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Messages - Mouse

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
General / Half-life 2 Delayed Until Apocalypse?
« on: June 13, 2004, 11:09:54 AM »
God forbid that any information reguarding HL2 is posted on the Offical HL2 website. Such as the news that the arrests were made on the code thieft, HL2 being shipped off to Vivendi or the HL Radio interview not posted there. But I guess that would require that Vavle be on top of its game. Which is not only never happened and will most likely never happen, but it's a gawd damn joke when they claim to be.

/me storms off in a violent fury that he has been in for the past week or so...  :angry:  <_<

[edit] I'm pissed off because i check the hl2 website under the presumption that they will post things that are relevant to the game to keep the commuity informed. but as i stated above that's a joke. I would have liked to have listened to the radio interview or what it was, just for the sake of listening, but you know... valve refuses to be on top of their game... [/edit]

General / What Frustrates You The Most While Playing Ns?
« on: May 31, 2004, 12:23:06 AM »
    [/li][li] People that constantly stack marines just because they're better at that. Yeah, that means all the sh***y players are on aliens with me. Really makes for an unbalanced game.

I almost always go aliens... well im sorry that im sucha disapoint me to you esuna[/sarcasim]  :p

for a couple of reasons: 1) generally i don't like being on a team where most of the non-reg don't know how to f*****g listen to the **** **** commander. 2) Having to listen to a commander that doesn't know how to f*****g comm/manage his marines (this isn't always the case but happen enough to piss me off to no end). 3) Getting screwed over because no one takes the comm. I'd comm if a) people would acutally listen, B) give me useful advice/information while comming, c) I didn't **** more as a comm then I did as a marine. 4) I generally f*****g **** as marine.  At least as alien I can do stuff generally do stuff on my own... kill rts, build important structures, *scratches his head* that about as all im good at :p but it tends to be more fun.  o_O  :blink:

Off Topic / Happeh B-day!
« on: May 24, 2004, 01:14:57 PM »
<3 teh Dark!!! ~~~

<3 teh Temjin!!! ~~~

oi... lots of birthdays...  :p

Off Topic / Happy Birthday Venmoch!
« on: May 24, 2004, 01:12:48 PM »
<3 teh Vennub!!! ~~~

Off Topic / Happeh Birthday Sancho
« on: May 24, 2004, 01:11:32 PM »
<3 teh sancho!!! ~~~

Off Topic / Happy Bday
« on: May 13, 2004, 12:32:11 PM »


Off Topic / Happy Birthday Lb!
« on: May 10, 2004, 07:26:57 AM »

You cannot abuse your admin staff until you're 21? Damn, why didn't you tell me before now?
ROFLMAO. :lol:  ^_^ let the abuse begin!!! :p

Off Topic / Bai For A Bit
« on: April 23, 2004, 11:50:04 AM »
some new things that happened...
1) i got charged with domestic assault (they threatened to take me to juvie)
2) i put some "stuff" in her food and now shes sick as hell >:O
:blink:  :blink: By putting "stuff" in her food and supposedly "swinging a 2x4" at her any judge could and more then likely would see you as a threat and send you off to juvie or to get some couniciling. If she really is crazy you need to get hard proof because by the looks of it you're not very creditable right now in the eyes of the law.

my sister punched my mom in the face a year ago , anger management ? i think so. she goes awol from the marines and gets discharged, comes home and tries to beat up on me now ? no way in hell, i apparently "assaulted" her yesterday so ill do it again if she tries anything.
I wouldnt suggest using force against her considering your prediciment you're sort of in. :/

ps. im even more pissed cuz nsbeta4 comes out tommrow and i dont get to play it :/ *cries some more*
You'll beable to play it soon enough :p

Off Topic / Bai For A Bit
« on: April 22, 2004, 01:47:26 PM »
OGM!!! WTH!!! KICK!!! BANT!!! :angry: :o

Who does that? Seriously... If my one my brothers or sisters did that to me there'd be NO END to the MISSERY I would inflict on them until I got back what was mine, but then again my siblings don't have the maturity of a 12 year old. The reason probably why the police officer took her side is 1) she is an adult and supposedly mature 2) doesn't know the whole situation of who was left in charge and such. :angry:

be mean, were talking domestic sabotage

piss on a rag, and put it between her box springs and matresss, she'll never find the smell.

trhow a red sock in with her whites.

shortsheet her bed

pull all her clothes off the hangar, and drop them in the bottom of the closet

pour bleach in with her underthings, so it eats holes in them


Dip her hand in warm water while she's sleeping. :p

General / Maps Request
« on: April 18, 2004, 09:46:13 AM »
de_morningstar - looks huge :o
cs_shogun - I'm in the same boat as Isamil. I played it years ago and it was pretty fun.
cs_rio - it's ok... not one of my favorite maps
de_747 - bleh. I never liked this one very much... bomb sites is overly crouded and are far to close together
cs_assault_upc - much more balanced version then the original o_O
ScoutzKnifes - in order for this to be fun low grav has to be on... no if ands or buts... :(
de_cpl_fire - OMG! teh pwn! AWSOME map! <- my endorsement here :p <_<

General / Who's Got Experience
« on: April 18, 2004, 09:33:38 AM »
mouse has the serouoos godam hakcs.....
Yes... I hakcs if you consider that I played over a 4 year period and in those years was in 3 clans. 2 of which I regularly played in OGL, CAL and CAL-M matches. If you consider those hakc, then I PROUDLY say, "I HAKC YOU ALL!!!"  >:D  <_<

General / What Shall We Name The Server?
« on: April 15, 2004, 09:37:08 PM »
how about "Let me touch you" or "bomb rush kekekeke" XD
I vote gemi's... but only if she touches me >:D  <3

Off Topic / I Need Help Creating A M3u Playlist.
« on: April 12, 2004, 12:24:24 PM »
I think I've got it running like I want it to except for one thing, running it as a daemon. I know I need to have a link to the script in a /etc/rc.d/rc[0-6].d/ directory with a prefix of S and K. Is there anything else I need to do anything speical to the script in order for it to work other then having a start and stop functions?

Off Topic / Happy Anniversary Mouse!
« on: April 05, 2004, 09:19:48 AM »
:ph34r: umm... <_< there was a... umm... clerical error... :o when I entered my info...

DON'T EAT ME!!! :blink:

*runs away quickly as fast as his mousey legs can carry him* :help: :ph34r:

[edit] I fixed it so that it's the correct date... how I got 4 instead of 19 I'll never know :( [/edit]

Off Topic / Halflife 2
« on: March 27, 2004, 05:02:40 PM »
lol ... if only that was true  ^_^
i agree... nice Photoshop image there Venmoch!  :lol:  :D

Off Topic / I Need Help Creating A M3u Playlist.
« on: March 27, 2004, 03:54:38 PM »
This is the full extent of what i have right now...

# Script will compile a list of all mp3s in it's workin directories and
# sub-directories into a winamp m3u playlist to be shared in a Samba
# directory share.


if [ "$sArgument" = "status" ]

# echos the last time the file was writen to and the
# the number of files that were found.

   echo "The last write was @ "$sLastWrite" with "`grep -c .*\.mp3$ mp3_list.Mar.20.2004.m3u`" files."
elif [ "$sArgument" = "start" ]

# If the file already exists then the script
# must be running. So if the file is already there then
# there is no need to start another instance of the script.

   if [ -e ]
  echo "Can not start. Script already running."
  exit 0
   [span style=\'color:blue\']# Gets the pid of the script and stores it into the
   # temp file.

   echo $pidd >
elif [ "$sArgument" = "end" -o "$sArgument" = "stop" ]
# Use the pid stored in the file to kill the script
# process.

   kill ''
# Variable clean up.
   unset argument
   unset sLastWrite
   unset pidd
#   rm /tmp/
   exit 0
elif [ "$sArgument" != "end" -o "$sArgument" != "start" -o "$sArgument" != "status" -o "$sArgument" = "stop" ]

# Misc Error handling...
   echo "Correct usage: fauxd <start|stop|status>"
   exit 0
   echo "Blarg!!! Some sorta error that I wasn't able to forsee! Mybad."
   exit 1

while [ true ]

# Get the date and time for the file name and the last time
# that the file was writen to.

   set `date`
   export sLastWrite

# Search for the mp3 files and place the sorted results
# in a file unique to the day that it was created.

   find -iregex .*\.mp3 -fprintf mp3_list.$2.$3.$6.m3u \\\\\\\\Tachikoma\\\\Music\\\\::%P\\n | sort -fd
# Wait 5 hours and then repeat.
   sleep 18000

The only problem that I'm having now is killing the process by using the .pid file. I tried running kill' or kill "" or kill `` at the command line and none of them worked!!  :angry: any help would be appreacated.  <3

[edit]  I get the error: bash: kill: no such pid :ph34r:  [/edit]

[edit2] Did some cleanup and tried to make the code a little easier to read and added some more comments to the script [/edit2]

Off Topic / How Have You Customized Your Mp Apps?
« on: March 26, 2004, 09:03:55 AM »
bumping this thread becuase people have expressed intrest in the winamp plugins... they may be old peices of code but they work.
You still haven't told us what the plugin is...
maybe the winamp irc plug in where it spams what song their listening to  :o  <_<  :angry:

Off Topic / I Need Help Creating A M3u Playlist.
« on: March 23, 2004, 01:12:34 PM »
Why is that in a loop?
Why not just use cron?  It lets you add tasks to be preformed at certain intervals..
I don't have a clue as to how to interrupt that loop
I have no clue... I didnt know there was sucha command... The example that he showed us in class used a loop... and he ran it in the background... does that command leave the script running or can you use it via rc*.d?

Off Topic / How Have You Customized Your Mp Apps?
« on: March 23, 2004, 01:08:42 PM »
the fact that esuna has a pink wmp scares me...  :ph34r:

I like dubbs winamp  <3

I havent found any winamp skins that i really like...  <_< mainly because i like the normal classic/modern skin  :p  ^_^

Off Topic / Kids
« on: March 22, 2004, 12:23:55 AM »
What's even more unbelivable: What sort of pinko school has computers with the floppys as H and F?
true, so very true. what kinda silly system admin would have the floppys as H and F? i mean who does that?

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