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Messages - Absinthe

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General / Wee 3.0.4 out!
« on: June 04, 2005, 10:34:47 AM »
I found that too lolfighter.. it was like no matter what team I played for we had no chance of victory it seemed. I told myself I'd keep playing until I was on a winning team, and that seemed to take like 10 games :S

General / Wee 3.0.4 out!
« on: June 01, 2005, 04:17:25 PM »
It's all gravy.. the reduction in AA time should more than make up for the increases on HA/JP.

The 2-3 second gestation thing I really don't think will make much of a difference seriouly. That'll be more of an annoyance than anything else when playing aliens and I don't see still don't see it balancing out midgame and the free upgrade issue.. but oh well, it's a start.

That ammo thing is so crucial it's not even funny.. I'd even go so far as to hope they add 1 clips for any gun you purchase (shottie(8)/gl(4)/hmg(125)) in the future. Just for sake of rushing once a pg is up so people don't get their guns and hump before phasing.

All around, very good patch.. for now.

General / the problem
« on: May 27, 2005, 04:28:37 PM »
Of course a good marine with a shotgun is more valuable than a pack of mines, but that isn’t the issue here. Uberleetproaim with a shotgun isn’t going to be of much use if you can’t phase through a pg in one piece because 2-3 skulks are chewing it down. Put a shotgun in the hands of a good majority of solo defending marine players on this server, and you’ll find you’re out 10 res.

Do you know why the marine tactics on this server seem rather mundane, lame, and with little risk involved? Most of the time it’s because that’s all you’ll ever get away with. I can give you more examples than you’d want to read, but let’s start with the most important ones.

Unlike a scrim/pug/match, you don’t always get the most competent players doing your bidding. Try going comm. on this server sometime and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about. If you’re damn lucky you will get 4-5 competent (have a brain and listen) players on your team, if you’re extremely lucky 2-3 of them will have enough aim to handle their own in solo situations and get objectives accomplished. You know these marines cuz they outscore the commander early game a lot of the time. The rest of the time you’ll drop a res node and have to recycle it 2 seconds later because some people think they’re invincible when holding the use key.

Maybe it isn’t feasible to lock down hives in a “real” game, but on this server it’s one of your only (if not THE only) option(s) to winning. Keep in mind we’re talking about LM here, am I the only one who finds games are more “even” when marines have 2 hives locked with low weapon upgrades, as opposed to high upgrades / guns vs. hive 2 fades? Personally when I’m alien I find it very easy to focus/celerity fade against marines on this server even when they have crazy upgrades (obviously not full heavy trains). It’s much harder for the few higher lifeform players to clear out an already lamed up hive lockdown, especially the longer the game progresses when marine upgrades start becoming significantly more advantageous.

So what are your options?

- Request that a whole team goes to one hive, locks it down. Regroup, go to second hive, and lock it down also. This is not very difficult to pull off because skulks avoid large packs of marines, and even the clueless members of your team can typically “follow the leader”.

- Trust your team to split up and do various tasks: 1. Base builder, 2. ‘Pressure team’ aggressively pushing on alien nodes, 3. RT capper. Much like clans do.

The people who complain about the hive lockdowns are usually the people who can handle their own, it’s never the nubs – they love lockdowns because it makes their life less stressful. At the same time, the people who usually complain never comm. on pub servers, or if they do expect their marines to play like exigent (CAL-Delta champions) and blame them when they die.

You wouldn’t need to siege in most cases if you could rush a hive with only a pg, plant mines down and get set up, spawn camp the entire alien team until their cue is jammed, then destroy the hive when its relatively safe; but as we all know that’s illegal. To my knowledge that’s the only way I’ve ever seen a marine team in a CAL match win a game before the 7 minute mark. That is also of course assuming your team has aim capable of pulling that off.

General / the problem
« on: May 26, 2005, 11:41:20 PM »
To my knowledge it's legal to defend a locked down hive with pg/tf/turrets/mines am I not correct? I've seen this done plenty of times, so if it's not I'd like to know.

Now, if aliens decide to MC rush your locked down hive and land on mines, how is that different than an unbuilt hive having mines placed in it? Are the marines at fault for placing the mines in there to defend the hive or are the aliens at fault for being foolish enough to take that risk and MC over?

If you ask me, and I'm probably not alone here, I would without a doubt say the latter. I don't see the difference between that and building a pg during a hive assault and supporting it with mines. Some may says its just a matter of timing though, "whoever got there first is in the right", and I think that's a load of BS. Hive occupancy should not be determined by "who got there first", but more like "who's standing there last".

I really hate this notion that mines are some sort of indestructible device that guarantees kills and changes the tide of the game.. THEY AREN'T! Mines don't have any more lame potential than a marine randomly coming upon a hive an LMG'ing a freshly spawned skulk. I honestly welcome some nub to come running into an aliens main hive for the sole purpose of dropping mines in spawn points. I'd go gorge and spend 1 minute clearing out all his hard work and precious resources.

To be honest, I think the amount of people complaining to allow mines in hives are more than the amount of complains you recieve about the skulks spawning on top of them if it were in place. Meanwhile, back on Earth aliens are going MC and marines are lucky to win even with a stacked team. GG.

General / Pressure Control
« on: May 26, 2005, 05:01:36 PM »
The issue with spawncamping has always been twofold:

Llama spawncamping (as we like to call it), where a vastly superior team just keeps killing spawning players without ever touching the IP or hive. It's completely unnecessary prolonging of the game. Doesn't serve any purpose at all - it's just the winning team lording it over the losing, which is very poor sportsmanship. CryForMe has a very good example of llama spawncamping in the post above mine.

On the other hand is spawncamping in small numbers, which is more of an issue when marines spawncamp the aliens than the other way around. A single marine with good aim and resupply from the commander can spawncamp skulks indefinitely. The skulk is unlikely to spawn right next to the rine (particularly if the rine knows the spawn spots), and the rine has the range advantage. So the rine can spawncamp the aliens effectively, yet at the same time a single rine can't both spawncamp AND take down the hive at the same (or only VERY slowly). This leads to very boring games in which a single marine keeps the entire alien team in the spawn queue while the rest gets their act together to take down the hive, which can take several minutes and is a very agonizing process if you just have to watch it from the spawn queue.

That's why we have the rule against spawncamping, and that's how we enforce it. It would be pretty set in stone too if everybody would abide by the spirit of the law instead of the letter, but there are always some that try to bend the rules, so we have to interpret them accordingly. Altruism is not dead - it never really lived at all. We're not flawless, and it'd be unfair to demand that of us, and mistakes have been made in the past and will be made in the future, but we're doing our best here, we really are.

And finally, spawncamping for a clear, realistic objective has always been allowed. Spawncamping is a necessary part of taking down a hive or IP (unless nobody is spawning from it), that's just how it is. So spawncamping is fine as long as the spawning device is going down in a timely fashion.

Ok, we've strayed from the original post of Pressure hive to this other Veil story which although it's similar, are two totally different circumstances. The game on pressure was not as simple as "they could've shot the hive and taken it down before 2 skulks spawned". That was more of a "had they not spawn camped, we'd have probably wiped out their 'siege attempt'." I had enough res to go Lerk at least, might have changed the tide of the game who knows. The point is, spawncamping gave them the advantage they needed to win that game.

Regardless of that, ICECREAM could've said he was spawncamping for a realistic objective, in fact he was. Since when is killing enemy units to minimize the oppositions strength and gaining res for your team not an objective? Based on your post lolfighter, and I assume you're speaking on behalf of all admins, I'm under the impression that everything he did was legal (as lame as it seemed at the time).

I'm trying not to seem like an stuborn jackass here and that's hard. Getting clarification on these issues requires that I pretty much have to pester an admin for each questionable situation that arises. I'm sure this isn't the last time it will come up either. And all that spirit and letter crap aside, there are people (like myself) who want/need to know that fine line between legal and illegal. Not because we want to walk that line and test it from time to time (although that happens with any rule), but because arbitrary rules like these can hinder a competent players performance. For example, the only reason I said that ICECREAM's action was lame was because of my understanding of the server rules at that time. Now that you've cleared up those misconceptions, I'm quite fine with it and relieved to know what I can do in a situation like that. Nothing is worse than gray area in the heat of the moment, especially when it could mean being banned from the server.

General / Pressure Control
« on: May 26, 2005, 04:19:31 PM »
I was there for that game on the alien side as well. We were being spawn camped and mine dodging long before the TF was ever dropped (IIRC it was back entrance not stairway). The guy who was laying down mines in the hive wasn’t a reg (aware of the rule) and he was warned about it, so we can’t really do much about that. The whole team was pretty much outfitted with HA and none of us could spawn and move because of them being camped out against the walls, and not one person was shooting the hive. Not only is that spawn camping but also VERY lame behavior. Games should under no circumstances be dragged out when one side clearly has a dominant advantage and can end the game at will, that was my real beef with the game in particular. There are exceptions if the other team is making it very difficult (ie MS camp with HMGs, 3+ IPs [need a rule about this], random hiding spots), and even then most people don’t appreciate those things. I know aeroripper was comm. that game and I mentioned it to him after the fact to make sure that from now on he pays attention to rather LARGE details like our whole deceased team.

This isn’t exactly a solution to the problem, but it discourages lame behavior. As a comm. you’ve got lots of responsibilities, when you play on LM you have additional responsibilities to your already overwhelming job. It is your job to inform your team if they are breaking server rules. You can be well aware of the activities your teammates are up to (spawn camping, mine placement) simply by looking at your minimap. Do not med / ammo spam any marine who is camping a hive, I’ve seen it done before and that means two people were involved in the rule infraction. When you drop mines to a non-regular or leave them on the floor for anyone, make sure you clarify its intended purpose. This is not a difficult task, most good comms will do this anyways by saying “mines on pg, mines on ip, etc.” If you are seiging a hive and you’ve placed the pg within the hive, be well aware of where those mines have been planted. FF is on as many know, and mines CAN be marine detonated by shooting them. If you make a mistake, or someone else does and you notice it, you can remedy the situation by simply destroying the misplaced mines. Now, that doesn’t mean waiting for a skulk to run at you and then detonating it when he’s in range (although that would be funny as hell and I’d give you a high-5!!).

General / Pressure Control
« on: May 25, 2005, 03:58:54 PM »
Had I seen this yesterday I would’ve responded earlier. I was present during that game, so the accusations you claim were brought against you Dec were probably made by me. I’m not blaming you personally since comms can’t force players to anything. But nothing ticks me off more than double standards, in particular, rules that I’m forced to follow and yet other people apparently aren’t. Just to set the record straight, I’d have no problem if the spawn camping rule wasn’t in effect; it’d be no different than when I play on other servers where it’s allowed (encouraged even). I can’t remember everyone playing in that particular game: Decimator was comm. for the marine team, and the two players in question at the time were FORCE and [ICECREAM]Jerry (I think it was jerry, icecream tag for sure). On the alien side I can’t really remember (me, DHP, others), but that’s irrelevant.

Our main (and only) hive at the time was Pressure, although during this scenario a gorge that was outside near coldturn eventually dropped Hama. Both force / icecream had pretty decent aim, of course we only had skulks at the time and were fighting hmgs. Once our spawn cue started to get clogged up, about 5 of us were dropping in one at a time. Marines had maybe 2-4 guys outside in the hallway. Icecream went right inside the hive, made a left and hugged the wall, then proceeded to spawn camp our whole team with his HMG for what seemed like at least 2 minutes. I’m sure anyone who was on the alien team can verify this information. There was really no point in trying to do anything, his score was at least 26-5 at this point. His teammates spent about a minute or two setting up turrets outside the hive which faced the hallway moving in. So even if you didn’t spawn on Icecream’s screen to die, you were probably right in the hall way and lasted 2 seconds before the turrets insta-killed you. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t recall anything at all ever attacking the hive with the exception of an occasional stray bullet all this while being spawn camped. After every player on our team had been spawn killed twice I basically gave up and began typing in all_say asking why Decimator didn’t warn his team about spawn camping our hive, as I’m sure he is well aware of the rules and here we are with this post. Maybe he did warn them and they didn’t listen; only their team would know. DHP was also being spawn killed, but for some reason did nothing to resolve the issue, I thought he went afk or something. No one was warned/kicked/banned and the hive eventually went down when the rest of the marines moved in and our team had given up. If you don’t think my complaint was justified, please speak up.

What’s the solution to that problem you ask? I really couldn’t tell you because with the rules in place nothing is clear cut. No matter how you look at it there IS gray area. I can wax spawning skulks and still say I’m covering my team, it’s quite possible as Guen described the exact scenario. The hive CAN in theory be sieged from outside around the bend, but if no one is facing the hallway entering the hive you’ve got little chance to stop an onslaught of skulks that will spawn and come straight for you while your team builds. If you cover the hallway without shooting the hive (I don’t think it’s possible if you’re out by the RT) and kill someone who spawns there, you’re effectively spawn camping are you not? I won’t even question entering the hive and killing spawners because that’s just obvious. But are we to assume spawn camping is legal in this scenario? How about 4-5 guys spawn camping while 1 guy builds pg / tf / turrets / waits for siege upgrade / siege cannons? That’d be ‘an active attempt to siege the hive’ (albeit at a turtles pace) would it not, and thus clear all 4-5 guys of the spawn camping infraction correct? I’d just like some clarification so I can stop worrying and start playing the game.

General / Tourney?
« on: May 14, 2005, 07:34:57 PM »
I'd be up depending on when the games are to be played, provided this isn't rs only. I know there's a lot of uhh.. multi-national gamers who play here (maybe I'm wrong) so timezones could be an issue.

I've done this on 2 pub CS servers and had a blast, neither tourney finished unfortunately but the games that were played were a awesome. It takes an insane amount of organization to pull of but mainly dedication of players. The reason one of the tourneys never got off on the right foot is because people signed up and come match time (which they agreed to) maybe 1/2 the team showed up. You can't exactly punish people in a private tourney like that, so for the people you invite you need to be sure they're taking it seriously.

Another issue is the status of "regulars".. I was playing on a 32 man CS pub and we originally said that as long as the team roster consisted of 2-3 regulars (5 total), you could have other people fill the rest. Next thing you know we had cal-main players ringing and stuff and it can get out of hand.

Just trying to give a heads up if you do go through with this as I'm sure it would be a blast!

General / Charge or Seige
« on: May 13, 2005, 09:30:37 PM »
WARNING: Long post ahead!

As Gold said it totally depends on the scenario. I find commanding to be very similar to Starcraft, where instead of me actually having to control the units and macro the base at the same time, the micro is controlled by the individual players. This is a good and bad thing, in Starcraft between two evenly skilled players; you can normally tell who has the advantage at the time in question. NS on the other hand has much more variance in terms of what is possible; for example 1 skulk owning 3 marines which in theory shouldn’t happen but actually does.

All else being equal, with an even # of players on the team all scenarios should in theory be fair. Smart comms will not treat it that way, but rather go with the flow of the game. If you know for a fact you team has nobody with decent aim, you’re not about to push into a hive against 1-2 good fades unless you can out gun them by a long shot. You have to know what your team is capable of before you can make any real decisions on strategy. This is one reason why pub games are much different than league matches, comms know what their team is capable of, but that’s rarely the case in pubs since it’s almost never the exact same team/comm. As with any situation, setup / timing / positioning are the most critical to attacking hives. I used to factor aim into that equation but even with the most advanced players on your team anything can happen. This is just my opinion, there’s a million other factors I could throw in here but don’t have time for.

Setup is having the all the tools capable of doing the job properly. You can’t piece things together at the last minute and hope to pull out a win. It may happen 1 out of 10 times if you get lucky, but you’ll fall on your face and demoralize your team (if disorganization hasn’t got to them already) when you fail. First you need a general plan of attack IN ADVANCE. It helps to know the maps, the hive in particular, and be aware of life-forms on the opposing teams. Marines can rarely risk any of that on-the-fly stuff unless it’s an emergency or miracles present themselves. Comms need to TOTALLY be in charge of these scenarios, you can’t let field leaders/comms control what’s happening since they aren’t seeing the over all picture. Equipment varies at different stages of the game, but if you’re keeping up with upgrades and tech any hive can go down to the right strategy. Early game pg/shotguns, mid game siege and heavy weapons, and even late game trains are all workable options. Getting people organized is the commanders main job, people may get into position to get a pg up, but the commander needs to notify everyone and make sure they are aware of the plan. Otherwise you’ll beacon randomly and say phase but no one will know what’s going on. It’s good to get marines mentally prepped for rushes; it’s a lot harder to take them down in groups when everyone has their game face on. Resources are like insurance, you need to have some spare at all times during a hive assault. You should have resources for meds/ammo primarily, weapons/heavies for those respawning, back up structures in case things go down… this will keep your team alive. When assaulting a hive no one knows how long it will take to get it down, so plan for the worst case scenario.

Timing may in fact be the most critical factor in NS. MT should be used primarily by the commander when timing an attack, or if you don’t have MT you need team recon. If you can ninja a PG outside a hive being covered by few units, prepare your team as I mentioned before, wait till fades/onos or their important life-forms are not in critical locations and then give the go ahead. For example, on ns_caged, you ninja a pg outside sewer and aliens don’t know. Wait until the time is right! Let’s say they’re trying to clear out dbl because you have rts there or are on the other side of the map at a hive they don’t own or have mc’s at. That’s a perfect time to beacon everyone and rush in with shotguns even. Sure it’s not that easy, but you get the point, take an advantage when you can. Just like after killing a teams one and only fade (hell I die all the time)! When better to push into position as a team and get a fortified outpost near their hive set up, why wait until that person re-fades or someone else does. Know when hives are dropped/go up, usually between 3-6 minutes; it’s much easier to siege a building hive against 1 chamber units with no 3rd ability than waiting. Fades / Onos become nearly invincible after the 2nd hive is up if they are smart.

Positioning relies heavily on map knowledge. Certain hives have extremely weak defense to siege at certain areas (cargo bay on tanith), while others are impossible to siege (archiving on hera). If you plan to siege, the resource commitment is huge, so know what you’re doing. Don’t just plop things down anywhere and hope to God you’re in range, I’ve learned this the hard way so take my word for it. I mentioned having lots of resources to spare because a siege outpost can cost roughly 70 dollars [adv. tf (25) / 3 siege cannons (45)] in change. That doesn’t even include pg/turrets/mines. That’s no small bit of cash, and you sure as hell don’t want to wait for it to trickle in while you’re under attack and your team is calling for med packs. If you aren’t attempting to siege, be sure keep track of enemy units/structures. That means units outside the hive, ones that are in the hive, and static defense/chambers. If you have no chance in hell of taking down the hive and are fighting a war of attrition, take out their structures (very weak) in the base while fending them off. It has roughly the same effect as marines losing their AL and can cripple fade / onos / lerk effectiveness. Comms should watch the Scoreboard, be aware of how many aliens are dead/respawning. Pushing into a hive when all aliens are alive is suicide (unless the majority is nowhere near the hive); try to pick them off while they attack your marines/pg. You should have 2 IPs if they have 2 hives, so spawning rate is equal. Aliens will come after you, they don’t allow you to setup, so play defensively until you have the headcount advantage, THEN make your move. Make use of beacon! Aliens have one key disadvantage in hive rushes, and that is when their whole team is dead they can’t just reappear all at once! This can be a very slow process for them and outnumbering respawning skulks while you take down a hive isn’t such a problem do deal with.

On a side note: One thing I have never been to sure about is the so called rule on spawn camping, it’s much too vague and I’d like to see proper clarification about it in a well thought out post made by the admins. If one exists already, please link me to it. In theory (matches) you’d have ½ of the team attacking the hive and the rest defending the attackers so no one dies. On LM that’s a bannable offense to my knowledge. Apparently you’d have to be shooting the hive or structures and hopefully when something respawns, you’ve got ammo in your gun (or someone else does) to then focus your aim on the unit to kill it before it gets to you. This puts marines at a further disadvantage since that basically means you’d never rush a hive without siege/heavy weapons/armor/jps; you just couldn’t do enough damage nor survive the spawning skulk attacks without insane aim or ammo conservation. All of that is only available in the late game with resource domination, and as we all know aliens tend to dominate the majority of mid/late games. I’m not complaining about the rule, just making an observation and requesting a more defined set of rules. I know why the rule is in place, so I don’t disagree with it, but it’s mainly for Rambo spawn campers and I think it needs to be discussed.

Anyways, sorry for the long post, I hope that helped. I’ve been trying to comm more often lately and help get marines players into a more organized fashion than they normally seem to be when I’m playing for aliens. I’ve noticed spear/newborn/rad and many of the other regular comms all have different styles, no matter what it is though you should listen to what they want to do because bottom line is they make the real decisions. Most of them have been doing it for long enough to know what works and what doesn’t, so don’t ignore them just because it isn’t something you would do (unless of course its completely retarded like relocate to pad on hera :p).

Questions? Comments? Medpacks?

General / NS Addiction
« on: May 09, 2005, 04:45:21 PM »
I don’t think any one aspect in particular brought me to this game, but rather a combination of events. I’ve been playing this game on and off literally since its conception. My first real online game was Starcraft for 3 years (best RTS ever) so I’ve always been a fan of AvM, and then I caught onto HL and its various mods: DM/VampireSlayer/CS/NS. I was playing back when pings were 200+, acid rockets were available on Hive 1, and blink was more like teleport (maybe it was the lag?) :o. The game had too many issues at the time and pub play was much too disorganized on either side to enjoy the game, at least on the servers I played on so I was never dedicated to the game. I’m a CS player by trade (played for about 2 years competitively in cal-main season 9 or 10) so NS always took a back seat to my CS team’s practice schedule, but it was occasionally fun nonetheless. What I’ve found is that this game HAS gotten significantly better with every new release; I could really care less about what anyone from the “glory days” believes.

My clan is long retired, and the guys I scrim with regularly for the past few years got latched on to WoW. Since I’m not about to pay to sit at my computer for 10+hrs a day and go on raids to keep up with them, I decided to start playing this as my full-time game. There’s really nothing else out there that’s fun/free/exciting (well maybe if I still had a gf) and can work with skills I’ve already got. This game fits in nicely between University, my summer job and the gym and I don’t hive time for much else hence “the addiction”.

I also couldn’t agree more with Tycho about the playability. This game, well at least the concept in theory, is way ahead of its time. Also, coffee is not an addiction Guen, it’s part of a balanced diet. Coke, RedBull, etc. aren’t viable substitutes at 7am, so if you aren’t drinking it to stay awake, you’re probably sleeping way too much!

General / Current MvA Win/Loss stats
« on: April 05, 2005, 12:05:22 AM »
The "new" hera is rather ridiculous though, noone should be surprised. You have to actually be INSIDE the hive to seige the damn thing for all 3 pretty much. In a pub, you need seige because people have a hard time shooting aliens / hive in an organized fashion.. so any map where they make that hard, it basically becomes hopeless for the comm.

General / oh Drama!
« on: March 30, 2005, 11:31:55 PM »
If he does in fact cheat, I feel pretty bad for him cuz he was never THAT good in the first place. I may be speaking for myself, but he's far from one of the best players I've seen on this server. I never had any personal issues with the guy, but he seemed to be everyones idol on here pre-ban and I could never figure out why. I've seen guys WITH walls in CAL play 10x better than that. Maybe it's was because he wasn't an ass in game, at least there I tilted my hat towards him.

Another one bites the dust.. cheers.

General / Rates
« on: March 28, 2005, 01:18:24 PM »
I use the same rates for CS as I do NS and it generally hasn't given me many problems.

rate 25000 (I think it's capped to 10K, but higher usually has no effect)

cl_updaterate 101
cl_cmdrate 101

This is from habit, 100 is technically the highest you can use I've heard for CS, but most people generally use 101. IF you get a lot of choke or your ping is over 120, you might wanna use 80/80 or even lower if your connection sucks.

I like to monitor my stuff with:

net_graphpos 3
net_graph 3

Higher in/outs are better, usually a sign of a good server actually. If you get above 3/3 for each it's good. Some servers have up to 7-8 which are awesome so long as you don't get choke or loss on the side.

I don't know what it does, but you can try 'cl_cmdbackup 999' cuz some cal-i player told me to do it :p

General / Newborns elec RT Strat.
« on: March 28, 2005, 01:05:07 PM »
Any strategy can work, but on that same note every strategy has a counter. I was on for more games than I could count that day playing for both sides. I'll admit we lost the first game (on eon I believe) because about 5 of us skulks were joking around and we kept attacking the shocked rt until it went down then laughed. We had about 10 deaths or more to that one RT. Believe me when I say that strategy has about as much cumulative success potential as Ali's "Rope-A-Dope". It's as ridiculous as setting up a turret farm around each rt and only marginally cheaper.

Unless it has many variations the strat usually works as follows, 1 IP & TF, cap nodes then shock, move forward. You can't afford anything for your team if you shock even 2 rts right off the bat, that includes the most important marine stuff like armory/armslab/observatory. If left unchecked sure this will rack up resources after about 3 minutes when you reach that break-even point. Until then however, you've got fragile 2 hit marines spawning from 1 IP with no upgrades in sight.

Sure that first game was a complete mess, noone went fade as I recall and we had lost 1 or 2 rts that we put down at the start of the game so res was tight. If we hadn't wasted time taking down that elec'd rt (which alone lost us the game) things probably would've gone different. The next few games though lone skulks rushed the base and it was GG. You don't need fades to kill 2 hit marines even without chambers, it sure makes it easy though.

General / advice time.
« on: March 28, 2005, 12:30:10 PM »
I came back to play this game from an era where 1 hive DC fades were the way to go, and upgrades cost skulks money so noone in their right minds bought them. At the time I found the game to be VERY balanced in terms of win percentages. Back then it was very easy to solo against skulks due to the upgrade cost and no inate regen but now it requires some CPL++ aim to take on one of them if not groups that make use of the chambers. Many marines have no caught on to this for some reason and still insist they can rack up kills by wandering the map. This version has been out for weeks now and you'd think that people would get themselves up to speed, and still most haven't :(.

In my mind, marines USED to have the advantage early game, lost it in the middle to fades and chambers (right around the 2 hive mark) and gained it back slightly towards the end if HMG/HA trains made their appearance. It was all about the resources; strategy and teamwork I found was minimal. Now with the free upgrades **** really got stirred and marines really need to work together to make it to a hive intact. Comms can't force anything and it really comes down to the players to take the initiative most times. 4-5+ rines rushing to lockdown a hive is very tough to stop without a fade and yet you rarely see it happen.

With aliens, MC seems to be the chamber of choice in at least 70% of the games I play in. I try to opt for SC to make it interesting once in a while but that tends to get voted out in most cases. So when I DO play as marines (comm or not), I just auto assume its MC until further notice and I think many other comms do as well. That alone should tell you to stick in groups!

On a side note: what I've noticed in the new version is that no matter where I play (server to server) and no matter what the skill base; Aliens win the majority of games. This is not a small majority either, it's like a 4:1 ratio almost! I'd hate to chalk that up to game imbalance, but all things equal evidence seems to point in that direction :( The only other thing I can think of is that with new players, they tend to want to get some bearings in the game and go for marines because it's "CS" like. That alone would make the game very one sided, but usually the game is full of regulars (or maybe that random booting script is lying to me) so that should only slighly skew the stats.

General / MC to hive under attack
« on: March 21, 2005, 09:21:34 PM »
Chalk it up to confusion..I only recently found out that you could use the MC to go to a building hive and I'm sure there are other who were just as clueless. You might be the only one in the hive and in the middle of an attack so it might not occur to you that the message is for you personally.

I still don't know if that's a game bug or not, anyone else?

General / Give this guy a cookie.
« on: March 13, 2005, 05:33:01 PM »
On the money..

Coming from a mainly CS CAL/pug/pub background I really find this applies more to that game than this one.. but still you can tell when people are getting too cocky for their own good. Most of the pubs I play on aren't like this (Thank God), and people work together and I don't get irritated!  :D

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