Overly Chatty Penguins

The Ready Room => Off Topic => Topic started by: Lightning Blue on March 23, 2004, 02:36:28 PM

Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: Lightning Blue on March 23, 2004, 02:36:28 PM
So, CS:CZ released today.

Guess what?


The HLDS mailing list is in an uproar. I have not tried it myself however. Nice one Valve, really!
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: Evangelion_2 on March 23, 2004, 02:41:26 PM
I am suprised anyone cares figuring you can get the same game for free directly from valve.

Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: Niteowl on March 23, 2004, 02:48:43 PM

just the CS:CZ ded server right?
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: That Annoying Kid on March 23, 2004, 02:51:02 PM
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: esuna on March 23, 2004, 08:56:15 PM
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: Satiagraha on March 23, 2004, 09:03:16 PM
"If you hate someone, you're already dedicating too much of your time to them"
I totally agree, I hate something, I ignore it. Hence, I don't give a crap what happens to CS since it is crap!

PS. Go Esuna! ^_^
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: Black Mage on March 23, 2004, 09:12:06 PM
i would laugh, but i'm kinda busy wondering why elbee even tried to load the dedicated server
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: ShootBang on March 23, 2004, 09:23:47 PM
lol, that's steam for ya...
so... what's so special about cs:cz? it's just ANOTHER counterstrike that you have to PAY for!!!


omg punctuation  hax, F4  >:D
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: JHunz on March 23, 2004, 09:43:20 PM
i would laugh, but i'm kinda busy wondering why elbee even tried to load the dedicated server
I have not tried it myself however.

Please read, then post.

Anyway, this was pretty dumb on Valve's part.  I personally don't give a rat's ass about CZ.
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: Keyser59 on March 23, 2004, 10:01:23 PM
Esuna, the problem is when a game that promises certain features doesn't deliver, and it cost $$$.

If I bought the game and I found that I couldn't play online, I'd be a little teed off too. Just like people would be in an uproar if CZ was nothing more than half-life singleplayer with replaced weapons and models.

That being said, I love Counter-Strike. Counter-Strike pubbing gives a degree of satisfaction that NS pubbing can't. I am in no way a CS hater, and I don't mindlessly generalize CS players and flame them wherever possible.

If I bought CZ, I would flame valve as well. You can't guarantee quality, but there are some features that are minimal, like working servers. Valve is only hurting themselves when they have crap release like this. All the drama that is created does server a purpose, and the angry mob that bought CZ first will brew up a storm and ultimately lessen whats left of Valve's reputation.

And deservedly so.
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: DiscoZombie on March 23, 2004, 10:58:35 PM
esuna, I think the point people are trying to make is not blind hatred for CS:CZ... they're expressing frustration at valve's habit of disappointing us lately.  HL2 delays, buggy steam, ads for and pre-loading of CZ built in, marginalizing of the NS community... so people are saying, "haha, look, they've done it again!  surprise, surprise!  gg valve!"

I'm not even saying this is how I feel, just providing perspective.  personally, I think it's pretty impressive what Valve has released for free over the years, so I'm not particularly upset (though I'm NOT surprised at this latest botch-up).

anyway, the internet makes us ALL loud-mouthed and opinionated.  if we were all apathetic about everything, boards like this would be pretty boring to read. :D

besides, pettily bitching about people's petty bitching shows that you do NOT practice what you preach, so be an example!  be neutral!  as you say they shouldn't play the game if they flame it, so you shouldn't read the thread if you detest it =P
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: Venmoch on March 24, 2004, 01:50:57 AM
Well I'll get CZ on Friday...

But not for Multi-Player (OMG! TOPICAL!)

I want it for the Ritual SP missions.
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: esuna on March 24, 2004, 06:21:49 AM
If you bought CS:CZ and an aspect of it wasn't working, yes, i could completely understand being pissed off about it. But nobody here HAS bought it, have they. That's not what i'm getting at. This is just people mocking VALVe for nothing more than a mistake, an accident if you will, i can guarentee you that this isn't intentional.
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: Bogglesteinsky on March 24, 2004, 06:39:46 AM
I think I agree with Esuna on this one. If you don't like it, dont play

On a side note...
Ok, people who work in McDonald's deserve that, but nobody else!

Venmoch = Owned
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: lolfighter on March 24, 2004, 08:50:30 AM
How cruel. I bet nobody works at McDonalds because they consider it an attractive career choice. My gues goes towards the cash. And we all need that. Mocking people for working at McDonalds is like mocking the trashman. Imagine if he and all his colleagues would say "tell you what, you're right. We're quitting." Guess what? Y'gotta get rid o' yer OWN waste now boy!
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: Grimm on March 24, 2004, 09:11:58 AM
I agree with Esuna, especially after constantly seeing people in #lunixmonster and #naturalselection just randomly bashing games, until it annoys me to the point where I just quit irc for the day.

'If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all' is such a simple and easy-to-follow phrase, but for some reason people seem to read it as 'Flame away, even if you don't understand what's going on'.

Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: Lightning Blue on March 24, 2004, 09:24:29 AM
Esuna, go rant somewhere else, and not in my thread...thanks.

The whole point of this thread was to show that valve really has stopped caring about the server side of HL these last few months. high CPU use, HL update tool not working, the HL server itself not working, no servers = no players.
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: That Annoying Kid on March 24, 2004, 09:40:38 AM

the man has a point, besides it's fun to take time during the day to ridicule valve for it's mistakes
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: Venmoch on March 24, 2004, 11:42:29 AM
Venmoch = Owned

You have no job.

I have a job and I get money. The money bit is the best thing.
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: Grimm on March 24, 2004, 03:31:17 PM
You have to realize that these people spend their livelyhoods making these products, and for some common gamer to gripe about it without understanding their situation is a bit presumptuous.
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: devicenull on March 24, 2004, 04:13:40 PM
On the plus side, MetamodX (The new metamod, because the old one isnt being developed, or it is being done slowly) already has support for CZ, and sven, and ns3 :)
Yay :)
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: esuna on March 24, 2004, 08:09:34 PM
Esuna, go rant somewhere else, and not in my thread...thanks.

The whole point of this thread was to show that valve really has stopped caring about the server side of HL these last few months. high CPU use, HL update tool not working, the HL server itself not working, no servers = no players.
Dude, then say that!

In essence a thread dedicated to just going "HAHAHAHAHAHA" is nothing but a spam thread, but what you just raised there are very good points, if you had just put that in the first place, would anything have been kicked up?
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: BobTheJanitor on March 25, 2004, 09:58:55 AM
personally, I think it's pretty impressive what Valve has released for free over the years, so I'm not particularly upset
That stopped me for a second. What has valve released for free exactly? Steam? Let's not go there. Ricochet? To quote: "HAHAHAHAHAHA" Running the WON servers? Well, that was nice while it lasted. I'm sure they were doing it all out of the goodness of their hearts too, and not based on the fat checks that they've been raking in selling HL for years while the mod community provides all the free content for them.

But it's possible I'm missing something. What else have they done for free? Anyone?
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: Venmoch on March 25, 2004, 10:03:34 AM
Well, theres mod support, mod tools, an accessible group of staff that are only too happy to answer E-Mails (That Aren't flames)
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: BobTheJanitor on March 25, 2004, 10:09:42 AM
But there's a clear monetary benefit to supporting the modders. From an economic standpoint, mod makers are free labor for valve. I know that's a harsh way to look at it, but I'm only speaking from a purely financial point of view. They'll be happy to support the mod makers (usually, except when they screw up and release a patch that breaks half of the mods [but never the popular ones]) as long as people keep buying new copies of their old game off of store shelves.
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: lolfighter on March 25, 2004, 12:07:22 PM
True. But we'll all run out and buy HL2 the day it ships anyway, won't we? Ok, so they haven't spent a lot of money on the community while they kept raking in the cash on HL sales (and the retail versions of CS and DoD later on). They DID give the mod makers a level of support that hadn't been seen until then, though. And as for ease of modding, nothing except a licensed source code (which is hideously expensive) is as easy to mod as the HL engine, especially with all the support and inside information freely available. OF COURSE they're doing it in hopes of sparking the next CS, enabling them to sell EVEN MORE copies of HL. But there's a certain philosophy (which I catiously support) that goes: "A good deed, even if done for the wrong reasons, is still a good deed."
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: Sancho on March 25, 2004, 01:39:05 PM
I'm no mod dev, but from what I've heard, Valve does NOT give very good support to the modding community.  Other than their pet projects, of course.

Their updates were supposed to be backwards compatible, yet most mods have been killed by Valve's updates.  They have also yet to release the steam SDK.
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: Fewlio on March 25, 2004, 04:59:46 PM
Yeah, are sven and ns still third party mods? Jep, but quite some time ago both those mod teams were working with valve to make them official mods! I mean they are supporting modding teams more than other companies(who dont speak with the modders), but they arent supporting them very fast....

Hafaf, I still love Valve, even if they shaft us all, I still love them. The bad things that they do balance out with the good things that they do, but because all the good games which they have released(HL), they are a good company instead of a bad one :D. Lets just hope HL2 doesnt suck.
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: Grimm on March 25, 2004, 05:12:01 PM
I will always refrain from making any hateful comments continually towards Valve. TFC was the first game that really got me into online gaming when I got my computer, and if it wasn't for Valve providing everything necessary for that game, I'd probably have gone off with Starcraft or Unreal Tournament. And if that had happened, I would've never gotten to know any of you here, or anyone in the NS community.

And you can't go on about Valve 'basically having free labor' because that is how it is with every mod out there. Desert Combat, for example, is a very big hit and has definitely brought EA Games a lot of money because of people who want to play DC specifically (I have two friends, in fact, who bought Battelfield 1942 solely for DC).
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: DiscoZombie on March 25, 2004, 06:01:36 PM
personally, I think it's pretty impressive what Valve has released for free over the years, so I'm not particularly upset
That stopped me for a second. What has valve released for free exactly? Steam? Let's not go there. Ricochet? To quote: "HAHAHAHAHAHA" Running the WON servers? Well, that was nice while it lasted. I'm sure they were doing it all out of the goodness of their hearts too, and not based on the fat checks that they've been raking in selling HL for years while the mod community provides all the free content for them.

But it's possible I'm missing something. What else have they done for free? Anyone?
well, are we not still playing HL?  they're obviously doing something right through 6 years of continuous patching and support.  if you want them to not maintain and support their games, I guess you don't want them to bother releasing HL2 either.  

yeah, making the game highly moddable was an extremely good economic decision for them -- but all their decisions that are good economically make money for a reason -- that reason is because they're popular decisions.
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: Grimm on March 25, 2004, 07:29:34 PM
Its easy to complain about a game and a company and their faults, but most of us don't realize what we take for granted in having them.
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: Uranium - 235 on March 26, 2004, 03:25:04 AM
Steam wasn't "for free". You REQUIRE it to play HalfLife multiplayer, a selling feature of the game, if they didn't support it anymore in some way (closing WON without using Steam) I'd sue their pants off.
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: Venmoch on March 26, 2004, 04:19:30 AM

My Hard Copy Of Condition Zero arrived :D
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: DiscoZombie on March 26, 2004, 08:56:27 AM
Steam wasn't "for free". You REQUIRE it to play HalfLife multiplayer, a selling feature of the game, if they didn't support it anymore in some way (closing WON without using Steam) I'd sue their pants off.
I'm just playing the devil's advocate and arguing for the sake of arguing at this point, but I don't remember reading anywhere that the server finding services of HL multiplayer were guaranteed to be around forever... in fact it probably would have been perfectly legal for them to stop supporting the game after a few months... they probably would have just had to stop publishing the game with anything about finding multiplayer servers stamped on the box...
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: Fewlio on March 26, 2004, 11:42:22 AM
Fewpids flame post to add to this thread:
GG "quit" command never ever working for steam, just freezes steam up. GG bugs with ns that are so random that you cant even tell if theyre steam or ns fault, like not being able to upgrade anything or evolve -_-.
Title: Hahahahaha...
Post by: BobTheJanitor on March 26, 2004, 12:43:51 PM
But my point remains that they're definitely seeing compensation in the form of big bags of money for their efforts. If valve said tomorrow "Hey, we're shutting down WON and Steam and not releasing any more updates ever, GG guys," besides the mass uproar that would ensue, they would stop making money. That's why they continue, because it's good for them financially. Which is fine, they're a company, that's what they do. My only point is that we don't want to canonize them for being a big holy loving game company that gives away all this great stuff for 'free', because none of it is free.