade found us and... didn't play fair :(
ahh I remember that game, I was right above the vent and heard another marine die with each swipe =(

General / To Electrify Or Not To Electrify~
« on: March 26, 2004, 08:40:50 AM »
maybe one idea would be to electrify one or maybe 2 nodes max early in the game -- that way you're guaranteed to have at least 2 or 3 nodes for a few minutes instead of the 1 node good aliens tend to keep reducing you to if they're not electrified...

I'd also like to point out that a lot of reswhore fades don't 'trouble themselves' with taking down elec res nodes.  they'd rather be raking in the kills, while the marines rake in the res... so just because aliens CAN get a fade or two somewhat early in the game, doesn't mean they will, and if they do it doesn't mean your elec nodes are doomed...

not to mention that 1 hive fades with no DCs can't take out elec nodes much better than skulks can...

General / Random Pictures
« on: March 25, 2004, 08:55:07 PM »

Off Topic / Hahahahaha...
« on: March 25, 2004, 06:01:36 PM »
personally, I think it's pretty impressive what Valve has released for free over the years, so I'm not particularly upset
That stopped me for a second. What has valve released for free exactly? Steam? Let's not go there. Ricochet? To quote: "HAHAHAHAHAHA" Running the WON servers? Well, that was nice while it lasted. I'm sure they were doing it all out of the goodness of their hearts too, and not based on the fat checks that they've been raking in selling HL for years while the mod community provides all the free content for them.

But it's possible I'm missing something. What else have they done for free? Anyone?
well, are we not still playing HL?  they're obviously doing something right through 6 years of continuous patching and support.  if you want them to not maintain and support their games, I guess you don't want them to bother releasing HL2 either.  

yeah, making the game highly moddable was an extremely good economic decision for them -- but all their decisions that are good economically make money for a reason -- that reason is because they're popular decisions.

General / Post Your Ns:combat Setup
« on: March 25, 2004, 01:21:19 PM »
k so I'm glad a couple ppl go for high damage shotty/jp like me...

no answers about scent of fear and motion tracking -- I guess people really DON'T use it :>

General / Post Your Ns:combat Setup
« on: March 25, 2004, 02:26:16 AM »
well, the first thing I"m curious about is how many people use motion tracking/scent of fear -- I never got em but I'm starting to think I'm in the minority.  as an alien I relied on hiding and listening to footsteps to figure out how many marines are where, and as marine, I feel like the stealthy aliens move too slowly and hide too well to be picked up on MT anyway, and the loud fast aliens are simply easy to spot.

here's my usual marine setup, if I expect the game to be long:


that's what I do if I expect the match to be long and drawn out, anyway -- designed purely for speedy hive destruction.  if we're getting overrun with superskulks, I may get mines; if we need repairs I'll get a welder, etc...

alien, I generally do focus>celerity>fade>adren>cara>regen>silence

unless I join late and we're getting raeped, in which case I'll just be a xeno whore, or if the hive needs heals I'll go battlegorge/umbralerk.

but yeah, I'm interested in tweaking my co_ layouts, so what do you pplz aim for?

General / Zero7's Voice
« on: March 25, 2004, 02:15:02 AM »
"luke... I am your father!"

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